The Scientific Council at PGI-NRI has awarded a habilitation degree to dr. Marcin Dąbrowski
We are pleased to announce that by the resolution no. 5/V/2021 of 21 May 2021 the Scientific Council of the Polish Geological Institute-NRI unanimously conferred on Dr. Marcin Dąbrowski of the Lower Silesian Branch in Wrocław the academic degree of doctor habilitatus in the field of Exact and Natural Sciences in the discipline of Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Multi-purpose research vessel for Poland
On the 13th of May, 2021, the Minister of Climate and Environment Michał Kurtyka, the Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek and the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Marek Gróbarczyk, signed a letter of intent to acquire a scientific research vessel.
The strength of the Ministry’s Climate and Environment institutions
The Minister of Climate and Environment supervises nine research institutes. The fulfillment of tasks set for the Ministry requires a good flow of information and full cooperation of all of them. The research potential - in terms of personnel and equipment - of individual institutes is often unique and represents a great value in the field of development of modern science. The question of how best to use it in meeting the challenges posed by the modern economy was discussed during a meeting between the management of the Ministry of Climate and Environment and the directors of the institutes.
We establish geological cooperation with Mongolia
On the 15th of April, 2021, a meeting was held to establish geological cooperation between Poland and Mongolia.