Acreage: 732.86 km2; 181,093 acres
Concession blocks: 47, 48, 67 and 68
No. point | x [PUWG92] | y [PUWG92] |
1 | 715916,10 | 395018,18 |
2 | 715477,11 | 420841,77 |
3 | 710216,13 | 420752,34 |
4 | 709996,53 | 434739,13 |
5 | 709994,91 | 434842,34 |
6 | 682184,52 | 434676,55 |
7 | 682361,03 | 425652,51 |
Pomorskie province:
- Bytów county, communes: Parchowo (17.81% participation in the concession block), Czarna Dąbrówka (9.29%), Bytów (5.97%), Studzienice (2.92%)
- Kartuzy county, communes: Sulęczyno (12.86%), Stężyca (8.24%), Sierakowice (0.14%), Chmielno (0.01%)
- Kościerzyna county, communes: Kościerzyna (25.93%), Lipusz (11.02%), Dziemiany (3.65%), urban Kościerzyna (1.66%), Stara Kiszewa (0.04%)
- Słupsk county, commune: Dębnica Kaszubska (0.46%)
Concession for 10 years, including:
- prospecting and exploration phase (5 years)
- extracting phase - after the investment decision
Source rocks
I – Ordovician and Silurian siltstones and claystones
II – Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian siltstones and claystones
Reservoir rocks
I – Ordovician and Silurian siltstones and claystones
II – Lower and Middle Cambrian sandstones
Seal rocks
I – Upper Silurian (Ludlow and Pridoli) and Zechstein evaporates
II – fine-grained clastic rocks of Ordovician, Silurian and Zechstein evaporates
Thickness of overburden
I – from about 3,700 m (Bytów IG-1) to about 4,000 m (Kościerzyna IG-1, Gapowo B-1)
II – about 4,250 m (Gapowo B-1)
The proposed minimum work program of prospecting and exploration phase
Stage I (12 months) – interpretation and analysis of archival geological data
Stage II (12 months) – execution of 2D seismic survey (100 km)
Stage III (24 months) – drilling of one well to the depth of 5000 m (TVD) with obligatory coring of perspective intervals and geophysical survey for petrographic and lithological analyses, hydrocarbon saturation and ensuring security during geological working. In case of deposit discover – performing of production tests and prepare to exploitation
Stage IV (12 months) – performance analysis of the data obtained