Main Tasks

The Polish Hydrogeological Survey (PHS) was established based on the Water Law Act of 18 July 2001 (Journal of Laws No. 115 item 1229 as amended). The Water Law Act implements the provisions of EU Directives regulating matters connected with water management and protection of waters against hazards, including Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy, Directive 2006/118/EC on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration and Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. Pursuant to Article 102 para. 4 of the Water Law Act, the functions of the Polish Hydrogeological Survey are performed by the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute.

The Polish Hydrogeological Survey carries out the tasks of the state as regards studying, balancing and protecting groundwaters so that they can be rationally used by the society and the economy (article 102 para. 2). The mission of the PHS is to limit the degradation of groundwaters intended mainly for consumption and to strive for proper management of groundwaters, which are the main source of water for consumption for approx. 70% of Poland’s population. The systematic observations of the quantity and quality of groundwaters carried out by the PHS, the information gathered on the quantity and intake of groundwaters, the analyses and forecasts of their changes, as well as hydrogeological maps are the main source of the knowledge necessary to rationally administer and plan water management. Properly and efficiently performed tasks of the PHS help supply the society and the economy with adequate amount of quality water and at the same time ensure effective protection of groundwater resources. There are disposable freshwater resources in Poland of approx. 13.6 km3/year while the total groundwater intake ranges from 3.5 to 4.8 km3/year, which shows that Poland has quite considerable reserves. The principle of sustainable groundwater management, which takes into account the demand of the society and the economy and, at the same time, ensures the protection of resources and groundwater-dependent ecosystems requires detailed knowledge concerning the hydrogeological and environmental conditions of the occurrence of aquifers. This is why the Polish Hydrogeological Survey carries out a series of works the purpose of which is to study and protect groundwater resources.

The most significant tasks performed by the Polish Hydrogeological Survey include:

  • Measurements, observations and hydrogeological studies in the groundwater monitoring network, which comprises over 1100 research points,
  • Groundwater monitoring in the border zones of Poland, including assessment of the directions of groundwater flow in cross-border areas,
  • Accumulation, processing and archiving of information on hydrogeological conditions, quantity of resources and groundwater condition and making the information available (keeping and updating hydrogeological databases),
  • Studying and documenting Major Groundwater Reservoirs in order to establish their protection areas and to implement action programmes which prevent their degradation,
  • Coordinating, supervising and creating serial digital hydrogeological maps,
  • Groundwater condition assessments as regards quality and quantity,
  • Regular analyses and assessments of hydrogeological conditions, including announcements on current hydrogeological conditions and forecasts regarding changes in the quantity of resources, the condition and hazards of groundwaters,
  • Developing and publishing informational and educational materials, including the Groundwater Quarterly Informational Bulletin and the Hydrogeological Annual Report,
  • Operation of a team for studies on the extent of contamination arising from incidents, accidents or disasters.

A significant aspect of the activity of the Polish Hydrogeological Survey involves raising the awareness of the public in the area of groundwater use. Consumers do not tend to think about the origin of the water they drink and they are often unaware that it comes from “invisible” groundwaters, the quantity of which exceeds that of “visible” surface waters several dozen times. The objective of activities undertaken by the PHS is the conscious use of groundwaters in a way which does not degrade the resources. Groundwater, pursuant to the provision of the preamble to the Water Framework Directive, is a part of our heritage which can be used but must be protected and left to future generations.