Kierunki badań

Badania podstawowe, podejmowane w celu poznania świata, nie zaś osiągnięcia korzyści materialnych, w dziedzinie geologii są ukierunkowane na odtworzenie historii naszej planety i zrozumienie przyczyn i skutków zachodzących na niej procesów. W Państwowym Instytucie Geologicznym koncentrują się one na rozpoznaniu budowy geologicznej Polski, a dzięki rozwojowi specjalistycznych metod badawczych sięgają coraz dalej w przeszłość i w głąb Ziemi.


Prowadzimy badania sedymentologiczne i stratygraficzne

  • Badamy środowiska sedymentacyjne skał występujących na obszarze Polski i Europy, zarówno na powierzchni ziemi, jak i głęboko pod nią
  • Za pomocą badań makrofaunistycznych, makroflorystycznych, mikro- i makroplaeontologicznych oraz palinologicznych określamy wiek skał
  • Tworzymy podziały litostratygraficzne stratygrafii sekwencyjnej
  • W celu rozpoznania regionalnej wgłębnej budowy geologicznej Polski i Europy dokonujemy korelacji profili otworów wiertniczych
  • Odtwarzamy zmiany układu lądów i mórz w minionych epokach geologicznych, ukształtowanie powierzchni dawnych kontynentów, układ sieci rzecznych i paleobatymetrię mórz i oceanów oraz historię warunków życia na Ziemi

Rekonstruujemy strukturę pokrywy osadowej i skorupy ziemskiej na obszarze Polski

  • Odtwarzamy sekwencję zdarzeń tektonicznych na podstawie analizy strukturalnej w odsłonięciach powierzchniowych i otworach wiertniczych
  • Charakteryzujemy geometrię struktur tektonicznych, anizotropię szczelinowatości w sąsiedztwie otworów wiertniczych, w obrębie złóż i regionów
  • Mierzymy i analizujemy rozkład współczesnych naprężeń tektonicznych

Za pomocą metod geofizycznych rozpoznajemy wgłębną budowę geologiczną Polski

  • Wykonujemy interpretację danych sejsmicznych, która pozwala opisać geometrię układu warstw, a także zlokalizować i określić przebieg nieciągłości tektonicznych w głębi Ziemi
  • Przeprowadzamy kompleksową interpretację grawimetryczno-magnetyczną, zarówno jakościową, jak i ilościową
  • Wykonujemy pomiary i analizę przewodności cieplnej skał
  • Interpretujemy wyniki pomiarów geofizyki otworowej
  • W Laboratorium Paleomagnetycznym prowadzimy badania, za pomocą których możemy określać kierunki namagnesowania skały, a pośrednio wiek jego pozyskania
  • Wykonujemy pomiary podatności magnetycznej i jej anizotropii, na podstawie których opisujemy warunki środowiskowe i klimatyczne towarzyszące powstawaniu skały
  • Wykonujemy badania elektrooporowe wspomagające badania hydrogeologiczne i geotechniczne, a także płytką kartografię geologiczną

Prowadzimy specjalistyczne badania minerałów i skał

  • Budowę, skład i genezę minerałów i skał rozpoznajemy za pomocą tradycyjnych metod mikroskopowych oraz metod specjalistycznych, jakimi są: mikroskopia elektronowa wraz z mikroanalizą rentgenowską, katodoluminescencja i badania inkluzji fluidalnych
  • Wyniki prowadzonych przez nas badań mineralogiczno-petrograficznych służą rozwiązywaniu zagadnień tektonicznych, sedymentologicznych i geofizycznych, a także z zakresu geologii złożowej, regionalnej i wulkanologii
  • Badamy próbki geologiczne (skały, rudy i minerały), środowiskowe (gleby, osady, odpady, produkty organiczne stałe), przemysłowe (kamienie budowlane i drogowe, surowce przemysłu chemicznego, ceramicznego, hutniczego i szklarskiego) oraz archeologiczne

Odtwarzamy historię życia na Ziemi

  • Prowadzimy badania morfologiczne i systematyczne mikrofauny (otwornic, małżoraczków oraz konodontów), która jest kluczem do badań biostratygraficznych i paleośrodowiskowych
  • Analizujemy ewolucję bezkręgowców (amonitowatych, mszywiołów i graptolitów), służących za wskaźnik zmian paleośrodowiskowych i klimatycznych
  • Badamy dewońskie ryby pancerne, tropy tetrapodów i dinozaurów - ogniwa w ewolucji kręgowców
  • Wykonujemy analizy palinologiczne osadów paleogeńskich i neogeńskich

Zobacz: Zagadki konodontów

Rekonstruujemy przebieg zdarzeń w najmłodszych epokach geologicznych – plejstocenie i holocenie

  • Wyznaczamy zasięgi zlodowaceń i układ dawnej sieci rzecznej
  • Modelujemy zmiany w środowiskach sedymentacyjnych, zmiany klimatyczne oraz wpływ człowieka na środowisko naturalne
  • Prowadzimy badania paleobotaniczne paleogeńskich i neogeńskich osadów jeziornych


Tytuł projektu Rodzaj Rok ukończenia
Opracowanie założeń do cyklu monografii geologicznych Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego - Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego wraz z wdrożeniem dwóch pierwszych tomów Krajowy 2015
Rozkład i charakterystyka petrograficzno-geochemiczna „kwarcytów” neogeńskich okolic Bolesławca na Dolnym Śląsku, implikacje genetyczne i złożowe Krajowy 2011
Opracowanie cyfrowe map geologicznych Polski w skali 1:1 000 000 zgodnie ze standardami Inicjatywy OneGeology Krajowy 2013
Badanie neogeńskiego systemu eolicznego na obszarze północnego Kuwejtu Krajowy 2012
Charakterystyka petromagnetyczna paleozoicznych skał osadowych S Polski - zastosowanie w rekonstrukcjach paleoklimatycznych i paleośrodowiskowych Krajowy 2013
Chronostratygrafia osadów zlodowacenia wisły w stratotypowym obszarze dolnego powiśla na podstawie zintegrowanych badań geologicznych Krajowy 2014
Fauna małżoraczków (Ostracoda) czwartorzędu południowego Bałtyku, systematyka, paleoekologia i stratygrafia Krajowy 2013
Mapa tektoniczna Polski NE w skali 1,750 000 Krajowy 2012
Merytoryczne opracowanie ediakarskich i kambryjskich kolekcji ichnologicznych Krajowy 2012
Opracowanie projektu prac geologicznych na wykonanie Szczegółowej mapy geologicznej regionu świętokrzyskiego w skali 1,25 000, arkusz Kielce (815) Krajowy 2012
Organizacja sieci permanentnego monitoringu współczesnej geodynamiki skorupy ziemskiej w Polsce Krajowy 2013
Paleoekologia i ewolucja kręgowców we wczesnym dewonie Gór Świętokrzyskich Krajowy 2012
Paleogeograficzny model rozwoju Zalewu Wiślanego i Mierzei Wiślanej – transgraniczna korelacja informacji geologicznych polskich i z okręgu kaliningradzkiego Krajowy 2013
Przejście sedymentacji węglanowej w siarczanową na granicy pierwszej i drugiej sekwencji cechsztynu w zachodniej Polsce Krajowy 2012
Reambulacja 49 arkuszy Szczegółowej mapy geologicznej Polski w skali 1:50 000 położonych w 6 rejonach Polski Krajowy 2013
Redakcja i przygotowanie do udostępniania arkuszy Szczegółowej mapy geologicznej Polski w skali 1:50 000 Krajowy 2014
Relacje petrogenetyczne w obrębie paleozoicznej magmowej asocjacji alkalicznej w polskiej części kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego Krajowy 2012
Rola spękań i uskoków w powstawaniu i wykształceniu osuwisk i skarp w Beskidzie Śląskim na przykładzie rejonu Baraniej Góry Krajowy 2013
Sedymentacja triasu a tektonika w strefie południowego obrzeżenia bruzdy środkowopolskiej Krajowy 2014
Stratygrafia i rozwój środowisk sedymentacji osadów jury dolnej i środkowej w okolicach Kop Sołtysich, Tatry Krajowy 2013
Pokazuje 101 do 120 z 423 rekordów

Wybrane publikacje



  1. Thiry Médard, Franke Christine, Yao Kouakou F. E., Szuszkiewicz Adam, Fàbrega Carles, Jeleńska Maria, Kądziałko-Hofmokl Magdalena, Gurenko Andrey, Parcerisa David, Sobczyk Artur, Turniak Krzysztof, ALEKSANDROWSKI PAWEŁ - Albitization and oxidation of Variscan granitoid rocks related to the post-Variscan paleosurface in the Sudetes (Bohemian Massif, SW Poland). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2023, Vol. 112, Iss. 3, s. 951-980.

  2. BAZARNIK JAKUB, Kośmińska Karolina,. McClelland William C, Strauss Justin V., Piepjohn Karsten, Elvevold Synnøve, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ, Majka Jarosław - Reinterpretation of a major terrane boundary in the northern Svalbard Caledonides based on metamorphic fingerprinting of rocks in northern Spitsbergen. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 2023, Vol. 60, Iss. 8, s. 1188–1205.

  3. Kośmińska Karolina, Fassmer Kathrin, McClelland William C., Majka Jarosław, Coble Matthew, Thomas Jay, Manecki Maciej, Lorenz Henning, BAZARNIK JAKUB, Münker Carsten - Monazite in the eclogite and blueschist of the Svalbard Caledonides: its origin and forming-reactions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 2023, Vol. 178, Issue 9, article 61.

  4. BIEŃKO TOMASZ, Wierchowiec Jan, Pietrzela Alicja - Silver, cobalt and nickel mineralogy and geochemistry of shale ore in the sediment-hosted stratiform Nowa Sól copper–silver deposit, SW Poland. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 2023, Vol. 24, Iss. 4, article 035.

  5. BIEŃKO TOMASZ, Wierchowiec Jan, Speczik Stanisław - Economic assessment of the Northern Copper Belt deposits – a future resource base of copper and silver ores in SW Poland. Geological Quarterly 2023, Vol. 67, No 3, article 28.

  6. CYGLICKI MICHAŁ, Remin Zbigniew - Rutile to tourmaline index – a tool for the recognition of the hydrodynamics of the depositional environment; a case study from the Campanian Szozdy Delta System, SE Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica 2023, Vol. 73, No. 4, s. 833-851.

  7. Kisiel Marta, Skiba Michał, DAMRAT MATEUSZ, Kuligiewicz Artur, Maj-Szeliga Katarzyna, Makiel Magdalena, Zajączkowski Marek, Salata Dorota - Fate of swelling clay minerals during early diagenesis: a case study from Gdańsk Bay (Baltic Sea). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2023, Vol 93, No 3, s. 305–322.

  8. Nowak Kamil, Stolarczyk Tomasz, Stos-Gale Zofia, Baron Justyna, DERKOWSKA KATARZYNA, DERKOWSKI PAWEŁ, Miazga Beata, Karasiński Jakub, Maas Roland A. - Question of local exploitation of copper ore deposits in the Urnfield time in Poland. Frontiers in Earth Science 2023, Vol. 11, artice 1184949.

  9. Klein Hendrik, GIERLIŃSKI GERARD D., Oukassou Mostafa, Saber Hafid, Lallensack Jens N., Lagnaoui Abdelouahed, Hminna Abdelkbir, Charrière André - Theropod and ornithischian dinosaur track assemblages from Middle to ?Late Jurassic deposits of the Central High Atlas, Morocco. Historical Biology, 2023, Vol. 35, s. 320-346.

