Student lecturer in geology

A group of specifically prepared select volunteers is to share their knowledge of geology with high school students. Almost 8,000 high school students took part in the previous cycle of the “Student Lecturer” initiative.

University students are to deliver lessons on select domestic mineral resources and other geological aspects, including Poland’s natural resources and environmental protection. The lessons are intended for primary school pupils and high school students across Poland. The project has been prepared in response to a huge interest enjoyed by the previous cycle of the “Student Lecturer” initiative. Schools may apply to project by filling a registration form which is to be posted soon at the website of Polish Geological Institute - NRI. First lessons will be delivered in March 2017.

At initial project stages the key tasks of PGI-NRI experts was to recruit university students who have volunteered to work with young people. A three-stage procedure of volunteer selection was delivered in December 2016 in Gdansk, Krakow and Warsaw. The candidates had to prepare a short film about themselves and deliver it to the Institute. Subsequently, their knowledge of geology and selected Polish mineral resources was tested. At the final stage of recruitment candidate lecturers were interviewed to present not only their knowledge but also achievements, previous experience and areas of interest. Finally, 26 students from AGH University of Science and Technology (Krakow), Gdansk University, Jagellonian University (Krakow), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan) and Warsaw University were selected to the project.


Students selected to the project receive training at Warsaw PGI-NRI Headquarters

In January the selected volunteers were invited to PGI-NRI Headquarters in Warsaw for scientific training delivered on 20 January. Mineral resource topics were presented to them by  PGI-NRI experts  – Dr. Jacek Kasiński, Dr. Grzegorz Czapowski and Dr. Sławomir Oszczepalski. Training in presentation and public speaking skills was provided by Dr. Paweł Pietrzykowski.

The first cycle of the “Student Lecturer” outreach programme was held in 2015. At that time the lessons were on exploration and production of hydrocarbons from shale formations and related environmental aspects. More than 100 schools from 12 voivodships participated in that initiative. Over a period of almost three months university students previously trained by PGI-NRI delivered 312 lessons attended by almost 8,000 high school students. A huge interest expressed in the initiative and a high rating by academic experts encouraged PGI-NRI to continue the project.

by: Maja Kowalska