Acreage: 270,05 km2; 66,731 acres
Concession blocks: 416 i 417
No. point | x [PUWG92] | y [PUWG92] |
1 | 235252,37 | 711178,20 |
2 | 228291,89 | 722315,00 |
3 | 235141,04 | 726795,89 |
4 | 223925,01 | 744543,90 |
5 | 223895,85 | 743860,81 |
6 | 222687,04 | 715541,91 |
7 | 222646,09 | 713598,33 |
8 | 222648,19 | 713598,27 |
9 | 222405,96 | 707295,80 |
10 | 232285,20 | 710286,46 |
Podkarpackie province:
- Brzozów county, communes: Nozdrzec (0.07% participation in the concession block), Domaradz (0.06%)
- Przemyśl county, commune: Dubiecko (6.15%)
- Przeworsk county, commune: Jawornik (2.18%)
- Rzeszów county, communes: Błażowa (30.86%), Dynów (18.69%), Lubenia (14.89%), Hyżne (13.13%), urban Dynów (0.37%), Tyczyn (0.28%)
- Strzyżów county, commune: Niebylec (13.32%)
Concession for 10 years, including:
- prospecting and exploration phase (4 years)
- extracting phase - after the investment decision
Petroleum play
I – flysch of the Skole Nappe
II – Carpathian Foredeep below the Skole Nappe (northern part of the tender area)
III – Palaeozoic–Mesozoic of the Carpathian basement (western part of the tender area)
Source rocks
I – Spas Beds, Inoceramian Beds, Menilite Beds
II – clastic rocks of Upper Badenian and Lower Sarmatian
III – clastic rocks of Ordovician, Silurian, Lower Devonian and Middle Jurassic, clastic-carbonate rocks of the Middle and Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous
Reservoir rocks
I – Kuźmina Sandstones, Inoceramian Beds, Kliwa Sandstones
II – sand and sandstones of the Upper Badenian and Lower Sarmatian
III – Precambrian sandstones, carbonate rocks of the Middle and Upper Devonian, Lower Carboniferous and Upper Jurassic
Seal rocks
I – Spas Beds, Inoceramian Beds, Hieroglyphic Beds, Variegated Shales, Menilite Beds, Krosno Beds
II – claystone layers in autochthonous Miocene; rocks of the Stebnik Unit or flysch of the Skole Nappe above the autochthonous Miocene
III – Ordovician and Silurian for Precambrian deposits; culm facies, Triassic, Jurassic, autochthonous Miocene and Skole succession for Devonian and Carboniferous deposits; autochthonous Miocene rocks and Skole succession for Jurassic deposits
Trap type
I – structural or structural-lithological
II – structural and stratigraphic
III – structural and stratigraphic
The proposed minimum work program of prospecting and exploration phase
Stage I (12 months) – interpretation and analysis of archival geological data
Stage II (24 months) – drilling of one well to the depth of 5100 m (TVD) with obligatory coring of perspective intervals and geophysical survey for petrographic and lithological analyses, hydrocarbon saturation and ensuring security during geological working. In case of deposit discover – performing of production tests and prepare to exploitation
Stage III (12 months) – performance analysis of the data obtained