PIG-NRI scientists take part in archaeological research in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia
The southern part of Mongolia and the Gobi Desert area have attracted researchers from all over the world for decades. The region is well known to Polish geologists, who were among the first in the world to successfully conduct geological and paleontological research here and take part in the prospecting of mineral deposits.
The signing of "Memorandum of Understanding on Geology and Raw Materials" with Ukraine
On June 23, 2022, representatives of the geological surveys of Poland and Ukraine, in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment, Poland’s Chief Geologist Dr. Piotr Dziadzio, signed an Agreement on Cooperation in Geology and Raw Materials.
"The balance of mineral resources deposits in Poland as of 31.12.2021"
The latest edition of “The balance of mineral resources deposits in Poland” (in Polish) is available online. In the publication Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) presented data on more than 14.5 thousand mineral raw materials deposits documented in Poland as of 31.12.2021.
The 6th edition of the publication “Mineral Resources of Poland” (in English) is available on-line
The publication contains the updated information on the raw materials resources base and output. In the case of selected raw materials there were also data covering the multi-year period presented and the prospective of the resources base extension discussed.