  10. Klein Hendrik, GIERLIŃSKI GERARD D., Oukassou Mostafa, Saber Hafid, Lallensack Jens N., Lagnaoui Abdelouahed, Hminna Abdelkbir, Charrière André - Theropod and ornithischian dinosaur track assemblages from Middle to ?Late Jurassic deposits of the Central High Atlas, Morocco. Historical Biology 2023, Vol. 35, s. 320-346.

  11. GURBA DOMINIK, Grabarczyk-Gurba Anna, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA - Late Paleoproterozoic deposition and Mesoproterozoic metamorphism of detrital material in the southernmost Baltic Sea region (Gdańsk IG1 borehole): monazite versus zircon and chemical versus isotopic age record. GFF 2023, Vol. 145, Iss. 1-2, s. 4-29.

  12. Moska Piotr, Sokołowski Robert J., Zieliński Paweł, Mroczek Przemysław, Piotrowska Natalia, Jary Zdzisław, Raczyk Jerzy, Szymak Agnieszka, Wojtalak Andrzej, Poręba Grzegorz, Łopuch Michał, Skurzyński Jacek, Krawczyk Marcin, Tudyka Konrad, Ustrzycka Alicja, HRYNOWIECKA ANNA -The Role and Frequency of Wildfires in the Shaping of the Late Glacial Inland Dunes – A Case Study from the Korzeniew Site (Central Poland). Geochronometria 2023, Vol. 50, Iss.1, s. 100–112.

  13. JAROSIŃSKI MAREK, BOBEK KINGA, GŁUSZYŃSKI ANDRZEJ, Sowiżdżał Krzysztof, Słoczyński Tomasz - Fracture stratigraphy, stress, and strain evolution in shale succession of the lower Paleozoic Baltic Basin (Poland). AAPG Bulletin 2023, Vol. 107, Iss. 11, s. 1851–1881.

  14. Bieliński Piotr, Pieńkowska Agnieszka, Białowarczuk Marcin, KIERSNOWSKI HUBERT, Bukowski Krzysztof, Lenarczyk Szymon - Patterns of pre-Islamic settlement in the Qumayrah microregion, northern Oman: First results of an archaeological and geological survey. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy2023, Vol. 34, Iss. S1, s. S22-S38.

  15. KOWALSKI ALEKSANDER, FURCA MAGDALENA - Development of a non-perennial to ephemeral fluvial system in continental fault-bounded basin – an example from the early Permian Krajanów Formation of the Intra-Sudetic Basin (NE Bohemian Massif). Geological Quarterly 2023, Vol. 67, No 3, article 31.

  16. Blachowski Jan, Becker Miłosz, Kujawa Paulina, KOŹMA JACEK, Warchala Ewa, Dynowski Aleksandra, Pawlik Marcin, Wajs Jarosław, Buczyńska Anna - Transformation processes in lignite post-mining landscape - erosion of anthropogenic formations in the former “Przyjazn Narodow – Szyb Babina” mine (Poland). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 2023, Vol. 173 (4), s. 565-580.

  17. Grabarczyk Anna, Wiszniewska Janina, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, PETECKI ZDZISŁAW - A new A-type granitoid occurrence in southernmost Fennoscandia: geochemistry, age and origin of rapakivi-type quartz monzonite from the Pietkowo IG1 borehole, NE Poland. Mineralogy and Petrology, 2023, Vol. 117, Iss. 1, s. 1-25.

  18. Jastrzębski Mirosław, Andrzej Żelaźniewicz, Stawikowski Wojciech, Budzyń Bartosz, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Machowiak Katarzyna, Madej Stanisław, Białek Dawid, Sláma Jiří, CZUPYT ZBIGNIEW, Jaźwa Aleksandra - The eastern part of the Saxothuringian Terrane characterized by zircon and monazite data from the Doboszowice Metamorphic Complex in the Sudetes (SW Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2023, Vol. 93, No 3, s. 229–249

  19. MARKS LESZEK - Pleistocene glaciations in southern Poland – a revision. Geological Quarterly 2023, Vol 67, No. 4 article 25.

  20. MARKS LESZEK - Quaternary stratigraphy of Poland – current status. Acta Geologica Polonica 2023, Vol. 73, No 3, s. 307-340.

  21. MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z., OSTROWSKI SZYMON - Geophysical VLF prospecting for vein-type gold-bearing polymetallic sulphide deposits in the Sudetes (SW Poland). Geological Quarterly 2023, Vol 67, No. 4 article 41.

  22. NARKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, NARKIEWICZ MAREK, Wudarska Alicja - Significance of conodont data for explaining geosystem perturbations during the Middle Devonian Kačák Episode. Marine Micropaleontology 2023, Vol 185, article 102307.

  23. NAWROCKI JERZY, Standzikowski Karol, Chadima Martin, Werner Tomasz, Łanczont Maria, Gancarski Jan, Gil Zdzisław - Archaeomagnetic studies of bricks from ancient buildings sampled in SE Poland (Central Europe). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2023, Vol. 51 article 104122.

  24. PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA, NAWROCKI JERZY, ALEKSANDROWSKI PAWEŁ, PRZYBYLSKI BOGUSŁAW - Three age ranges of Cenozoic basaltic rocks from Lower Silesia (SW Poland) based on 40Ar/39Ar step-heating data. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2023, Vol. 112, Iss. 2, s. 725–740.

  25. Hesselbo Stephen P., Al-Suwaidi Aisha, Baker Sarah J., Ballabio Giorgia, Belcher Claire M., Bond Andrew, Boomer Ian, Bos Remco,. Bjerrum Christian J, Bogus Kara, Boyle Richard, Browning James V., Butcher Alan R., Condon Daniel J., Copestake Philip, Daines Stuart, Dalby Christopher, Damaschke Magret, Damborenea Susana E., Deconinck Jean-Francois, Dickson Alexander J., Fendley Isabel M., Fox Calum P., Fraguas Angela, Frieling Joost, Gibson Thomas A., He Tianchen, Hickey Kat, Hinnov Linda A., Hollaar Teuntje P., Huang Chunju, Hudson Alexander J. L., Jenkyns Hugh C., Idiz Erdem, Jiang Mengjie, Krijgsman Wout, Korte Christoph, Leng Melanie J., Lenton Timothy M., Leu Katharina, Little Crispin T. S., MacNiocaill Conall, Manceñido Miguel O., Mather Tamsin A., Mattioli Emanuela, Miller Kenneth G., Newton Robert J., Page Kevin N., Pálfy József, PIEŃKOWSKI GRZEGORZ, Porter Richard J., Poulton Simon W., Riccardi Alberto C., Riding James B., Roper Ailsa, Ruhl Micha, Silva Ricardo L., Storm Marisa S., Suan Guillaume, Szűcs Dominika, Thibault Nicolas, Uchman Alfred, Stanley James N., Ullmann Clemens V., van de Schootbrugge Bas, Vickers Madeleine L., Wadas Sonja, Whiteside Jessica H., Wignall Paul B., Wonik Thomas, Xu Weimu, Zeeden Christian, Zhao Ke - Initial results of coring at Prees, Cheshire Basin, UK (ICDP JET project): towards an integrated stratigraphy, timescale, and Earth system understanding for the Early Jurassic. Scientific Drilling 2023, Vol. 32, s. 1–25.

  26. PLOCH IZABELA, Van Loon A. J. (Tom), Awdankiewicz Marek, Voigt Sebastian, Raczyński Paweł - First evidence of seismically-induced deformations in fluvial deposits of the Lower Rotliegend in the Intra-Sudetic Basin, SW Poland. Geological Quarterly 2023, Vol 67, No. 4 article 52.

  27. SIKORA RAFAŁ - The structure of the Silesian Beskid Block in the Vistula River source area in the Western Outer Carpathians (southern Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2023, Vol. 93, No. 2, s. 137–163.

  28. Wiśniewski Andrzej, Wilczyński Jarosław, PRZYBYLSKI BOGUSŁAW, Ciombor Magdalena, Stefaniak Krzysztof - Bovid Bone Accumulation in Late Middle Palaeolithic Poland. Journal of Field Archaeology, 2023, Vol. 48, Iss. 3, s. 180-197.

  29. Haluch Anna, Rybak-Ostrowska Barbara, Wyglądała Michał, Konon Andrzej, ROSZKOWSKA-REMIN JOANNA - Interplay of organic matter, rock anisotropy, and horizontal shortening in bed-parallel vein development within the lower Palaeozoic shale formations from the northern part of the Caledonian Foredeep Basin (Poland). Marine and Petroleum Geology 2023, Vol. 155, article 106387.

  30. Gębica Piotr, WIECZOREK DARIUSZ, Moska Piotr, Michczyńska Danuta J., GRANOSZEWSKI WOJCIECH - Age and Origin of Fluvial Deposits in the Vistula River Valley Near Tarnobrzeg (Sandomierz Basin, Poland): Insights from Sediment Dating and Analysis. Geochronometria 2023, Vol. 50, Iss.1, s. 113–124.

  31. Wierzbowski Andrzej, Barski Marcin, Coe Angela L., Hounslow Mark W., Matyja Bronisław A., Price Gregory D., WIERZBOWSKI HUBERT, Wright John K., Atrops Francois, GRABOWSKI JACEK, Mattioli Emanuela, Morton Nicol, Ogg James G., Olóriz Federico, Page Kevin N., Parent Horacio, Przybylski Piotr, Schweigert Günter, Villasenor Ana Bertha - The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Kimmeridgian Stage (Jurassic System), at Flodigarry, Staffin Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK. Episodes, 2023, Vol. 46, Iss. 2, s. 281-307.

  32. WIERZBOWSKI HUBERT, Błażejowski Błażej - Chaetognath grasping spines from the Devonian of Poland: their structure and geochemistry. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2023, Vol. 68, no. 1, s. 103-116.

  33. WILK OLGA - A new look at the Emsian (Early Devonian), sarcopterygian fishes from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, with a special reference to porolepiforms. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2023, Vol. 68 (2) 343-357.

  34. Galuskin Evgeny V., Galuskina Irina O., Vapnik Yevgeny, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ - Discovery of “Meteoritic” Layered Disulphides ACrS2 (A = Na, Cu, Ag) in Terrestrial Rock. Minerals, 2023, Vol. 13, Iss. 3, article 381.

  35. Migaszewski Zdzisław M., Gałuszka Agnieszka, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ - REE-bearing minerals in sediment-hosted stratiform pyrite mineralization zones of the Wiśniówka area (Holy Cross Mts., Poland). Geological Quarterly 2023, Vol 67, No. 2 article 17.

  36. Galuskin Evgeny V., Kusz Joachim, Galuskina Irina O., Książek Maria, Vapnik Yevgeny, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ - Discovery of terrestrial andreyivanovite, FeCrP, and the effect of Cr and V substitution on the low-pressure barringerite-allabogdanite transition. American Mineralogist 2023, Vol. 108(8), s. 1506-1515.

  37. Bober Aleksandra, Drzymulska Danuta, Stachowicz-Rybka Renata, Kończak Magdalena, ŻARSKI MARCIN - High-resolution record of Late Saalian and Eemian palaeoenvironments: the case study of Struga and Parysów (central Poland). Geological Quarterly 2023, Vol. 67, No 3, article 37
  38. Kupryjanowicz Mirosława, Fiłoc Magdalena, Żuk-Kempa Edyta, ŻARSKI MARCIN - Are several profiles better than one? Multi-profile palynological study of the Eemian lacustrine sediments at the Wola Starogrodzka site (Garwolin Plain, Central Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica 2023, Vol. 73, No 3, s. 411-431.



