The European Hydrogen Week, which took place in Brussels on 18–22 November 2024, turned out to be the largest meeting of industry leaders, academic communities and decision-makers operating in hydrogen market (
Over 230 exhibitors appeared accompanying the conference, including the largest players on the hydrogen market (e.g. Toyota), our domestic partners (ORLEN S.A.), as well as supporting institutions such as the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Thematic sessions were held in parallel on three separate stages: HIGH-LEVEL POLICY CONFERENCE, B2B FORUM and INNOVATION FORUM, where over 200 speakers presented their work. It was an excellent opportunity to present the research ideas regarding the development of clean hydrogen production technologies.
For this reason, the NCBR National Contact Point for EU Research Programmes, in cooperation with the GREENET and NCP_WIDERA.NET projects, organized and supported the participation of Polish organizations in the event.
During the pitching session, on the INNOVATION FORUM stage, 12 organizations from countries such as Poland, Latvia, Slovakia, Greece, Croatia, Spain and Turkey presented their research potential and project ideas in the field of the hydrogen economy.
Their participation in the session was made possible by travel grants awarded by the NCP_WIDERA.NET project, and one of the winners was Ph.D. Krystian Wójcik – an employee of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute.
Krystian Wójcik (PGI-NRI) with the experts from the National Centre for Research and Development – Karolina Janiak, Aneta Maszewska and Katarzyna Buszkiewicz-Seferyńska
Krystian Wójcik talks about “How to find natural hydrogen in Poland” during the pitching session
Organizers and participants of the pitching session, Innovation Forum, European Hydrogen Week
Pitching jako forma przedstawienia siebie, swojej organizacji i pomysłów na badania i innowacje to skuteczna metoda na promocję projektów i instytucji oraz poszukiwanie partnerów i konsorcjów do współpracy w projektach badawczych.
Pitching as a form of self-presentation is an effective method for promoting projects and institutions, which enables to find partners and consortiums for international cooperation. Ph.D. Krystian Wójcik, during his 4-minute speech, talked about the challenges facing Polish geology, and especially the Polish Geological Survey, which starts the exploration of natural hydrogen in our country. The exploitation of hydrogen from geological sources should be consider as an alternative and additional method of renewable hydrogen production in EU, which could cover even 10% of the demand in 2030. Undoubtedly, international collaboration with experts from other fields of science, such as chemistry, physics or biology within projects financed e.g. by the European Union, is expected. Therefore we encourage to contact with our experts to discuss the opportunities and possibilities, as the goal is to find natural hydrogen fields and to start their exploitation in Europe.
Text: Krystian Wójcik
Photos: Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju