The mission of the Polish Hydrogeological Survey (PHS) is to limit the degradation of groundwaters intended mainly for consumption and to strive for sustainable management of groundwaters, which are the main source of water for consumption for approx. 70% of Poland’s population.
The mission of the Polish Hydrogeological Survey (PHS) is to limit the degradation of groundwaters intended mainly for consumption and to strive for sustainable management of groundwaters, which are the main source of water for consumption for approx. 70% of Poland’s population. In this respect PHS carries out state duties determined in the Water Act.
The major tasks of the Polish Hydrogeological Survey:
- coordinating national groundwater monitoring programmes in order to assess the quantitative and qualitative status of national groundwater resources;
- undertaking groundwater monitoring in Poland’s border zones;
- collecting, processing and archiving hydrogeological information and making it available to public;
- recognising and documenting Major Groundwater Reservoirs in order to establish their protection areas and to implement action programmes which prevent their degradation;
- coordinating, supervising and creating serial digital hydrogeological maps;
- undertaking analyses and preparing reports on current hydrogeological situations and forecasts regarding changes in the current size of resources, as well as the condition and hazards related to groundwaters;
- warning public administration bodies against dangerous phenomena that take place in recharge zones and in groundwater intake zones;
- preparing and publishing informational and educational materials, as well as disseminating the knowledge and awareness as regards groundwaters among the public.