  1. Aubrecht Roman, Józsa, Štefan Plašienka Dušan, WIERZBOWSKI HUBERT - Mid-Cretaceous turnover in the Oravic segment of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Western and Eastern Carpathians): New data and synthesis. Cretaceous Research 2022, Vol. 140, article 105323

  2. Barbacka Maria, Górecki Artur, Pacyna Grzegorz, PIEŃKOWSKI GRZEGORZ, Philippe Marc, Bóka Károly, Ziaja Jadwiga, Jarzynka Agata, Qvarnström Martin, Niedźwiedzki Grzegorz - Early Jurassic coprolites: insights into palaeobotany and the feeding behaviour of dinosaurs. Papers in Palaeontology 2022, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, e1425

  3. Biasi Christina, Jokinen Simo, Prommer Judith, Ambus Per, Dörsch Peter, Yu Longfei, Granger Steve, Boeckx Pascal, Van Nieuland Katja, Brüggemann Nicolas, Wissel Holger, Voropaev Andrey, Zilberman Tami, Jäntti Helena, Trubnikova Tatiana, Welti Nina, Voigt Carolina, Gebus-Czupyt Beata, CZUPYT ZBIGNIEW, Wanek Wolfgang - Challenges in measuring nitrogen isotope signatures in inorganic nitrogen forms: An interlaboratory comparison of three common measurement approaches. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2022, 36(22), art. no. e9370.

  4. Biernacka Magdalena, Chruścińska Alicja, Palczewski Piotr, DERKOWSKI PAWEŁ - Determining the kinetic parameters of traps in quartz using the thermally modulated OSL method. Journal of Luminescence 2022, Vol. 252, article, 119289

  5. Blachowski Jan, Warchala Ewa, KOŹMA JACEK, Buczyńska Anna, Bugajska Natalia, Becker Miłosz, Janicki Dominik, Kujawa Paulina, Kwaśny Leszek, Wajs Jaroslaw, Targosz Paweł, Wojdyła Marek - Geophysical Research of Secondary Deformations in the Post Mining Area of the Glaciotectonic Muskau Arch Geopark-Preliminary Results Applied. Sciences 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 3, article 1194

  6. Bobrowska Alicja, Jagoda Ewa, Domonik Andrzej, RYŻYŃSKI GRZEGORZ - Thermomechanical properties of detrital limestone from the Nowe Brusno town (Poland). Resources Policy 2022, Vol. 77, article 102698

  7. Bukowska Mirosława, Kasza Piotr, Moska Rafał, JURECZKA JANUSZ - The Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio of Hard Coals in Laboratory Tests. Energies 2022, Vol. 15, Iss. 7, article 2477

  8. CZAPOWSKI GRZEGORZ, Tomassi-Morawiec Hanna, Handke Bartosz, Wachowiak Jacek, PERYT TADEUSZ - Trace Elements and Mineralogy of Upper Permian (Zechstein) Potash Deposits in Poland. Applied Sciences 2022, 12, Iss.14, article 7183

  9. FIJAŁKOWSKA-MADER ANNA, Paszkowski Mariusz, Kędzior Artur, Jewuła Karol - Lost Norian fluvial tracks: Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Upper Triassic coarse-grained deposits in Kamienica Śląska (Upper Silesia, southern Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2022, Vol. 92, nr 3, s. 277–293

  10. FRYDEL JERZY - Numerical model of late Pleistocene and Holocene ice-sheet and shoreline dynamics in the southern Baltic Sea, Poland. Quaternary Research 2022, Vol. 107, s. 57-70

  11. Galuskin Evgeny, Galuskina Irina O., Kamenetsky Vadim, Vapnik Yevgeny, Kusz Joachim, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ - First In Situ Terrestrial Osbornite (TiN) in the Pyrometamorphic Hatrurim Complex, Israel. Lithosphere 2022, Vol. 2022 (1), article 8127747

  12. GŁUSZYŃSKI ANDRZEJ, ALEKSANDROWSKI PAWEŁ - Late Cretaceous–early Palaeogene inversion-related tectonic structures at the northeastern margin of the Bohemian Massif (southwestern Poland and northern Czechia). Solid Earth 2022, Vol. 13, s. 1219–1242

  13. Gołuchowska Karolina, Barker Abigail K., Manecki Maciej, Majka Jarosław, Kośmińska Karolina, Ellam Robert M., BAZARNIK JAKUB, Faehnrich Karol, Czerny Jerzy - The role of crustal contamination in magma evolution of Neoproterozoic metaigneous rocks from Southwest Svalbard. Precambrian Research 2022, Vol. 370, article 106521

  14. Grabarczyk Anna, Gil Grzegorz, Liu Yan, Kotowski Jakub, Jokubauskas Petras, Barnes Jaime D., Nejbert Krzysztof, WISZNIEWSKA JANINA, Bagiński Bogusław - Ultramafic-alkaline-carbonatite Tajno intrusion in NE Poland: A new hypothesis about the massif formation and related mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews 2022, Vol. 143, article 104772

  15. Halamski Adam T., Baliński Andrzej, Racki Grzegorz, Amler Michael R. W., Basse Martin, Denayer Julien, Dubicka Zofia, Filipiak Paweł, Kondas Marcelina, Krawczyński Wojciech, Mieszkowski Radosław, NARKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, Olempska Ewa, Wrzołek Tomasz, Wyse Jackson Patrick N., Zapalski Mikołaj K., Zatoń Michał, Kozłowski Wojciech - The pre-taghanic (Givetian, Middle Devonian) ecosystems of Miłoszów (Holy Cross Mts, Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2022, Vol. 92, nr 4, s. 323–379

  16. HRYNOWIECKA ANNA, ŻARSKI MARCIN, Chmielowska Dorota, Pawłowska Kamilla, Okupny Daniel, Michczyński Adam, Kukulak Józef - Reconstruction of 26 kyrs palaeoenvironmental history of the Czarny Dunajec Fan – A multiproxy study of the Długopole gravel pit deposits (Western Carpathians, S Poland). Catena 2022, Vol. 211, article 105940

  17. Ignatavičius Gytautas, Unsal Murat H., Busher Peter E., WOŁKOWICZ STANISŁAW, Satkūnas Jonas, Šulijienė Giedrė, Valskys Vaidotas - Geochemistry of mercury in soils and water sediments. AIMS Environmental Science 2022, Vol. 9, Iss. 3, s. 277-297

  18. Ignatavičius Gytautas, Unsal Murat H., Busher Peter E., WOŁKOWICZ STANISŁAW, Satkūnas Jonas, Valskys Vaidotas - Mercury and methylmercury in Baltic Sea sediments, and Polish and Lithuanian soils. Geological Quarterly 2022, Vol 66, No 3, article 22

  19. Janik Tomasz, Starostenko Vitaly, ALEKSANDROWSKI PAWEŁ, Yegorova Tamara, Czuba Wojciech, Środa Piotr, Murovskaya Anna, Zayats Khrystyna, Mechie James, Kolomiyets Katerina, Lysynchuk Dmytro, Wójcik Dariusz, Omelchenko Victor, Legostaieva Olga, GŁUSZYŃSKI ANDRZEJ, Tolkunov Anatoly, Amashukeli Tatiana, Gryn’Dmytro, Chulkov Serhii - Lithospheric Structure of the East European Craton at the Transition from Sarmatia to Fennoscandia Interpreted from the TTZ-South Seismic Profile (SE Poland to Ukraine). Minerals 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 2, article 112

  20. JAROSIŃSKI MAREK, Araszkiewicz Andrzej, BOBEK KINGA, GOGOŁEK TOMASZ - Contemporary state of stress in a stable plate interior (northern Poland): The integration of satellite geodesy, borehole and seismological dat .Tectonophysics 2022, Vol. 831, article 229336

  21. Johansson Åke, Bingen Bernard, Huhma Hannu, Waight Tod, Vestergaard Rikke, Soesoo Alvar, Skridlaite Grazina, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Shumlyanskyy Leonid, Holland Mark E., Holm-Denoma Christopher, Teixeira Wilson, Faleiros Frederico M., Ribeiro Bruno V., Jacobs Joachim, Wang Chengcheng, Thomas Robert J., Macey Paul H., Kirkland Christopher L., Hartnady Michael I. H., Eglington Bruce M., Puetz Stephen J., Condie Kent C. - A geochronological review of magmatism along the external margin of Columbia and in the Grenville-age orogens forming the core of Rodinia. Precambrian Research 2022, Vol. 371, article 106463

  22. KACZOR-KURZAWA DOROTA, WYSOCKA IRENA, Porowski Adam, DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW, Emilia Vassileva - The occurrence and distribution of rare earth elements in mineral and thermal waters in the Polish Lowlands. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 2022, Vol. 237, article 106984

  23. KARKOWSKA KAMILA, Wilde-Piórko Monika - Determination of the Earth’s structure based on intermediate-period surface wave recordings of tidal gravimeters: a case study. Earth Planets and Space 2022, Vol. 74, article 150

  24. Kowal-Linka Monika, Jastrzębski Mirosław, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, CZUPYT ZBIGNIEW - The importance of parameter selection in studies of detrital zircon provenance: An example from Mesozoic deposits of the Bohemian Massif foreland (Poland). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2022, Vol. 599, article 111035

  25. Krata Agnieszka Anna, WYSOCKA IRENA A. - A novel simultaneous isotope dilution strategy as a powerful tool in the two-track certification process of trace metal mass fractions: a case study of mercury, cadmium and lead in soil and sediment materials. Analytical Methods 2022, Vol. 14, Iss. 33, s. 3160-3170

  26. KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Poprawa Paweł, PACZEŚNA JOLANTA, KRZEMIŃSKI LESZEK - From initiation to termination: The evolution of the Ediacaran Volyn large igneous province (SW East European Craton) constrained by comparative geochemistry of proximal tuffs versus lavas and zircon geochronology. Precambrian Research 2022, Vol. 370, article 106560

  27. LODOWSKI DAMIAN, Pszczółkowski Andrzej, WILAMOWSKI ANDRZEJ, GRABOWSKI JACEK - The Jurassic–Cretaceous transition in the High-Tatric succession (Giewont Unit, Western Tatra Mts, Poland): integrated stratigraphy and microfacies. Acta Geologica Polonica 2022, Vol. 72, no. 1, s. 107-135

  28. LODOWSKI DAMIAN, Pszczółkowski Andrzej, Szives Ottilia, Főzy István, GRABOWSKI JACEK - Jurassic–Cretaceous transition in the Transdanubian Range (Hungary): integrated stratigraphy and paleomagnetic study of the Hárskút and Lókút sections. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 2022, Vol. 55, Iss. 1, s. 99-135

  29. Łanczont Maria, Mroczek Przemysław, Komar Maryna, Fedorowicz Stanisław, Woronko Barbara, NAWROCKI JERZY, FRANKOWSKI ZBIGNIEW, Karol Standzikowski - A remarkable last glacial loess sedimentation at Roxolany in the Dniester Liman (Southern Ukraine). Quaternary Science Reviews 2022, Vol. 285, article 107521

  30. MARKS LESZEK, Welc Fabian, Woronko Barbara, Krzymińska Jarmila, Rogóż-Matyszczak Anna, Szymanek Marcin, Holuša Jakub, Nitychoruk Jerzy, Chen Zhongyuan, Salem Alaa, Zalat Abdelfattah - High-resolution insight into the Holocene environmental history of the Burullus Lagoon in northern Nile delta, Egypt. Quaternary Research 2022, Vol. 107, s. 87-103

