Rock salt - occurrence in Poland

 Rock salt deposits occurring in Poland belongs to two ma¬jor salt formations that were formed in time interval of approx. 255-251 and at ca. 13 million years ago in late Permian (Zechstein) and Neogene (Miocene) respectively.

The Zechstein salts cover more than 2/3 of Poland’s surface area. They occur at depths ranging from several hundred meters in North Poland and the Fore-Sudetic region to 7 km in the central Polish Lowlands where they form pillows, high salt domes, pillars and comb-like structures – called diapir deposits.

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The Miocene salts occur in a narrow belt stretching in the Carpathian Foredeep Basin from Silesia through Wieliczka, Bochnia to the eastern border of Poland. The deposits are up to 300 m thick.

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