On the 15th of April, 2021, a meeting was held to establish geological cooperation between Poland and Mongolia.
The online meeting had an official character with the participation of the Undersecretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for Raw Materials Policy, Poland’s Chief Geologist Dr. Piotr Dziadzio, His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Mongolia Krzysztof Bojko, the management of PGI-NRI in the persons of dr. Dr. Mateusz Damrat, Dr. Andrzej Głuszyński and Dr. Piotr Szrek, as well as Prof. Antoni Wójcik (PGI-NRI Geoscience Center) and Mr. Michał Nowosielski (Ministry of Climate and Environment). The Mongolian side was symmetrically represented by the Head of Raw Materials Policy of the Ministry of Mongolia, Dr. Bat Bold, His Excellency the Ambassador of Mongolia in Poland Dory Barkhas (who was personally present at PGI-NRI in Warsaw) and the director of the Mongolian Geological Survey in the persons of Dr. Khuluun Oidov and Dr. Ujanga Bold.
From right standing: His Excellency Ambassador of Mongolia to Poland Dorja Barkhasa, Director of the Polish Geological Institute-NRI, Dr Mateusz Damrat, Deputy Director for Research and Development, Dr Piotr Szrek, and Deputy Director for Geological Survey, Andrzej Głuszyński
The meeting, the first at such high level, started with the declaration of willingness to cooperate by ambassadors, ministers and directors of the institutes representing both countries. In the next part of the meeting, the activities of Polish and Mongolian geological surveys were presented with particular emphasis on the areas in which it will be possible to establish cooperation in the field of regional studies, resource exploration, cartography, geohazards, geological information gathering and processing, and geothermal energy. The experiences on organization, structure and position of geological surveys were also exchanged. The Polish side also mentioned the possibilities of scientific cooperation in the direction of development and exchange of staff, as well as joint grant projects.
Talks on future cooperation are underway
An important element of the discussion was defining the shape of the letter of intent between the Polish and Mongolian geological surveys, the draft of which is now in the final stage of negotiation. The discussion also included a summary of relations between geologists of both countries to date.
Presentation of Mongolian Geological Survey achievements and work
DThe good atmosphere of our relationship, both at the stage of organizing the meeting and the current intensive working contacts, allows a belief that the cooperation between the geological surveys of Poland and Mongolia will be constructive and mutually beneficial.
Photos: Michal Zielinski
Translated by Tomasz Trzpil (PGI-NRI)