Mountains Witnesses of Global Changes Research in the Himalaya and Karakoram: Share-Asia Project

Edited by
  • Renato Baudo Editor - Italian National Research Council, Institute of Ecosystem Study (CNR-ISE), Verbania Pallanza, Italy
  • Gianni Tartari Editor - Italian National Research Council, Water Research Institute (CNR-IRSA), Brugherio, Italy and Ev-K2-CNR Committee, Bergamo, Italy
  • Elisa Vuillermoz Editor - Ev-K2-CNR Committee, Bergamo, Italy
Volume 10,

Pages 1-342 (2007)

    1. Foreword

      Pages v-vi
    1. Preface

      Page vii
    1. Acknowledgments

      Page xiii
    1. List of Corresponding Authors

      Pages xv-xvii
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    1. List of Acronyms

      Pages xix-xxvii
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    1. 1 Introduction

      Pages 1-6
  1. Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABC)

    1. 2 Global and regional climate change: the next few decades

      Pages 9-11
    2. 3 Does aerosol weaken or strengthen the Asian monsoon?

      Pages 13-22
    3. 4 Global retrieval of aerosol properties from sources to sinks by MODIS

      Page 23
    4. 5 Radiation, aerosol joint observations – monsoon experiment in Gangetic-Himalayan area (RAJO-MEGHA): synergy of satellite-surface observations

      Pages 25-26
    5. 6 Contribution of the WMO global atmosphere watch to high mountain atmospheric chemistry observations

      Pages 27-30
  2. Ev-K2-CNR in Project ABC

    1. 7 From Himalaya to Karakoram: the spreading of the project Ev-K2-CNR

      Pages 33-49
    2. 8 SHARE-Asia contributions to ABC research

      Pages 51-58
    3. 9 Merging regional and global chemistry, air quality and global change: SHARE-Asia in the context of the IGAC project

      Pages 59-65
    4. 10 The ABC-Pyramid: a scientific laboratory at 5079 m a.s.l. for the study of atmospheric composition change and climate

      Pages 67-75
    5. 11 The EV-K2-CNR Pyramid and the AERONET network (Himalayan atmospheric brown cloud characterization via sunphotometer observations)

      Pages 77-82
  3. SHARE-Asia Scientific Fields: Atmospheric Physics & Chemistry, & Global Change

    1. 12 Global earth observation system of systems and the coordinated enhanced observing period high altitude observatories

      Pages 85-86
    2. 13 The coordinated enhanced observing period (CEOP) report: integrated data systems in the study of the water cycle in Asia

      Pages 87-94
    3. 14 Verification of numerical model forecasts of precipitation and satellite-derived rainfall estimates over the Indian region: monsoon 2004

      Pages 95-103
    4. 15 Circulation and relationship between pollutant sources and atmospheric composition in the Himalayan region

      Pages 105-113
    5. 16 Italian air force observatory network for environmental and meteorological monitoring: from data control to quality assurance

      Pages 115-122
    6. 17 Climate change in Italy: an assessment of data and reanalysis models

      Pages 123-132
    7. 18 Climate changes and mountains

      Pages 133-142
  4. SHARE-Asia Scientific Fields: Environmental Indicators of Global Changes

    1. 19 Global scale atmospheric pollution: a regional problem

      Pages 145-146
    2. 20 Platinum group elements and other trace elements in high altitude snow and ice

      Pages 147-153
    3. 21 High altitude lakes: limnology and paleolimnology

      Pages 155-170
    4. 22 Elemental characterization of Himalayan airborne particulate matter collected at 5100 m a.s.l

      Pages 171-183
    5. 23 Interactions between solar ultraviolet radiation and climatic warming in alpine lakes

      Pages 185-186
    6. 24 Global land ice monitoring from space (GLIMS) project regional center for Southwest Asia (Afghanistan and Pakistan)

      Pages 187-208
    7. 25 Remote sensing and GIS for alpine glacier change detection in the Himalaya

      Pages 209-234
    8. 26 Ongoing variations of Himalayan and Karakoram glaciers as witnesses of global changes: recent studies on selected glaciers

      Pages 235-247
    9. 27 Changing climates, changing lives: strengthening adaptive response capacities to climate change in the Huascarán Biosphere Reserve, Peru, and Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park, Nepal

      Pages 249-250
    10. 28 Chemical composition of fresh snow in the Himalaya and Karakoram

      Pages 251-262
    11. 29 Shrinking cryosphere in South Asia

      Pages 263-272
  5. SHARE-Asia Scientific Partners: Commitments to High-altitude Environmental Monitoring in Asia

    1. 30 The third pole of the planet: the Mountain Research Initiative

      Pages 275-280
    2. 31 Global changes and sustainable development in the Hindu Kush–Karakoram–Himalaya

      Pages 281-290
    3. 32 Climate research in the Nepal Himalaya

      Pages 291-299
    4. 33 Development of a mesoscale convective system over the foothills of the Himalaya into a severe storm

      Pages 301-311
    5. 34 Study of land surface heat fluxes and water cycle over the Tibetan plateau

      Pages 313-328
    6. 35 Research on global changes in Pakistan

      Pages 329-340
    1. Subject index

      Pages 341-342
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ISBN: 978-0-444-52990-9

ISSN: 0928-2025