Discovery of globally unique dinosaur fossils in Mazovia
Perfectly preserved dinosaur fossils - footprints and bones - were discovered in the Mazovia region in an open-pit clay mine in Borkowice, near the town of Przysucha. These are, so far, the best preserved tracks described in Poland.
PGI-NRI has four new PhDs!
We are pleased to announce that in the second half of 2021, four employees of the Polish Geological Institute - NRI have been awarded doctoral degrees. They are: Anna Gabryś-Godlewska from the Department of Environmental Geology, Sylwester Kamieniarz and Krzysztof Karwacki from the Center for Geoscience, and Paweł Urbański from the Department of Compositional and Economic Geology.
Agreement on cooperation between PGI-NRI and the National Geological Service of Mongolia
On November 24, 2021, a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) and the National Geological Service of Mongolia (NGS) was signed in the capital city of Ulan Bator.
PGI-NRI at the EuroPOWER and RES Power Conference
The 34th EuroPOWER Energy Conference combined with the 4th RES Power Congress was held in Warsaw on the 17-18 of November, 2021. The debates held during EuroPower and RES POWER included issues related to the strategy for energy transition, the prospects for the development of hydrogen technologies, the modernization and expansion of distribution networks, as well as the development of wind power and large-scale photovoltaic farms.