Fields of research

The safety of infrastructural investments depends largely on a correct recognition of the numerous natural and anthropogenic factors which influence the conditions of the foundation and exploitation of buildings. Presently we participate in deciding the location of future nuclear energy plants and nuclear waste storage sites, in designing underground storage sites for fluid and gas fuel and CO2 sequestration, and in the recognition of engineering geological conditions along the A1 motorway. At our disposal is an engineering geology laboratory and hydrogeological and geophysical equipment.



We define the properties of the building foundation

  • We assess the geological engineering conditions for spatial planning and building foundation

- We examinethe physical and mechanical properties of soils;
- We evaluate groundwater conditions in an area;
- We determine the tension of subsoil

  • In ground allocated for building purposes, we determine the content of heavy metals, radioactive elements, oil derivatives and many other substances which are toxic to life forms