New investment for geological information security
In Leszcze near Kłodawa, a modern storage warehouse for geological samples and an analytical-laboratory building for on-site geological surveys are being built. This is the most important investment in the field of geological sample management belonging to the State Treasury in many years. The opening of the facility is planned for 2023.
The European Waterprotect project has data and applications straight from the CBDG
The European WATERPROTECT project - Innovative tools enabling drinking WATER PROTECTion in rural and urban environments is coming to an end. It lasted over 3 years and was financed from EU funds under the Horizon 2020 program. Its main goal was to develop modern principles of water resource management and effective water protection in areas intensively used for agriculture.
We make informational and educational brochures about mineral resources available
As part of the project titled the “Support for activities of the Chief Geologist of the Country in the field of the State Raw Materials Policy”, updates of informational and educational brochures on selected mineral raw materials were prepared.
On the trail of magnetic anomalies in the area of Przerzeczyn Zdrój
The Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) is conducting research on the magnetic anomaly in the area of Przerzeczyn Zdrój (Lower Silesian voivodship). In October 2020, drilling of boreholes with whole core profiles to the depth of 250 meters (Przerzeczyn PIG 1 and Przerzeczyn PIG 2) was completed.