  31. Mayrhofer Franziska, Schöpfer Martin P.J., ADAMUSZEK MARTA, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Grasemann Bernhard - Transtensional flanking structures. Journal of Structural Geology 2022, Vol. 161, article 104659

  32. Menning Manfred, PIEŃKOWSKI GRZEGORZ, Käding Karl-Christian, Maletz Jörg, Kemnitz Helga, Kramer Wolfgang, Bittmann Felix, Hoselmann Christian, Janssen Ronald, Heggemann Heiner, Hiß Martin, Nitsch Edgar - Korrekturen und Ergänzungen zur Stratigraphischen Tabelle von Deutschland 2016 (STD 2016) = Corrections and supplements on the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2016 (STG 2016). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 2022, Band 173, Helf 1, s. 161-166

  33. MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z., Sadłowska Katarzyna, Wiszniewska Janina, MAŁEK RAFAŁ - Vanadium and Cobalt Occurrence in the Fe-Ti-V Oxide Deposits Related to Mesoproterozoic AMCG Complex in NE Poland. Applied Sciences 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 12, article 6277

  34. NAGLIK BEATA, Toboła Tomasz, Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Dimitrova Dimitrina, DERKOWSKI PAWEŁ, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ, HABRYN RYSZARD, NADŁONEK WERONIKA - Multi-stage ore forming history of the Variscan porphyry Mo-Cu-W Myszków deposit (Poland): Evidence from trace elements of pyrite. Ore Geology Reviews 2022, Vol. 150, article 105185

  35. Nieć Marek, Radwanek-Bąk Barbara, KOŹMA JACEK, KOZŁOWSKA OLIMPIA - Polish approach to the mineral deposits safeguarding. Experience and problems. Resources Policy 2022, Vol. 75, article 102460

  36. NOWAK GRZEGORZ J., Górecka-Nowak Anna, KARCZ PRZEMYSŁAW - Petrographic, palynological and geochemical recognition of dispersed organic matter in the black Anthracosia Shales (Sudetes, south-west Poland). Geological Quarterly 2022, Vol 66, No 4, article 36

  37. Pacyna Grzegorz, Ziaja Jadwiga, Barbacka Maria, PIEŃKOWSKI GRZEGORZ, Jarzynka Agata, Niedźwiedzki Grzegorz - Early Jurassic dinosaur-dominated track assemblages, floristic and environmental changes in the Holy Cross Mountains region, Poland. Geological Quarterly 2022, Vol 66, No 3, article 29

  38. Percival L. M. E., Marynowski L., Baudin F., Goderis S., De Vleeschouwer D., Rakociński M., NARKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, Corradini C., Da Silva A.-C., Claeys P.- Combined Nitrogen-Isotope and Cyclostratigraphy Evidence for Temporal and Spatial Variability in Frasnian–Famennian Environmental Change. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2022, Vol. 23, Iss. 5, e2021GC010308

  39. Peryt Danuta, Dubicka Zofia, WIERNY WERONIKA - Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of the Central European Basin. Geosciences 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 1, article 22

  40. PETECKI ZDZISŁAW, ROSOWIECKA OLGA, KRZEMIŃSKI LESZEK - 3D geological and potential field modelling of the buried alkaline-carbonatite Tajno massif (East European Craton, NE Poland). Geological Quarterly 2022, Vol. 66, No 1, article 10

  41. Pieterek Bartosz, Ciazela Jakub, Boulanger Marine, Lazarov Marina, Wegorzewski Anna V., PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA, Strauss Harald, Dick Henry J. B., Muszyński Andrzej, Koepke Juergen, Kuhn Thomas, CZUPYT ZBIGNIEW, France Lydéric - Sulfide enrichment along igneous layer boundaries in the lower oceanic crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2022, Vol. 320, s. 179-206

  42. Pietranik Anna, Farina Federico, DERKOWSKA KATARZYNA, Schaltegger Urs, Przybyło Arkadiusz, Storey Craig, Lasalle Stephanie, Dhuime Bruno, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ, Nowak Małgorzata, BULCEWICZ KAMIL, Kierczak Jakub - Zircon Reveals Diverse Trends of Magma Crystallization from Two Types of Early Post-Collisional Diorites (Variscan Orogen, NE Bohemian Massif). Journal of Petrology 2022, Vol. 63, Issue 7, egac059

  43. Pleskot Krzysztof, Apolinarska Karina, Cwynar Les C. , KOTRYS BARTOSZ, Lamentowicz Mariusz - The late-Holocene relationship between peatland water table depth and summer temperature in northern Poland. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2022, Vol. 586, article 110758

  44. Płóciennik Mateusz, Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Słowiński Michał, Müller Daniela, Brauer Achim, Antczak-Orlewska Olga, Kramkowski Mateusz, Peyron Odile, Nevalainen Liisa, Luoto Tomi P., KOTRYS BARTOSZ, Seppä Heikki, Bidaurreta Jon Camuera, Rudna Marta, Mielczarek Małgorzata, Zawisza Edyta, Janowska Ewa, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław - Climatic and hydrological variability as a driver of the Lake Gościąż biota during the Younger Dryas. Catena 2022, Vol. 212, article 106049

  45. Płóciennik Mateusz, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Pawłowski Dominik, Wieckowska-Lüth Magda, Kurzawska Aldona, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Okupny Daniel, Szmańda Jacek, Mazurkevich Andrey, Dolbunova Ekaterina, Luoto Tomi P., KOTRYS BARTOSZ, Nazarova Larisa, Syrykh Liudmila, Krąpiec Marek, Kittel Piotr - Summer temperature drives the lake ecosystem during the Late Weichselian and Holocene in Eastern Europe: A case study from East European Plain. Catena 2022, Vol. 214, article 106206

  46. Powolny Tomasz, Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Anczkiewicz Aneta A., SIKORSKA-JAWOROWSKA MAGDALENA - Origin and timing of spilitic alterations in volcanic rocks from Głuszyca Górna in the Intra-Sudetic Basin, Poland. Scientific Reports 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 1, article 11745

  47. Przybyło Arkadiusz, Pietranik Anna, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ - Cerium and Ytrium in apatite as records of magmatic processes: Insight into fractional crystallization, magma mingling and fluid saturation. Geochemistry 2022, Vol. 82, Iss. 2, article 125864

  48. Racki Grzegorz, WÓJCIK KRYSTIAN, Halamski Adam, NARKIEWICZ MAREK - Middle Devonian Skały Formation in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) – formal description and subdivision based on new field data. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2022, Vol. 92, nr 4, s. 425–444

  49. Racki Grzegorz, Mazur Stanisław, NARKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, Pisarzowska Agnieszka, Bardziński Waldemar, Kołtonik Katarzyna, Szymanowski Dawid, Filipiak Paweł, Kremer Barbara - A waning Saxothuringian Ocean evidenced in the Famennian tephra-bearing siliceous succession of the Bardo Unit (Central Sudetes, SW Poland). Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 2022, Vol. 134, Iss. 9-10, s. 2373–2398

  50. Remin Zbyszek, CYGLICKI MICHAŁ, Niechwedowicz Mariusz - Deep vs. shallow – two contrasting theories? A tectonically activated Late Cretaceous deltaic system in the axial part of the Mid-Polish Trough: a case study from southeast Poland. Solid Earth 2022, Vol. 13, Iss. 3, s. 681–703

  51. SZADKOWSKA KATARZYNA, SZADKOWSKI MATEUSZ, Tarka Robert - Inventory and Assessment of the Geoheritage of the Sudetic Foreland Geopark (South-Western Poland). Geoheritage 2022, Vol. 14, Iss. 1, article 24

  52. Szamałek Krzysztof, ZGLINICKI KAROL, MAZUREK SŁAWOMIR - On the criticality of minerals otherwise. New approach taking into account cultural, social and historical factors. Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi 2022, T. 38, z. 1, s. 5–16,146608,0,2.html

  53. Szczepański Jacek, Zhong Xin, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Wang Haozheng, Goleń Marcin - Combined phase diagram modelling and quartz-in-garnet barometry of HP metapelites from the Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt (NE Bohemian Massif). Journal of Metamorphic Geology 2022, Vol. 40, Iss. 1, s. 3-37

  54. Šimůnek Zbyněk, PLOCH IZABELA - New flora from the Permian of the Intrasudetic Basin, Poland. Geologia Croatica 2022, Vol. 75, Iss. 2, s. 199-209

  55. TRELA WIESŁAW, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Jewuła Karol, CZUPYT ZBIGNIEW - Oxygen Isotopes from Apatite of Middle and Late Ordovician Conodonts in Peri-Baltica (The Holy Cross Mountains, Poland) and Their Climatic Implications. Geosciences 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 4, article 165

  56. WILK OLGA, SZREK PIOTR, Ginter Michał - Environmental differentiation reflected in the vertebrate fauna diversity in the Lower Devonian of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Geological Quarterly 2022, Vol. 66, No 4, article 35

  57. Worobiec Elżbieta, Worobiec Grzegorz, KASIŃSKI JACEK R. - Decline of Neogene lignite formation as a result of vegetation and climate changes reflected in the middle Miocene palynoflora from the Ruja lignite deposit, SW Poland. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 2022, Vol. 298, article 104593

  58. Woronko Barbara, Zagórski Zbigniew, CYGLICKI MICHAŁ - Soil-development differentiation across a glacial–interglacial cycle, Saalian upland, E Poland. Catena 2022, Vol. 211, article 105968

  59. Woronko Barbara, Karasiewicz Tomasz M., RYCHEL JOANNA, Kupryjanowicz Mirosława, Fiłoc Magdalena, Moska Piotr, Adamczyk Aleksander, Demitroff Mark - N.A palaeoenvironmental record of MIS 3 climate change in NE Poland—Sedimentary and geochemical evidence. Quaternary International 2022, Vol. 617, s. 80-100

  60. WOŹNIAK PAWEŁ, Halamski Adam T., Racki Grzegorz - Cyclic ecological replacement of brachiopod assemblages in the top-Eifelian Dobruchna Brachiopod Shale Member (Skały Formation) of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2022, Vol. 92, nr 4, s. 445–463

  61. WRÓBLEWSKA SARA - The application of archival borehole data to recognizing the primary mineral composition and diagenetic changes in Jurassic sandy rocks of the Polish Basin. Geological Quarterly 2022, Vol 66, No 3, article 24

  62. Van der Boon, Biggin Andrew J., Thallner Annique Daniele, Hounslow Mark W., Bono Richard, NAWROCKI JERZY, WÓJCIK KRYSTIAN, Paszkowski Mariusz, Königshof Peter, de Backer Tim, Kabanov Pavel, Gouwy Sofie, VandenBerg Richard, Da Silva Anne-Christine - A persistent non-uniformitarian paleomagnetic field in the Devonian? Earth-Science Reviews 2022, Vol. 231, article 104073

  63. Zhang Jinpeng, Witkowski Andrzej, TOMCZAK MICHAŁ, Li Chao, McCartney Kevin, Xia Zhen - The sub-fossil diatom distribution in the Beibu Gulf (northwest South China Sea) and related environmental interpretation. PeerJ 2022, Vol. 10, article e13115



  1. ADAMUSZEK MARTA, Tămaş Dan M., Barabasch Jessica, Urai Janos - Rheological stratification in impure rock salt during long-term creep: morphology, microstructure, and numerical models of multilayer folds in the Ocnele Mari salt mine, Romania. Solid Earth 2021, Vol. 12, Iss. 9, s. 2041–2065.

