The Western Alps, from Rift to Passive Margin to Orogenic Belt

Edited by
  • Pierre-Charles De Graciansky
  • David G. Roberts
  • Pierre Tricart
Volume 14,

Pages 1-398 (2011)

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    1. Volume Editors

      Page iii
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    1. Copyright

      Page iv
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    1. Dedication

      Page v
    1. Foreword

      Pages xiii-xiv
    1. Acknowledgements

      Pages xv-xviii
    1. List of Figures

      Pages xix-xxx
    1. Introduction

      Pages 1-2
  1. Part I: Introduction

    1. Chapter One - Geosynclines, Passive Margins, Foreland Basins and Folded Belts: An Introduction

      Pages 3-28
    2. Chapter Two - The Alps: Present Day Structure

      Pages 29-53
    3. Chapter Three - On the Origin of the Alps: The Vanished Oceans

      Pages 55-75
    4. Chapter Four - Hercynian Inheritance, Tethyan Rifting and Alpine Nappes

      Pages 77-95
  2. Part II: The Tethys Phase

    1. The Tethys Phase

      Pages 97-98
    2. Chapter Five - The Age of the Onset of Tethyan Rifting in Western Europe

      Pages 99-113
    3. Chapter Six - The Pre-Ligurian Tethys Rift Phase on the European Margin

      Pages 115-146
    4. Chapter Seven - Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Development of the European Margin Spreading of the Liguro-Piemontais Ocean

      Pages 147-168
    5. Chapter Eight - The Late Cretaceous Phase and the Onset of the Alpine Shortening

      Pages 169-182
    6. Chapter Nine - The Tethyan Margin in Corsica

      Pages 183-188
    7. Chapter Ten - The Apulia-African Margin of the Liguro-piemontais Ocean: The Transition from Continent to Ocean

      Pages 189-204
    8. Chapter Eleven - Liguro-piemontais Ophiolites and the Alpine Palaeo-Ocean

      Pages 205-242
    9. Chapter Twelve - Recapitulation and Comparisons: Oceans and Continental Margins in the Alps, an Overview

      Pages 243-266
  3. Part III: From the Tethys to the Alpine Fold Belt

    1. From the Tethys to the Alpine Fold Belt

      Pages 267-268
    2. Chapter Thirteen - Birth of the Western and Central Alps: Structural Inversion and the Onset of Orogenesis

      Pages 269-288
    3. Chapter Fourteen - The Birth of the Western and Central Alps: Subduction, Obduction, Collision

      Pages 289-315
    4. Chapter Fifteen - The Alps – Neotectonics

      Pages 317-336
    5. Chapter Sixteen - Summary, Discussion and Conclusion

      Pages 337-359
    1. References

      Pages 361-376
    1. Geographical Index

      Pages 377-389
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    1. Subject Index

      Pages 391-398
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ISBN: 978-0-444-53724-9

ISSN: 0928-2025