Kinga Bobek

Kinga Bobek

M.Sc.: 2014, AGH University of Science and Technology, Petroleum Geology

M.Sc. thesis: Interpretation of borehole wall failures in terms of recent tectonic stress field










E-mail: kinga.bobek(at)

Phone: (+48) 22 45 92 438


Research interests:

My so far research interests lie primary in the structural profiling of borehole cores (in macro scale), interpretation of tectonic structures in geophysical logs (borehole images) and broadly defined analysis of natural fractures network in petroleum reservoirs. In my current work I’m mostly focused on modern approaches of data analysis (cleaning, processing, analysis, visualization) in Python and MatLab programming languages. Moreover, I create scripts for tectonic structures systems characterization.



  1. Olkowicz, M., Bobek, K., Jarosiński, M., & Pachytel, R. (2021). Comparison of joint sets orientation in the Lower Paleozoic shales exposed in Scania (SW Sweden) and concealed in N Poland: a multi-methodological approach. Geological Quarterly, 65(4), 65-63
  2. Bobek K., and Jarosiński M., 2018. Parallel structural interpretation of drill cores and microresistivity scanner images from gas-bearing shale (Baltic Basin, Poland). Interpretation

  3. Bobek K., Jarosiński M., and Pachytel R., Tectonic structures in shale that you do not include in your reservoir model, In Proceedings of the 51th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, California, 25-28 June 2017.

  4. Pachytel R., Jarosiński M., Bobek K., Geomechanical stratification in a shale reservoir and its correlation with natural fractures: case from Pomeranian Basin (Poland), In Proceedings of the 51th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, California, 25-28 June 2017.