
An integrated geomechanical investigation to enhance gas extraction from the Pomeranian shale formations

Project start date: 12.2014

Project end date: 11.2017

Founding: BlueGas - Polish Shale Gas Programme by the National Centre for Research and Development, grant no. BG2/ShaleMech/14


Project SHALEMECH submitted by the Polish Oil and Gas Company in consortium with research partners coordinated by the Polish Geological Institute and represented by University of Warsaw and Polish Academy of Sciences, aims to explore shale geomechanics to assist exploration and enhance exploitation of unconventional gas reservoirs in Pomerania. The research will integrate a wide range of analyses: core samples laboratory tests, wellbore core and logs interpretation and processing of fracking and microseismic data. Above analyses will be integrated by mean of numerical modeling of effective media, elastic wave propagation, stress and strain distribution coupled with flows of reservoir fluids. The resultant software and investigation procedures will optimize the orientation of productive horizontal wells, provide parameters to enhance hydraulic fracturing design and support the Industrial Partner in making difficult decision, crucial for gas production and decrease of an exploration risk.


More info can e found on the project website: