PGI-NRI expert in the Polish climate change negotiation team
From 3rd to 13th of June 2024 in Bonn, the 60th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(SB60 UNFCCC - UN Climate Change Conference). took place. PGI-NRI representative Urszula Czarniecka-Januszczyk attended the event, supporting the Polish government delegation.
Director of PGI-NRI at the Congress of the Polish Gas Industry
From 10th to 11th of June 2024, the 9th Congress of the Polish Gas Industry took place in Łódź. The theme was “Decarbonisation in the gas industry”. There were six thematic sessions consisting of an introductory lecture and a panel discussion. The organisers set themselves the objective of developing a new strategy for the gas market in Poland under changing geopolitical conditions.
PGI-NRI at the meeting of the Berea Working Group
Discussion of problems of development of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous basins in Poland and Hungary, identification of possibilities of using existing databases for global definition of boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous systems and elaboration of assumptions for further co-operation between geological surveys of Poland and Hungary were the key topics of the meeting of members of the Berriasian Working Group held on 20-26.05.2024 in Hungary, in the area of Bakon Forest (Zadunai Central Highlands).
PGI-NRI at the Europe Regional Conference 2024
On May 28-29, 2024, Kraków hosted an industry event entitled Europe Regional Conference 2024 (ERC24), organised by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG). The theme of the conference was Energy Transition: Is the European Approach Different?).