Following tradition, the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) celebrated also our geological festival this year. The Miner’s Day (commonly known in Poland as Barbórka) was celebrated as it should be on 4th of December at venues of the Geological Museum of the PGI-NRI by many current and former employees as well as with many important guests.
Festivities began at 1 pm with the miners anthem sung by the PGI-NRI choir.
Afterwards that, PGI-NRI Director Dr Eng. Mateusz Damrat welcomed all those gathered, including Minister Michał Woś, Dr Piotr Dziadzio – Secretary of State at the Ministry of Climate, Anna Moskwa –Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Joanna Kopczyńska – Deputy Presidentfor Management of Aquatic Environment, State Water Holding Polish Waters, Dr Łukasz Młynarkiewicz – Acting President of the National Atomic Energy Agency, Beata Nowosielska – General Director of the National Atomic Energy Agency, Marek Surmacz – Deputy Chief Inspector of the Environmental Protection, Andrzej Długołęcki – General Director of the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, Antoni Giłka – Director of the District Mining Office in Warsaw, Marek Ryszka – Chairman of the Board of the Polish National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, [Powtórzenie], Piotr Woźniak –President of the Management Board of PGNiG SA, Jacek Gryga – Deputy General Director of General Directorate for the National Roads and Motorways. The event was attended also by representatives of the Ministry of the Climate including heads of the Department of Geology and Geological Concessions, Department of the Geological Supervision and Department of Raw Material Policy and Analyses as well as representatives of the academia, research institutes, geological companies and industry organisations. Many participants wore traditional ceremonial miner uniforms with orders, decorations and medals as well as golden knefles (metal buttons) attracting everyone’s attention.
Many guests attended the celebration and the atmosphere was solemn
Following long-standing tradition, PGI-NRI Director gave the Miner’s Day report on the Institute in its jubilee year by listing the most important tasks, achievements and rewards. The Institute mostly carried out tasks of the National Geological Survey (76 projects) and Hydrogeological Survey (43 projects), was responsible for research and development, cooperated on the national and international arena as well as played an educational role and promoted knowledge (430 projects in total). We were granted many prestigious awards including the “Poland Now” (Teraz Polska) Emblem – received together with PGNiG AS – in the category of innovative projects for “Pre-mining extraction of coal-bed methane using hydraulic fracturing with directional drillholes”, an international award for Special Achievement in GIS (SAG), three distinctions in the Geologia 2019 competition of the Minister of Environment, , the title of Synergy of Science and Business 2019 for overall achievements, the Polish Science Prize for Intelligent Development in the category of Award for Scientific Achievements and the honorary medal Zasłużony dla Mazowsza (Merit for the Mazovia Province).
Director of the PGI-NRI Dr Eng. Mateusz Damrat presenting the Barbórka (Miner’s Day) report
Barbórka (Miner’s Day) report 2019 >>>
(5.14 MB)
After the report, Minister Michał Woś gave his speech, in which he wished Institute directors as well as all other employees fulfilment of their plans, both professional and personal, as well as successes in all areas of life. In his brief speech, State Secretary in the Ministry of Climate, Piotr Dziadzio, expressed his gratitude for employees of the Institute for their important and needed service.
Dr Piotr Dziadzio expressing his wishes to Institute employees
The next point of the official part of the event was the granting state and ministerial medals and decorations, diplomas of miner rank, scientific grades as well as special awards from PGI-NRI Director to outstanding employees. This year the list was very long and included almost 50 people, one half of whomcollected their distinctions in person.
President of the Republic of Poland awarded PGI-NRI Professor of the PGI-NRI Magdalena Sikorska-Jaworowska with a Gold Medal for Long Service
Mazovia Province Marshal Adam Struzik awarded the PGI-NRI the honorary medal Zasłużony dla Mazowsza (Merit for the Mazovia Province). The distinction was handed to Director Dr Eng. Mateusz Damrat by Katarzyna Bornowska, councillor of the Mazovia Province.
Institute Director receiving an award to the PGI-NRI from the marshal of the Mazovia Province Marshal Adam Struzik
The official part was concluded by a concert of the PGI-NRI choir directed by Justyna Pahulak, that included three popular songs.
PGI-NRI choir singing traditional mining songs
After the official part, a ceremonial unveiling took place of two copies (a może lepiej: replicas) of amphoras, that stood before the World War II in the main hall of the Geological Museum but which were unfortunately destroyed as a result of the war hostilities. Professor Stanisław Wołkowicz organised a voluntary collection among Institute employees to reproduce the amphoras and fill them with petroleum and brine from two Polish plays. During the unveiling ceremony, PGNiG SA President Piotr Woźniak was presented an original gift from the PGI-NRI, i.e. a third amphora that from now on will stand at the company headquarters.
Amphoras donated by employees for the 100th Anniversary of the Polish Geological Institute
Barbórka was a celebration showing our respect for the hard job of miners and geologists as well as a joyful meeting at the Beer Tavern lasting late into the night. According to many participants, this was a very happy social event.
Barbórka meeting at Geological Museum venues held to the late night hours
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Photos: Paweł Derkowski