Michał Słotwiński

Michał Słotwiński

MSc: 2017, Instytut Nauk Geologicznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

MSc thesis: Interpretacja budowy czapy Wysadu Solnego Kłodawy na podstawie danych otworowych










Email: michal.slotwinski(at)pgi.gov.pl

Phone.: 71 33 72 091 ext. 145


Research interests:

I have finished my bachelor engineer degree studies in 2015, in mining and geology at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Then, I chose master degree course in Geology at the University of Wrocław. After finishing it in 2017, I started my PhD on the same university, in the Department of Structural Geology and Tectonics. Since october 2017 I'm also engaged with parallel work in cooperation with PGI-NRI, through scholarship grant by National Science Centre. My PGI-NRI activity is focused on numerical modelling of salt tectonics.