  2. DERKOWSKA KATARZYNA, Świerk Mateusz, Nowak Kamil - Reconstruction of Copper Smelting Technology Based on 18–20th-Century Slag Remains from the Old Copper Basin, Poland Minerals. 2021, Vol. 11(9), article 926, il.

  3. DERKOWSKA KATARZYNA, Bartz Wojciech, Baron Justyna, Lisowska Ewa - Morphology, function, petrography and provenance of ground stone tool  assemblage from Niemczańska, Poland in the light of late Bronze Age lithic production in the Odra basin. Quaternary International 2021, Vol. 586, s. 105-120, il.

  4. Barberes Gabriel A., Pena dos Reis Rui, Pimentel Nuno L., Spigolon André L. D., KARCZ PRZEMYSŁAW, Azevedo Marco, Barata Maria - Geochemical Considerations from the Carboniferous Unconventional Petroleum System of SW Iberia. Minerals 2021, Vol. 11 (8), article 811, il.

  5. BOBEK KINGA, KONIECZYŃSKA MONIKA, JAROSIŃSKI MAREK - Tectonics of the Wysoka Kamieńska Graben (NW Poland) and implications for fault sealing potential. Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (3): 38, 19 s., il., tab.

  6. BOBEK KINGA, JAROSIŃSKI MAREK - Modifications of methods for the fracture analysis from borehole data in application to shale formations. Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (2): 23, 17 s., il., tab.

  7. Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, NAGLIK BEATA, Toboła Tomasz, Powolny Tomasz, Huber Miłosz A., Milovská Stanislava, Dobosz Natalia, Guzik Kamil, Wesełucha-Birczyńska Aleksandra - Origin and occurrence of gem-quality, skarn-hosted barite from Jebel Ouichane near Nador in Morocco. Scientific Reports 2021, Vol. 11, Iss. 1, Article 10307, il.

  8. Dupret Vincent, Szaniawski Hubert, DEC MAREK, SZREK PIOTR - New cranial material of the acanthothoracid placoderm Palaeacanthaspis vasta from the Lower Devonian of Podolia—phylogenetic and taxonomic significance. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 2021, Vol. 66, No. 2, s. 337-347, il.

  9. Dziadzio Piotr, PLOCH IZABELA, Smoleń  Jolanta  - Biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous in the NW part of the Mid-Polish Trough. Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (4): 62.

  10. Galuskin Evgeny V., Galuskina Irina, Krüger Biljana, Krüger Hannes, Vapnik Yevgeny, Krzątała Arkadiusz, Środek Dorota, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ  - Nomenclature and Classification of the Arctite Supergroup. Aravaite, Ba2Ca18(SiO4)6[(PO4)3(CO3)]F3O, a New Arctite Supergroup Mineral from Negev Desert, Israel. Canadian Mineralogist 2021, Vol. 59 (1), s. 191-209, il.

  11. Galuskina Irina, Galuskin Evgeny V., Vapnik Yevgeny, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ, Prusik Krystian - Priscillagrewite-(Y), (Ca2Y)Zr2Al3O12: A new garnet of the bitikleite group from the Daba-Siwaqa area, the Hatrurim Complex, Jordan. American Mineralogist 2021, Vol. 106, Iss. 4, s. 641-649, il.

  12. Head Martin J., Pillans Brad, Zalasiewicz Jan A., Alloway Brent, Beu Alan G., Cohen Kim M., Gibbard Philip L., Knudsen Karen Luise, van Kolfschoten Thijs, Lirer Fabrizio, Litt Thomas, Liu Jaiqi, MARKS LESZEK, McManus Jerry, Piotrowski Jan A., Räsänen Matti, Rasmusse Sune, Saito Yoshiki, Tesakov Alexey, Turner Charles, Walker Mike, Cardeña Caridad Zazo - Formal ratification of subseries for the Pleistocene Series of the Quaternary System Episodes. 2021, Vol. 44(3), s. 241-247, il.

  13. Hounslow Mark W., Harris Samuel E., WÓJCIK KRYSTIAN, NAWROCKI JERZY, Woodcock Nigel H., Ratcliffe Kenneth T., Montgomery Paul - A geomagnetic polarity stratigraphy for the Middle and Upper Ordovician. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2021, Vol. 567, article 110225, il.

  14. Hounslow Mark W., Harris Samuel E., WÓJCIK KRYSTIAN, NAWROCKI JERZY, Woodcock Nigel H., Ratcliffe Kenneth T., Montgomery Paul - Geomagnetic polarity during the early Silurian: The first magnetostratigraphy of the Llandovery. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2021, Vol. 567, article 110245, il.

  15. JANKOWSKI LESZEK, Margielewski Włodzimierz - Geological control of young orogenic mountain morphology: From geomorphological analysis to reinterpretation of geology of the Outer Western Carpathians. Geomorphology 2021, Vol. 386, Article 107749.

  16. JARMOŁOWICZ-SZULC KATARZYNA - Application of Fluid Inclusions to Petroleum Basin Recognition - A Case Study from Poland. Minerals 2021, Vol. 11(5), Article 500, il.

  17. JARMOŁOWICZ-SZULC KATARZYNA - Hydrocarbon and aqueous inclusions in minerals: a review of analyses and interpretations for Paleozoic rocks in Poland. Geological Quarterly 2021, 65 (4), article 56.

  18. JARMOŁOWICZ-SZULC KATARZYNA, JANKOWSKI LESZEK - Interpretation of Mineralization in the Western Carpathians (Polish Segment) - A Tectonic Mélange Approach
    Minerals 2021, Vol. 11, Iss. 11, article. 1171, il., tab.

  19. JAROSIŃSKI MAREK, BOBEK KINGA, GŁUSZYŃSKI ANDRZEJ, Durkowski Karol - Present-day tectonic stress from borehole breakouts in the North-Sudetic Basin (northern Bohemian Massif, SW Poland) and its regional context. International Journal of Earth Sciences 2021, Vol. 110, Iss. 6, s. 2247–2265, il.

  20. Jewuła Karol, TRELA WIESŁAW, FIJAŁKOWSKA-MADER ANNA - Sedimentary and pedogenic record of seasonal humidity during the Permian-Triassic transition on the SE margin of Central European Basin (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2021, Vol. 564, article 110154, il.

  21. KOWALSKI ALEKSANDER - Multistage structural evolution of the end-Cretaceous–Cenozoic Wleń Graben (the Sudetes, NE Bohemian Massif) – a contribution to the post-Variscan tectonic history of SW Poland. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2021, Vol. 91, no. 1, s. 37–66, il.

  22. KOWALSKI ALEKSANDER - Late Cretaceous palaeogeography of NE Bohemian Massif: diachronous  sedimentary successions in the Wleń Graben and Krzeszów Brachysyncline (SW Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2021, Vol. 91, no. 1, s. 1–36, il.

  23. KOZŁOWSKA ALEKSANDRA, FELDMAN-OLSZEWSKA ANNA, KUBERSKA MARTA, Maliszewska Anna - Diagenesis and the Conditions of Deposition of the Middle Jurassic Siderite Rocks from the Northern Margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland). Minerals 2021, Vol. 11, No. 12, article 1353, il.

  24. KOZŁOWSKA ALEKSANDRA, JARMOŁOWICZ-SZULC KATARZYNA, KUBERSKA MARTA, WOŁKOWICZ KRYSTYNA - Formation of Diagenetic Minerals in the Carboniferous Rock Complex from the Fore-Sudetic Monocline (SW Poland): Fluid Inclusion, Isotopic and Raman Constraints. Minerals 2021, Vol. 11(9), article 976, il.

  25. KOZŁOWSKA-ROMAN AGATA, MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z.  - Chemical and morphological characterization of polymetallic (Mn-Fe) nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean. Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (4): 57

  26. KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Johansson Åke E., KRZEMIŃSKI LESZEK, WISZNIEWSKA JANINA, Williams Ian S., PETECKI ZDZISŁAW, SALWA SYLWESTER - Basement correlation across the southernmost Baltic Sea: Geochemical and geochronological evidence from onshore and offshore deep drill cores, northern Poland. Precambrian Research 2021, Vol. 362, Article 106300, il.

  27. KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, KRZEMIŃSKI LESZEK, Poprawa Paweł, PACZEŚNA JOLANTA, Nejbert Krzysztof  - First Evidence of the Post-Variscan Magmatic Pulse on the Western Edge of  East European Craton: U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Dolerite in the Lublin Podlasie Basin, Eastern Poland. Minerals 2021, Vol. 11, Iss. 12, article 1361, il.

  28. Krzyszkowski Dariusz, Wachecka-Kotkowska Lucyna, Nita Małgorzata, WIECZOREK DARIUSZ - Middle Pleistocene fluvial, lacustrine and glaciolacustrine sediments of the Czyżów and Kuców Formations (Kuców 9, 10 and 16 sections), Bełchatów outcrop, central Poland – the problem of stratigraphical interpretation. Studia Quaternaria 2021, Vol. 38, no. 1, s. 53-66, il.

  29. Kupryjanowicz Mirosława, Fiłoc Magdalena, Woronko Barbara, Karasiewicz Mirosław, RYCHEL JOANNA, Adamczyk Aleksander, Jarosz Joanna - Eemian and early Weichselian environmental changes at the Jałówka site, NE Poland, and their correlation with marine and ice records. Quaternary Research 2021, Vol. 104, s. 69-88, il.

  30. Machalski Marcin, Owocki Krzysztof, Dubicka Zofia, Malchyk, Oksana, WIERNY WERONIKA - Stable isotopes and predation marks shed new light on ammonoid habitat depth preferences. Scientific Reports 2021, Vol. 11, No. 11, article 22730 , il.

  31. Maino Matteo, ADAMUSZEK MARTA, Schenker Filippo Luca, Seno Silvio, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - Sheath fold development around deformable inclusions: Integration of field-analysis (Cima Lunga unit, Central Alps) and 3D numerical models. Journal of Structural Geology 2021, Vol. 144, article 104255, il.

  32. Majka Jarosław, Kośmińska Karolina, BAZARNIK JAKUB, McClelland William C. - The Ordovician Thores volcanic island arc of the Pearya Terrane from northern Ellesmere Island formed on Precambrian continental crust. Lithos 2021, Vol. 386-387, article 105999, il.

  33. Matyja Hanna, WORONCOWA-MARCINOWSKA TATIANA, Filipiak Paweł, BRAŃSKI PAWEŁ, SOBIEŃ KATARZYNA - The Devonian/Carboniferous boundary interval in Poland: multidisciplinary studies in pelagic (Holy Cross Mountains and Sudetes) and ramp (Western Pomerania) successions. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 2021, Vol. 101, iss. 2, s. 421–472, il.

  34. Michalik Jozef, GRABOWSKI JACEK, Lintnerová Otília, Reháková Daniela, Kdýr Šimon, Schnabl Petr - Jurassic – Cretaceous boundary record in Carpathian sedimentary sequences. Cretaceous Research 2021, Vol. 118, Article number 104659, il.

  35. NAGLIK BEATA, Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Toboła Tomasz, DERKOWSKI PAWEŁ, HABRYN RYSZARD, MARKOWIAK MAREK - Diversity of Pyrite-Hosted Solid Inclusions and their Metallogenic Implications—A Case Study from the Myszków Mo–Cu–W Porphyry Deposit (the Kraków–Lubliniec Fault Zone, Poland). Minerals 2021, Vol. 11, Iss. 12, article 1426, il.

