The long-term Program for the Development of Utilization of Geothermal Resources in Poland and the role of the Polish Geological Survey in the development of Polish geothermal energy were the main topics of the 3rd Forum of the Polish Geological Survey, which took place on June 30, 2021 in Warsaw and was broadcast online. More than 300 people declared their participation in the event.
- The works carried out by PGI-NRI in the field of geothermics are in line with the assumptions of the government strategy for increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the overall energy balance and, at the same time, they are conducive to using the resource potential of thermal and therapeutic waters as a stimulator of economic growth and as support for local government entities - assured the Director of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, Mateusz Damrat, Ph.D., while opening the 3rd Forum of the Polish Geological Survey titled "The potential and prospects for using geothermal resources in Poland". At the same time, the Director expressed his hope that the recommendations presented by the PGI-NRI experts would contribute to an increase in the use of geothermal resources in Poland.
Director of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, Mateusz Damrat, Ph.D., during the 3rd Forum of the Polish Geological Survey
The assumptions of the geothermal development strategy were presented by Poland’s Chief Geologist - Dr. Piotr Dziadzio, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Government Plenipotentiary for the National Raw Materials Policy. The strategy takes into account the potential of both shallower and deeper layers of the Earth's crust and is based on the research, construction and implementation of pilot installations.
Poland’s Chief Geologist - Dr. Piotr Dziadzio
After the speeches given by the Director of PGI-NRI and the Chief National Geologist, the thematic session dedicated to classical geothermal, i.e. medium-temperature and low-temperature geothermics began. The topics were introduced with a short film presenting the possibilities and examples of using thermal waters in Poland.
The block of presentations by PGI-NRI experts began with a presentation on documented deposits of thermal waters - their resources, methods of management and prospects for use. Attention was drawn to the global problem of anthropopressure which leads to, among other things, climate change caused by the excessive emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The necessity of taking actions aiming at replacing conventional sources of energy with clean energy coming from renewable sources, such as thermal water energy, was emphasized.
Chair of the 3rd PSG Forum Dr. Mariusz Socha, Manager at the Laboratory of Waters Recognized as Minerals in the Department of Compositional and Economic Geology of PGI-NRI
The subject of the block of presentations was also the legal regulations related to prospecting, identifying and exploiting thermal waters in Poland. Forum participants could learn how, step by step, the implementation of geothermal projects looks like and what should the role of an investor, geologist and of geological administration be in this process.
One of the tasks of the Polish Geological Survey is collecting, providing access to, processing and archiving geological information and maintaining databases. The Institute has at its disposal the largest resource of geological data in the country, access to which is necessary for the implementation of many tasks, including those in the field of geothermics. During the Forum, issues concerning the way and mode of making geological information available were presented. It certainly helped to understand the principles of using geological information.
Ewa Filippovits from the Department of Reservoir and Economic Geology of PGI-NRI during the presentation
From the point of view of future investors, the speech relating to new perspectives for geothermal energy in Poland could have been particularly interesting. The subject of risk associated with this type of investments was discussed, and the ways of minimizing it, as well as factors influencing the profitability of using geothermal resources were indicated.
The participants could also listen to those who have invested in geothermal energy. The Mayor of Mszczonów, Mr. Józef Grzegorz Kurek, and the President of the Board at Geotermia Poddębice, Ms. Anna Karska, shared their experiences and unanimously agreed that it was worth investing in geothermal energy.
The second part of the thematic block was devoted to low-temperature geothermal, which presented, among others, the tasks of the Polish Geological Survey in evaluating the energy potential of low-temperature geothermal and environmental conditions. Grzegorz Ryżyński z Zakładu Geologii Inżynierskiej PIG-PIB prezentuje aspekty geotermii niskotemperaturowej
Grzegorz Ryżyński from the Department of Engineering Geology of PGI-NRI presents aspects of low temperature geothermics
Throughout the Forum, participants had the opportunity to ask questions through a specially prepared form, which were answered during the closing panel discussion.
PGI-NRI experts answer questions from participants
We encourage you to watch the full recording of the 3rd PSG Forum on the YouTube channel of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute.
Text: Eve Filippovits
Photos: Michal Zielinski
Translated by Tomasz Trzpil (PGI-NRI)
pdf Nowe perspektywy dla geotermii w Polsce - dr Mariusz Socha (2.55 MB)
pdf Potencjał geotermii niskotemperaturowej w Polsce i na świecie - Grzegorz Ryżyński (8.31 MB)