The GeoPlanet Doctoral School ( is operated jointly by the following institutions:
- Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences – the leading institution of the Geoplanet Doctoral School
- Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PGI - NRI).
The GeoPlanet school educates doctoral students in the following disciplines: astronomy, physical sciences, earth and environmental sciences, social and economic geography and spatial planning, automation, electronic and electrical engineering.
PGI - NRI joined the GeoPlanet Doctoral School based on the agreement dated on the 7th September 2022.
The Geoplanet Doctoral School is managed by the Board that consists of the school coordinators operating in its Institutes. The coordinator in the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center Radosław Smolec, D.Sc, is the head of the Geoplanet school.
As a member of the GeoPlanet Doctoral School PGI - NRI conducts doctoral studies in geology. The PhD students are offered projects within the main research areas of PGI-NRI, including Sedimentary Basins & Petroleum Systems Analysis, Regional Geology, Geothermal Energy, Geophysics, Natural Hazards, Environmental Geology, Engineering Geology, Tectonics, Paleontology, Hydrogeology, Marine Geology, Quaternary Geology, Geological Mapping and 3-D Structure Modeling, and Geological Processes Modelling.
pdf Regulations of the doctoral school (237 KB)
The course lasts 4 years and is conducted in English. During the course the student attends lectures and participates in research under the supervision of a research tutor.
Fulfilling the Degree Programme Curriculum is the necessary condition for completing the education in the Geoplanet school, and it includes passing the interdisciplinary lectures, presenting an obligatory doctoral seminar once a year, earning positive evaluation of the yearly progress reports, and preparing a doctoral dissertation.
The education in the GeoPlanet Doctoral School is conducted based on pdf the Degree Programme Curriculum (154 KB) and pdf an individual research plan (88 KB) . The education outcomes are assessed based on oral and written exames as well as seminars and reports. The implementation of the Degree Programme Curriculum aims at achieving the learning outcomes stipulated for the qualifications described at the 8th Level of the Polish Qualification Framework
Recruitment to the GeoPlanet Doctoral School is a two-stage competition open for international applicants. The candidate applying to the GeoPlanet Doctoral School needs to hold a master's degree, a master's degree in engineering or an equivalent degree. Applicants should select a research topic and contact with a potential supervisor (Supervisors and PhD topics).
The recruitment rules are presented in details in
Recruitment rules
(123 KB)
The GeoPlanet Doctoral School statue and regulations
- pdf Regulations of the doctoral school (237 KB)
- pdf Course Card (155 KB)
- pdf Recruitment rules (123 KB)
Program of the studies
(154 KB)
Useful links
- National Science Centre –
- Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) –
- Study in Poland for international students –
- Coordination Point for Polish and European Qualifications Framework –
Geoplanet Doctoral School Coordinator at PIG-NRI
Marcin Dąbrowski, D.Sc. Assoc. Prof.
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. +48 71 337 20 92 ext. 152, mob. +48 731 481 316
Secretary's Office of the GeoPlanet Doctoral School at PGI-NRI
Małgorzata Kozioł, M.Sc.
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. +48 71 337 20 92, ext. 172