  36. NARKIEWICZ MAREK, NARKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, Kruchek, Semen A., Bełka Zdzisław, Obukhovskaya Veronika Y., Plax Dmitry P.  - Late Eifelian Kačák Episode in the epeiric Belarusian Basin: Role of terrestrial-marine teleconnections. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2021, Vol. 562, Article 110106, il.

  37. NARKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, Corradini Carlo, Abdiyev Nuriddin, NARKIEWICZ MAREK - Conodont biostratigraphy and biofacies across the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in the Kule section (Uzbekistan). Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (1): 17, 14 s., il., tab.

  38. Nawrocki Jerzy, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA, WÓJCIK KRYSTIAN, Tatur Andrzej - U–Pb isotopic ages and provenance of some far-travelled exotic pebbles from glaciogenic sediments of the Polonez Cove Formation (Oligocene, King George Island). Journal of the Geological Society 2021, Vol. 178, Iss. 2, jgs2020-113, il.

  39. Nawrocki Jerzy, Leichmann Jaromír, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA - Mid-Ediacaran bimodal magmatism and peri-Baltic affinity of the Brunovistulian terrane documented by the U-Pb isotope and palaeomagnetic data from the Brno Massif (Central Europe). Precambrian Research 2021, Vol. 358, article 106147, il.

  40. Nawrocki Jerzy, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA, WÓJCIK KRYSTIAN, KOZŁOWSKA-ROMAN AGATA - Age of volcanism on Keller Peninsula and assessment of age-constrained volcanic activity on King George Island, West Antarctica. Polish Polar Research 2021, Vol. 42, Iss. 2, s. 77–95, il.

  41. Négrel Philippe, Ladenberger Anna, Reimann Clemens, Birke Manfred, Demetriades Alecos, Sadeghi Martiya, PASIECZNA ANNA, DUSZA-DOBEK ALEKSANDRA, KWECKO PAWEŁ - GEMAS: Geochemical distribution of Mg in agricultural soil of Europe. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 2021, Vol. 221, article 106706, il.

  42. Niezabitowska Dominika K., ROSZKOWSKA-REMIN JOANNA, Szaniawski Rafał, Derkowski Arkadiusz - Magnetic susceptibility variations in lower Paleozoic shales of the western Baltic Basin (northern Poland): A tool for regional stratigraphic correlations and the decoding of paleoenvironmental changes. AAPG Bulletin 2021, Vol. 105 (5), s. 987–1007, il.

  43. Nowaczewska Wioletta, Binkowski Marcin, Benazzi Stefano, Vazzana Antonino, Nadachowski Adam, Stefaniak Krzysztof, ŻARSKI MARCIN, Talamo Sahra, Compton Tim, Stringer Chris B., Hajdinjak Mateja, Hublin Jean-Jacques - New hominin teeth from Stajnia Cave, Poland. Journal of Human Evolution 2021, Vol. 151, article 102929, il.

  44. OLKOWICZ MARCIN, BOBEK KINGA, JAROSIŃSKI MAREK, PACHYTEL RADOMIR - Comparison of joint set orientations in Lower Paleozoic shales exposed in Scania (SW Sweden) and concealed in northern Poland: a multi-methodological approach. Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (4): 63.

  45. Peryt Danuta, GARECKA MAŁGORZATA, PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK - Foraminiferal and calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy of the upper Badenian–lower Sarmatian strata in the SE Polish Carpathian Foredeep. Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (1): 18, 24 s., il., tab.

  46. PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK - The origin of Upper Permian basinal dolomites in SW Poland: Impact of ascending brines. Terra Nova 2021, Vol. 33, Iss. 5, s. 483-493, il.

  47. PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK, SKOWROŃSKI LESZEK - The stratigraphy of Zechstein strata in the East European Craton of Poland: an overview Geological Quarterly 2021,65(4), article 48.

  48. PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK, Peryt Danuta - Foraminiferal micro-buildups (“reefs”) in the Wuchiapingian basin facies of the basal Zechstein carbonates in western Poland. Journal of Palaeogeography 2021, 10(4), s. 463–481.

  49. PETECKI ZDZISŁAW, WISZNIEWSKA JANINA - Internal structure of the buried Suwałki Anorthosite Massif (East European Craton, NE Poland) based on borehole, magnetic and gravity data combined with new petrological results. Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (1): 4, 17 s., il., tab.

  50. PIEŃKOWSKI GRZEGORZ, Uchman Alfred, Ninard Krzysztof, Hesselbo Stephen P. - Ichnology, sedimentology, and orbital cycles in the hemipelagic Early Jurassic Laurasian Seaway (Pliensbachian, Cardigan Bay Basin, UK). Global and Planetary Change 2021, Vol. 207, article 103648, il.

  51. PIŁACIK ALICJA, JAROSIŃSKI MAREK - Present-day stress profile in the Baltic Basin sedimentary succession constrained by drilling-induced structures: interpretation uncertainties. Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (4): s., il.

  52. Popiuk Yana, Ridush Bogdan, SOLOVEY TATIANA - Middle and Late Pleistocene terrestrial snails from the Middle Dniester area, Ukraine (based on Mykola Kunytsia’s collections). Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (1): 6, 12 s., il., tab.

  53. Rakociński Michał, Pisarzowska Agnieszka, Corradini Carlo, NARKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, Dubicka Zofia, Abdiyev Nuriddin - Mercury spikes as evidence of extended arc-volcanism around the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in the South Tian Shan (southern Uzbekistan). Scientific Reports 2021, Vol. 11, article 5708, il.

  54. Remin Zbigniew, CYGLICKI MICHAŁ, Barski Marcin, Dubicka Zofia, ROSZKOWSKA-REMIN JOANNA - The K-Pg boundary section at Nasiłów, Poland: stratigraphic reassessment based on foraminifers, dinoflagellate cysts and palaeomagnetism. Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (3): 45, 21 s., il., tab.

  55. Rosentau Alar, Klemann Volker, Bennike Ole, Steffen Holger, Wehr Jasmin, Latinović Milena, Bagge Meike, Ojala Antti E. K., Berglund Mikael, Peterson Becher, Schoning Gustaf, Hansson Kristian Anton, Nielsen Lars, Clemmensen Lars B., Hede Mikkel U., Kroon Aart, Pejrup Morten, Sander Lasse, Stattegger Karl, Schwarzer Klaus, Lampe Reihnard, Lampe Mathias, UŚCINOWICZ SZYMON, Bitinas Albertas, Grudzinska Leva, Vassiljev Jüri, Nirgi Triine, Kublitskiy Yuriy, Subetto Dmitry - A Holocene relative sea-level database for the Baltic Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews 2021, Vol. 266, article 107071, il.

  56. RYCHEL JOANNA - Palaeogeographic reconstruction of the North Podlasie region in the Sokółka area during the Late Pleistocene (NE Poland). Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (1): 12, 16 s., il., tab.

  57. RYCHEL JOANNA, Orłowska Anna, Zbucki Łukasz, NOWACKI ŁUKASZ, Zalessky Ivan - Revised stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Rostan Hills in northwestern Ukraine. Studia Quaternaria 2021, Vol. 38, no. 1, s. 33-41, il.

  58. Salamon​ Mariusz A., FELDMAN-OLSZEWSKA ANNA, Jain Sreepat, Ferrè Bruno B. M., Paszcza Karolina, Płachno Bartosz J. - Substrate type and palaeodepth do not affect the Middle Jurassic taxonomic diversity of crinoids. PeerJ 2021, Vol. 9, article e12017, il.

  59. Skreczko Sylwia, Szymczyk Artur, NADŁONEK WERONIKA - Impacts of vegetation and palaeohydrological changes on the n-alkane composition of a Holocene peat sequence from the Upper Vistula Valley (southern Poland). Journal of Soils and Sediments 2021, Vol. 21, Iss. 7, s. 2709–2718, il.

  60. SŁOMSKI PIOTR, Szczepański Jacek, Topór Tomasz, Mastalerz Maria, Pluymakers Anne, Derkowski Arkadiusz, Wojciechowski T. - Factors controlling pore network development of thermally mature Early Palaeozoic mudstones from the Baltic Basin (N Poland). Marine and Petroleum Geology 2021, Vol. 134, article 105328, il.

  61. Stach Paweł, Natkaniec-Nowak Lucyna, Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Kosakowski Paweł, NAGLIK BEATA, DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW, Misiak Jacek, Pršek Jaroslav, George Carlos, Ramírez Gómez, Ramón Elías - The study of Dominican amber-bearing sediments from Siete Cañadas and La Cumbre with a discussion on their origin. Scientific Reports 2021, Vol. 11, article 18556, il.

  62. Stefaniak Krzysztof, Kovalchuk Oleksandr, Kotusz Jan, Stachowicz-Rybka Renata, Mirosław-Grabowska Joanna, Niska Monika, Winter Hanna, Sobczyk Artur, Barkaszi Zoltan, Kotowski Adam, Malkiewicz Małgorzata, Alexandrowicz Witold Paweł, Raczyński Paweł, Badura Janusz, PRZYBYLSKI BOGUSŁAW, CISZEK DARIUSZ, URBAŃSKI KRZYSZTOF - Pleistocene freshwater environments of Poland: a comprehensive study of fish assemblages based on a multi-proxy approach. Boreas 2021, Vol. 50, Iss. 2, s. 457-476, il., tab.

  63. Stefaniak Krzysztof, Stachowicz-Rybka Renata, Borówka Ryszard K., HRYNOWIECKA ANNA, Sobczyk Artur, Moskal-del Hoyo Magdalena, Kotowski Adam, Nowakowski Dariusz, Krajcarz Maciej T., Billia Emmanuel M. E., Persico Davide, Burkanova Elena M., Leshchinskiy Sergey V., van Asperen Eline, Ratajczak Urszula, Shpansky Andrei V., Lempart Małgorzata, Wach Bartosz, Niska Monika, van der Made Jan, Stachowicz Krzysztof, Lenarczyk Joanna, Piątek Jolanta, Kovalchuk Oleksandr - Browsers, grazers or mix-feeders? Study of the diet of extinct Pleistocene Eurasian forest rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) and woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799). Quaternary International 2021, Vol. 605-606, s. 192-212, il.

  64. SZCZEPANIK ZBIGNIEW, Żylińska Anna - Terreneuvian acritarch assemblages of the Holy Cross Mountains – a new approach. Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (2): 29, 15 s., il., tab.

  65. SZREK PIOTR, DEC MAREK, WILK OLGA - The first Early Devonian Dipnoi from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 2021, Vol. 41, No. 1, Article e1923323, il.

  66. SZREK PIOTR, Kozłowski Wojciech, WILK OLGA - A large predatory arthrodire (Vertebrata, Placodermi) from the Famennian (Upper Devonian) of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 2021, Vol. 41, Iss. 2, artice e1930019, il.

  67. Talamo Sahra, Urbanowski Mikołaj, Picin Andrea, Nowaczewska Wioletta, Vazzana Antonino, Binkowski Marcin, Cercatillo Silvia, Diakowski Marcin, Fewlass Helen, Marciszak Adrian, Paleček Dragana, Richards Michael P., Ryder Christina M., Sinet-Mathiot Virginie, Smith Geoff M., Socha Paweł, Sponheimer Matt, Stefaniak Krzysztof, Welker Frido Winter Hanna, Wiśniewski Andrzej, ŻARSKI MARCIN, Benazzi Stefano, Nadachowski Adam, Hublin Jean-Jacques - A 41,500 year-old decorated ivory pendant from Stajnia Cave (Poland). Scientific Reports 2021, Vol. 11, No. 11, article 22078, il.

