From the 1st of January 2012, public access to the geological information gathered and processed by the Polish Hydrogeological Survey is regulated by:
- The Water Law Act dated 18th July 2001 (Journal of Laws 2012, item 145)
- The Ordinance of the Minister of the Environment dated 6th November 2008 on standard procedures for gathering and processing information by the Polish Hydrological and Meteorological Survey as well as the Polish Hydrogeological Survey (Journal of Laws 2008 No. 225, item 1501)
- The Act of Access to Public Information dated 6th September 2001 (Journal of Laws 2001, No. 112, item 1198 with later amendments)
Therefore there are new access regulations, including new application forms and a new price list.
APPLICATION FORMS (only in Polish)
Applications for access to information gathered and processed by the Polish Hydrogeological Survey can be submitted and information (data) can be released Tuesday to Friday between 9.00 and 15.00
Room 7 and 8, building A, tel. +48 22 45 92 389, +48 22 45 92 399
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tuesday - Friday 9.00 - 15.00