PGI-NRI delegates at the „Quo vadis sal” XXVI International Salt Symposium
The „Quo Vadis Sal” XXVI International Salt Symposium was held on 21-25 September 2022 in the main building of the AGH University of Science and Technology and the Qubus Hotel in Kraków. The organiser of the meeting was the Polish Salt Mining Association, which at the same time celebrated the 30th anniversary of its foundation and activities. Eight delegates from PGI-PIB took part in the symposium.
The Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute joins the GeoPlanet Doctoral School
The agreement on the accession of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) to the GeoPlanet Doctoral School was signed in September 2022. PGI-NRI will educate doctoral students in the discipline of Earth and environmental sciences, starting from the academic year of 2022/2023.
PGI-NRI participates in the international CCUS ZEN project
On September 28-29, the kick-off meeting of the CCUS ZEN (Zero Emission Network to facilitate CCUS uptake in industrial clusters) project was held in Paris, France, in which PGI-NRI is actively participating as one of the partners of a pan-European consortium implementing a grant funded by the EU Horizon Europe programme for the next 30 months.
PGI-NRI takes a look at BEOS 2022 conference – global opportunities and challenges for oil and gas exploration
BEOS 2022 (Business and Exploration Opportunities Show) for the first time joined AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) and PESGB (Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain) members during one conference and exploration show (1-2 September, 2022; London, Great Britain) dedicated to current oil and gas exploration opportunities and challenges.