  68. TRELA WIESŁAW - Eustatic and local tectonic impact on the Late Ordovician – early Silurian facies evolution on the SW margin of peri-Baltica (the southern Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). Geological Magazine 2021, Vol. 158, Iss. 8, s. 1472-1486, il.

  69. UŚCINOWICZ SZYMON, Adamiec Grzegorz, Bluszcz Andrzej, JEGLIŃSKI WOJCIECH, Miotk-Szpiganowicz Grażyna  - Holocene development of the Vistula Spit (Baltic Sea coast) based on multidisciplinary investigations. Holocene 2021, Vol. 31, Iss.4, s. 658-671 il.

  70. Wachecka-Kotkowska Lucyna, Krzyszkowski Dariusz, WIECZOREK DARIUSZ, Boswell Steven, Myśkow Elżbieta - Lithopetrographic and geochemical features of the Saalian tills in the Szczerców outcrop (Poland) in various deformation settings. Open Geosciences 2021, Vol. 13, Iss. 1, s. 1-15, il.

  71. WAKSMUNDZKA MARIA I., KOZŁOWSKA ALEKSANDRA, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA - A putative Tournaisian and Visean volcanic-sedimentary succession in the Lublin Basin, SE Poland: depositional processes, petrological characteristics and sequence stratigraphy. Acta Geologica Polonica 2021, Vol. 71, no. 3, s. 305-344, il., tab.

  72. Wala Virginia T., Ziemniak Grzegorz, Majka Jarosław, Faehnrich Karol, McClelland William C., Meyer Edward E., Manecki Maciej, BAZARNIK JAKUB, Strauss Justin V.  - Neoproterozoic stratigraphy of the Southwestern Basement Province, Svalbard (Norway): Constraints on the Proterozoic-Paleozoic evolution of the North Atlantic-Arctic Caledonides. Precambrian Research 2021, Vol. 358, article 106138, il.

  73. Widera Marek, Bechtel Achim, Chomiak Lilianna, MACIASZEK PIOTR, SŁODKOWSKA BARBARA, Wachocki Robert, Worobiec Elżbieta, Worobiec Grzegorz, Zielonka Tomasz - Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Konin Basin (central Poland) during lignite accumulation linked to the mid-Miocene climate optimum. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2021, Vol. 568, article 110307, il.

  74. WIECZOREK DARIUSZ, Stachura Michał, Wachecka-Kotkowska Lucyna, MARKS LESZEK, Krzyszkowski Dariusz, Zieliński Artur, Karaś Marta - Similarities among glacials and interglacials in the LR04 benthic oxygen isotope stack over the last 1.014 million years revealed by cluster analysis and a DTW algorithm. Global and Planetary Change 2021, Vol. 202, Article 103521, il.

  75. WIERZBOWSKI HUBERT - Advances and Challenges in Palaeoenvironmental Studies Based on Oxygen Isotope Composition of Skeletal Carbonates and Phosphates. Geosciences 2021, Vol. 11, Iss. 10, article 419, il.

  76. WIERZBOWSKI HUBERT, Szaniawski Hubert, Błażejowski Błażej - Structural, chemical and isotope evidence for secondary phosphate mineralization of grasping spines of Early Palaeozoic chaetognaths. Lethaia 2021, Vol. 54, Iss. 2, s. 245-259, il.

  77. WILK OLGA, Olive Sébastien, Pradel Alen, Den Blaauwen Jan L., SZREK PIOTR - The first lower jaw of a ctenacanthid shark from the Late Devonian (Famennian) of Belgium. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 2021, Vol. 41, No. 3, article e1960537, il.

  78. WISZNIEWSKA JANINA, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA - Advances in geochronology in the Suwałki anorthosite massif and subsequent granite veins, northeastern Poland. Precambrian Research 2021, Vol. 361, article 106265, il.

  79. Wojtowicz Michał, JAROSIŃSKI MAREK, PACHYTEL RADOMIR - Unconfined compressive strength of Lower Paleozoic shales from the Baltic Basin (northern Poland). Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (2): 33, 13 s., il., tab.

  80. Woronko Barbara, RYCHEL JOANNA, Honczaruk Marcin - Quartz-grain microweathering amid Pleistocene-aged deep-seated relict permafrost in Central Europe (NE Poland). Quaternary International 2021, Vol. 605-606, s. 65-80 il.

  81. WÓJCIK ANTONI, GARECKA MAŁGORZATA, MALATA TOMASZ, Pilarz Monika - The youngest deposits infilling the Gdów “embayment” (Carpathian orogenic  front, south Poland) are not older than late Sarmatian-Pannonian. Geological Quarterly 2021, Vol. 65 (2): 22, 15 s., il.

  82. Zamelska-Monczak Kinga, PIOTROWSKI ANDRZEJ, SYDOR PAWEŁ, ŻUK TOMASZ, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Krzymińska Jarmila - Geoarchaeological studies in the early medieval Santok stronghold (north-western Poland). Geoarchaeology 2021, Vol. 36, Iss. 6, s. 978-1008, il.

  83. Zhang Jinpeng, TOMCZAK MICHAŁ, Witkowski Andrzej, Liang Kai, Harff Jan, Li Chao, Wang Bing - A diatom-based Holocene record of sedimentary and oceanographic environmental changes within the Beibu Gulf, NW South China Sea. Marine Geology 2021, Vol. 432, Article 106395, il.

  84. Zhang Jinpeng, TOMCZAK MICHAŁ, Li Chao, Witkowski Andrzej, Li Shun, Zhou Yang, Miluch Jakub - Paleo-ecological changes and sedimentary evolution of the Hainan Delta, NW South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2021, Vol. 209, Article 104685, il.

  85. Zhao Yao, Wei Yao Zhao, Liu Xi, Wang Yi-Jing, Jiang Shao-Yong, Eastoe Christopher J., PERYT TADEUSZ - Isotope evidence for multiple sources of B and Cl in Middle Miocene (Badenian) evaporites, Carpathian Mountains. Applied Geochemistry 2021, Vol. 124, article 104819, il.

  86. Zhong Xin, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Jamtveit Bjørn - Analytical solution for residual stress and strain preserved in anisotropic inclusion entrapped in an isotropic host. Solid Earth 2021, Vol. 12, Iss. 4, s. 817–833, il.

  87. Zhong Xin, Petley-Ragan Arianne J., Incel Sarah H. M., DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Andersen Nils H., Jamtveit Bjørn - Lower crustal earthquake associated with highly pressurized frictional melts. Nature Geoscience 2021, Vol. 14 (7), s. 519-525, il.



  1. BECKER ANNA, FIJAŁKOWSKA-MADER ANNA, JASIONOWSKI MAREK - Marine vs. terrestrial environments during Early Triassic deposition on the northeastern margin of the Central European Basin – a ultidisciplinary study on the Middle Buntsandstein of the Bartoszyce IG 1 borehole, NE Poland. Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (4), s. 1023–1047, il.

  2. BECKER ANNA, FIJAŁKOWSKA-MADER ANNA, NAWROCKI JERZY, SOBIEŃ KATARZYNA - Integrated palynostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of the Middle and Upper Buntsandstein in NE Poland – an approach to correlating Lower Triassic regional isochronous horizons. Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (2), s. 460-479, il.

  3. Błażejowski Błażej, WIERZBOWSKI HUBERT, Feldmann Rodney M. - Reply to the comment on “No evidence for fungal infection of Upper Jurassic horseshoe crabs: A comment on Błażejowski et al. (2019” by Zatoń 2020. Palaeo3, XXX–XXX. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2020, Vol. 554, article 109733, il.

  4. Bónová Katarína, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA, Bóna Ján - Surface microtextures and new U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Eocene Strihovce sandstones in the Magura Nappe of the External Western Carpathians: implications for their provenance. International Journal of Earth Sciences 2020, Vol. 109, iss. 5, s. 1565–1587, il.

  5. Cybulska Danuta, RUBINKIEWICZ JACEK - The Apectodinium spp. acme as an evidence for the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum from the Polish Outer Carpathians. Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (2), s. 241–251, il.

  6. DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW, NAGLIK BEATA, Natkaniec-Nowak Lucyna, Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Stach Paweł, Kwaśny Mirosław, Matusik Jakub, Milovský Ratislav, Skonieczny Janusz, Kubica-Bąk Dorota - Chemical and spectroscopic signatures of resins from Sumatra (Sarolangun mine, Jambi Province) and Germany (Bitterfeld, Saxony-Anhalt). Scientific Reports 2020, Vol. 10, article 18283, il.

  7. Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Powolny Tomasz, Khac Giang Nguyen, Heflik Wiesław, SIKORSKA-JAWOROWSKA MAGDALENA - Petrogenesis of scapolite-rich gabbro from the alkaline Cho Don complex in north-eastern Vietnam – mineralogical and geochemical implications. Lithos 2020, Vol. 374–375, article 105703, il.

  8. Dzierżek Jan, Lindner Leszek, NAWROCKI JERZY - The loess section in Wąchock as the key site of Vistulian loesses and palaeosols in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland). Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (2), s. 252–262, il., tab.

  9. Gorzelak Przemysław, Salamon Mariusz A., Brom Krzysztof, Oji Tatsuo, Oguri Kazumasa, Kołbuk Dorota, DEC MAREK, Brachaniec Tomasz, Saucède Thomas - Experimental neoichnology of post-autotomy arm movements of sea lilies and possible evidence of thrashing behaviour in Triassic. Scientific Reports 2020, Vol. 10, Iss. 1, article number 15147, il.

  10. HABRYN RYSZARD, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, KRZEMIŃSKI LESZEK, MARKOWIAK MAREK, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ - Detrital zircon age data from the conglomerates in the Upper Silesian and Małopolska blocks, and their implications for the pre-Variscan tectonic evolution (S Poland). Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (2), s. 321-341, il., tab.

  11. Jach Renata, Goričan Špela, Reháková Daniela, Uchman Alfred, IWAŃCZUK JOLANTA - Comment on “Decadal to millennial variations in water column parameters in pelagic marine environments of the Western Tethys (Carpathian realm) during Middle–Late Jurassic – Evidence from the radiolarian record” by M. Bąk, K. Bąk and M. Michalik. Global and Planetary Change 2020, Vol. 193, article 102855, il.

  12. JARMOŁOWICZ-SZULC KATARZYNA - A reappraisal of K-Ar and new U-Pb age data for felsic rocks in the vicinity of the Kraków-Lubliniec Fault Zone (southern Poland). Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (3), s. 754–765, il., tab.

  13.  Jewuła Karol, TRELA WIESŁAW, FIJAŁKOWSKA-MADER ANNA - The Permian–Triassic boundary in continental sedimentary succession at the SE margin of the Central European Basin (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). Geological Magazine 2020, Vol. 157, Iss. 11, s. 1767-1780, il.

  14. KASIŃSKI JACEK ROBERT, KRAMARSKA REGINA, SŁODKOWSKA BARBARA, Sivkov Vadim, Piwocki Marcin - Paleocene and Eocene deposits on the eastern margin of the Gulf of Gdańsk (Yantarny P-1 borehole, Kaliningrad region, Russia). Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (1), s. 29-53, il., tab.

  15. KĄDZIOŁKA (DERKOWSKA) KATARZYNA, Pietranik Anna, Kierczak Jakub, Potysz Anna, Stolarczyk Tomasz - Towards better reconstruction of smelting temperatures: Methodological review and the case of historical K-rich Cu-slags from the Old Copper Basin, Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science 2020, 118, 105142 17.

