We test soils and rocks properties in the line national and international standards (PN, PN-EN ISO, ASTM, BS, DIN) and other procedures. Physical, mechanical and hydraulical parameters are checked for geological and geotechnical reports for construction sector and spatial planning. We tailor description andclassification of soils and rocks to customer needs and/or requirements. In order to ensure quality and obtain a certificate of accreditation PCA (Polish Centre for Accreditation) we create a quality assurance system.
We describe:
- grain and particle size distribution by sieve analysys, hydrometer tests and laser particle sizer
- Atterberg limits (shrinkage limit, plastic limit and liquid limit)
- Consistency parameters (plasticity index, consistency index)
- linear shrinkage
- water content (moisture content, humidity)
- dry unit weight and bulk density of soil
- dry density
- external surface area and ion exchange capacity
- calcium carbonate conetent
- organic matter content
- porosity by mercury porosimeter
- internal erosion by pin-hole test
- active and passive capillarity
- density index of non-cohesive soils
- optimal moisture content
- maximal dry density by manual and automatic Proctor device
- relative compation
- sand equivalent
- sorption and diffusion of soils
- shear strength by triaxial tests with principal types of procedures: UU, CIU, CID; by direct shear test; by laboratory vane shear tester and by triaxial test in dynamic conditions
- total and effective values of cohesion and friction angle
- stress-strain parameters (coefficient of vertical and radial consolidation, coefficient of secondary consolidation, compressibility index, etc.) with incremental or continuous loading type in oedometers, Wissa oedometer and triaxial cell
- Gmax by bender elements (BE) and resonant column (RC) up to strain 0,0001%
- swelling pressure and swelling index by oedoemeter test and by soil volume change apparatus
- coefficient of permeability by constant and falling head in permeameter and triaxial test with the forced flow
- coefficient of permeability by falling head in oedometers