Rock salt - consumption in Poland

 In the years 1990-2013, rock salt consumption in Poland has ranged from 2.9 to 4.4 million tonnes. Average annual consumption has been in the order of 4 million tonnes over the past 5 years.

Assuming annual rock salt output on the level of 4 million tonnes, the total Polish proven both economic and potentially economic resources would suffice for the next 27,000 years.

sol zuzycie polska

Rock salt consumption (in million tonnes) from 1990 through 2013. Source: Bilans zasobów złóż i kopalin w Polsce, 1993–2010; Bilans gospodarki surowcami Polski i Świata, 2013

The importance of salt deposits as potential sites of underground gas and liquid fuel storage facilities in salt caverns and underground hazardous waste disposals will continue to grow in the years to come.

Proven recoverable resources (anticipated economic resources) – resources in a deposit (or in a part thereof) of which natural characteristics meet the limit values of the parameters that define the deposit and enable resource recovery.

Proven recoverable sub-economic resources – resources in a deposit that do not meet recoverability criteria and are in non-recoverable geological and mining conditions, but potentially can be mined in the future.