Laboratorium Analiz w Mikroobszarze wykonuje precyzyjne oznaczenia pierwiastków śladowych i analizy izotopowe in-situ próbek w stanie stałym. W skład laboratorium wchodzą dwie nowocześnie wyposażone pracownie:
The laboratory is equipped with CAMECA SX 100 electron microprobe – one of the most innovative probes in the world. Precise determination of trace elements within micro-areas has many applications in various studies, among others, in mineralogical and petrographical investigations, environmental protection studies, microbiology, and archaeology.
The laboratory is equipped with enhanced version of Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe Multicollector known as SHRIMP IIe/MC. SHRIMP is a large radius secondary ions mass spectrometer specialized for in situ microanalysis of various solid state materials. The only limitation are liquid and gaseous phase contents. A focused primary beam of oxygen or cesium ions is used to sputter 10-30 µm areas of samples surface. The depth of penetration is limited to about 2-5 nm. SHRIMP is used for U-Pb geochronology, stable isotope analysis, trace element analysis, and detection of isotopic composition and anomalies from the early solar system.
Head of the Micro-Area Analysis Laboratory
dr Ewa Krzemińska
Phone no.: +48 22 459 2293; +48 504 921 861
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