Acreage: 248.22 km2; 61,336 acres
Concession blocks: 129 and 149
No. point | x [PUWG92] | y [PUWG92] |
1 | 615522,00 | 457159,00 |
2 | 610550,09 | 464193,88 |
3 | 587677,51 | 449006,78 |
4 | 593202,09 | 441301,47 |
5 | 599549,00 | 445791,00 |
Kujawsko-Pomorskie province:
- Bydgoszcz county, communes: Dąbrowa Chełmińska (20.16% participation in the concession block), Dobrcz (16.29%), Osielsko (2.18%)
- Bydgoszcz urban county, commune: urban Bydgoszcz (1.71%)
- Chełmno county, communes: Chełmno (15.01%), Unisław (6.20%), urban Chełmno (4.40%), Kijewo Królewskie (1.53%)
- Świecie county, communes: Świecie (17.89%), Pruszcz (14.61%)
Concession for 10 years, including:
- prospecting and exploration phase (5 years)
- extracting phase - after the investment decision
Petroleum play
I – Ordovician-Silurian-Devonian (and/or Carboniferous)
II – Carboniferous-Permian/Rotliegend
III – Permian (Zechstein/Main Dolomite)
Source rocks
I – Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian claystones and carbonates
II – Carboniferous (and/or older rocks in the basement) – claystones, carbonates with organic-rich interbeds
III – Permian/Main Dolomite organic-rich interbeds
Reservoir rocks
I – Devonian carbonates and/or Carboniferous sandstones
II – Carboniferous sandstones and Permian/Rotliegend sandstones
III – Permian/Main Dolomite carbonates
Seal rocks
I – Carboniferous fine-clastics and Zechstein evaporates
II – Zechstein evaporates
III – Zechstein evaporates
The proposed minimum work program of prospecting and exploration phase
Stage I (12 months) – reprocessing, integration and reinterpretation of the archival seismic and borehole data
Stage II (12 months) – execution of 2D seismic survey (at least 50 km)
Stage III (24 months) – drilling of one well to the depth of 5000 m (TVD) with obligatory coring of perspective intervals and geophysical survey for petrographic and lithological analyses, hydrocarbon saturation and ensuring security during geological work. In case of deposit discover – performing of production tests and preparing to exploitation
Stage IV (12 months) – analysis of the data obtained