  16. Klein Hendrik, GIERLIŃSKI GERARD, Lallensack Jens N., Abu Hamad Abdalla, Al-Mashakbeh Habes, Alhejoj Ikhlas, Konopka Marcin, Błoński Marcin - First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) – preliminary results. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae. 2020, Vol. 90, no. 3, s. 331–342, il.

  17. KOTRYS BARTOSZ, Płóciennik Mateusz, SYDOR PAWEŁ, Brooks Stephen J. - Expanding the Swiss‐Norwegian chironomid training set with Polish data. Boreas. 2020, Vol. 49, iss. 1, s. 89–107, il.

  18. KOZŁOWSKA ALEKSANDRA, WAKSMUNDZKA MARIA I. - Diagenesis, sequence stratigraphy and reservoir quality of the Carboniferous deposits of the southeastern Lublin Basin (SE Poland). Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (2), s. 422-459, il., tab.

  19. Kroeck David M., Blanchon Mathilde, Zacaï Axelle, Navidi-Izad Navid, Benachour Houcine B., Monnet Claude, Raevskaya Elena, SZCZEPANIK ZBIGNIEW, Servais Thomas - Revision of the Cambro-Ordovician acritarch genus Vulcanisphaera Deunff, 1961. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 2020, Vol. 279, article 104212, il.

  20. Kucharski Dawid, DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW, Nałęcz-Jawecki Grzegorz, Mianowicz Kamila, SKOWRONEK ARTUR, Giebułtowicz Joanna - Development and Application of a Novel QuEChERS Method for Monitoring of Tributyltin and Triphenyltin in Bottom. Sediments of the Odra River Estuary, North Westernmost Part of Poland. Molecules 2020, Vol. 25, iss. 3, artticle E591, il.

  21. Machaniec Elżbieta, Kowalczewska Oliwia, JUGOWIEC MAŁGORZATA, Gasiński M. Adam, Uchman Alfred - Foraminiferal and calcareous nannoplankton bioevents and changes at the Late Cretaceous–earliest Paleogene transition in the northern margin of Tethys (Hyżne section, Polish Carpathians). Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (3), s. 567–588, il., tab.

  22. Maciąg Łukasz, RYDZEWSKA URSZULA, SKOWRONEK ARTUR, SALWA SYLWESTER - Mineralogy and geochemistry of fluvial-lacustrine pisolith micronodules from the roztoka odrzańska, Odra river, NW Poland. Geosciences 2020, Vol. 10, iss. 1, article 3, il.

  23. MARKS LESZEK, Woronko Barbara, Majecka Aleksandra, Rylova Tatyana, Orłowska Anna, Hrachanik Mikalai, RYCHEL JOANNA, Zbucki Łukasz, Bahdasarau Maksim, Hradunova Aksana, Nitychoruk Jerzy, NOWACKI ŁUKASZ, POCHOCKA-SZWARC KATARZYNA - Middle Pleistocene deposits at Rechitsa, western Belarus, and their input to MIS 12-6 stratigraphy in central Europe. Quaternary International 2020, Vol. 553, s. 34-52, il.

  24. Márton Emő, Madzin Jozef, Plašienka Dušan, GRABOWSKI JACEK, Bučová Jana, Jana Bučová, Aubrecht Roman, Putiš Marián - New paleomagnetic constraints for the large-scale displacement of the Hronic nappe system of the Central Western Carpathians. Journal of Geodynamics 2020, Vol.141-142, Article 101796, il.

  25. Masiak Monika, Stempień-Sałek Marzena, PODHALAŃSKA TERESA - Microphytoplankton from middle palaeolatitudes of the Southern Hemisphere – a record from climate change strata of Baltica’s O/S boundary. Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (1), s. 86-103, il.

  26. Mazur Stanisław, Aleksandrowski Paweł, Gągała Łukasz, Krzywiec Piotr, Żaba Jerzy, Gaidzik Krzysztof,SIKORA RAFAŁ - Late Palaeozoic strike-slip tectonics versus oroclinal bending at the SW outskirts of Baltica: case of the Variscan belt’s eastern end in Poland. International Journal of Earth Sciences 2020, Vol. 109, iss. 4, s. 1133–1160, il.

  27. MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z., OSZCZEPALSKI SŁAWOMIR, SADŁOWSKA KATARZYNA, CHMIELEWSKI ANDRZEJ, MAŁEK RAFAŁ - Trace Element Distributions in the Zn-Pb (Mississippi Valley-Type) and Cu-Ag (Kupferschiefer) Sediment-Hosted Deposits in Poland. Minerals 2020, Vol. 10, iss. 1, artticle 75, il.

  28. MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z., Williams Ian S., Stein Holly J., Wierchowiec Jan - Zircon U-Pb Dating of Magmatism and Mineralizing Hydrothermal Activity in the Variscan Karkonosze Massif and Its Eastern Metamorphic Cover (SW Poland). Minerals 2020, Vol. 10, Iss 9, article 787, il.

  29. NAGLIK BEATA, Mroczkowska-Szerszeń Maja, Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Natkaniec-Nowak Lucyna, DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW, Stach Paweł, Żukowska Grażyna - Fossil Resins–Constraints from Portable and Laboratory Near-infrared Raman Spectrometers. Minerals 2020, Vol. 10, iss. 2, artticle 104, il.

  30. NARKIEWICZ MAREK - The Variscan foreland in Poland revisited: new data and new concepts. Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (2), s. 377-401, il.

  31. NAWROCKI JERZY, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA, SZREK PIOTR - Magmatic activity at the Silurian/Devonian boundary in the Brunovistulia and Małopolska Terranes (S Poland): possible link with the Rheic Ocean closure and the onset of the Rheno-Hercynian Basin. Geological Magazine 2020, Vol. 157, iss. 2, s. 119-133, il.

  32. Niedźwiedzki Grzegorz, SZREK PIOTR - Non-tetrapod trace fossils from the Middle Devonian tetrapod tracksite at Zachełmie Quarry, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2020, Vol. 553, article 109763, il.

  33. Pagacz Joanna, NAGLIK BEATA, Stach Paweł, DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW, Natkaniec-Nowak Lucyna - Maturation process of natural resins recorded in their thermal properties. Journal of Materials Science 2020, Vol. 55, iss. 10, s. 4504–4523, il.

  34. PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA, NAWROCKI JERZY, Bogucki Andriy B., Gozhik Petro, Łanczont Maria - Possible sources and transport pathways of loess deposited in Poland and Ukraine from detrital zircon U-Pb age spectra. Aeolian Research, 2020, Vol. 45, article 100598

  35. Peryt Danuta, Gedl Przemysław, PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK - Marine transgression(s) to evaporite basin: The case of middle Miocene (Badenian) gypsum in the Central Paratethys, SE Poland. Journal of Palaeogeography 2020, Vol. 9, article 16, il.

  36. PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK, JASIONOWSKI MAREK, Raczyński Paweł, Chłódek Krzysztof - Demise of the Jabłonna Reef (Zechstein Limestone) and the onset of gypsum deposition Wuchiapingian, west Poland): carbonate-to-evaporite transition in a saline giant. Journal of Palaeogeography 2020, Vol. 9, article 18, il.

  37. Picin Andrea, Hajdinjak Mateja, Nowaczewska Wioletta, Benazzi Stefano, Urbanowski Mikołaj, Marciszak Adrian, Fewlass Helen, Socha Paweł, Stefaniak Krzysztof, ŻARSKI MARCIN, Wiśniewski Andrzej, Hublin Jean-Jacques, Nadachowski Adam, Talamo Sahra - New perspectives on Neanderthal dispersal and turnover from Stajnia Cave (Poland). Scientific Reports 2020, Vol. 10, article 14778, il.

  38. Pisarzowska Agnieszka, Becker R. Thomas, Aboussalam Zhor Sarah, Szczerba Marek, SOBIEŃ KATARZYNA, Kremer Barbara, Owocki Krzysztof, Racki Grzegorz - Middlesex/punctata Event in the Rhenish Basin (Padberg section, Sauerland, Germany) – Geochemical clues to the early-middle Frasnian perturbation of global carbon cycle. Global and Planetary Change 2020, Vol. 191, article 103211, il.

  39. Poprawa Paweł, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, PACZEŚNA JOLANTA, Amstrong Richard - Geochronology of the Volyn volcanic complex at the western slope of the East European Craton – Relevance to the Neoproterozoic rifting and the break-up of Rodinia/Pannotia. Precambrian Research 2020, Vol. 346, article 105817, il.

  40. Reolid Matías, IWAŃCZUK JOLANTA, Mattioli Emanuela, Abad Isabel - Integration of gamma ray spectrometry, magnetic susceptibility and calcareous nannofossils for interpreting environmental perturbations: An example from the Jenkyns Event (lower Toarcian) from South Iberian Palaeomargin (Median Subbetic, SE Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2020, Vol. 560, article number 110031, il.

  41. Rybak-Ostrowska Barbara, Konon Andrzej, Hurai Vratislav, Bojanowski Maciej, KONON AGNIESZKA, Wyglądała Michał - Fluid pathways within shallow-generated damage zones of strike-slip faults – evidence of map-scale faulting in a continental environment, SW Permo-Mesozoic cover of the Late Palaeozoic Holy Cross Mountains Fold Belt, Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica; 2020, Vol. 70, no. 1, s. 1-29

  42. Salamon Mariusz A., Bubík Miroslav, Ferrè Bruno, SZYDŁO ANDRZEJ, NESCIERUK PIOTR, Płachno Bartosz J., Brachaniec Tomasz, Paszcza Karolina - Additional data on post-Paleozoic sea-lilies (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) from the Outer Carpathians of the Czech Republic and Poland. Carnets de Géologie (Notebooks on Geology). 2020, Vol. 20, no. 15, s. 283-299, il.

  43. Salamon Mariusz A., SZYDŁO ANDRZEJ, Brachaniec Tomasz, Bubik Miroslav - New data on crinoid assemblages from the oldest sedimentary rocks of the Polish Outer Carpathians (Jurassic- Cretaceous) / Données nouvelles sur les assemblages crinoïdiques des plus anciennes roches sédimentaires des Carpathes externes polonaises (Jurassique-Crétacé). Annales de Paléontologie. 2020, Vol. 106, iss. 1, article 102357, il.

  44. Słotwiński Michał, ADAMUSZEK MARTA, Burliga Stanisław - Numerical study of tectonic structure evolution in a multi-layer evaporite sequence. Journal of Structural Geology 2020, Vol. 134, article 104011, il.

  45. Stach Paweł, Natkaniec-Nowak Lucyna, Wagner Marian, Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Mroczkowska-Szerszeń Maja, Wesełucha-Birczyńska Aleksandra, DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW, George Carlos, Garcia Edwin - A Study on the Formation Environment of the La Cumbre Amber Deposit, from Santiago Province, the Northwestern Part of the Dominican Republic. Minerals 2020, Vol. 10, Iss. 9, article 736

  46. Szamałek Krzysztof, ZGLINICKI KAROL, KONOPKA GUSTAW - Monazite-bearing post processing wastes and their potential economic significance = Odpady monacytonośne i ich potencjalne znaczenie gospodarcze. Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi – Mineral Resources Management 2020, T. 36, z. 1, s. 37-58, il.

  47. Szaniawski Rafał, Ludwiniak Mirosław, Mazzoli Stefano, Szczygieł Jacek, JANKOWSKI LESZEK - Paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric data from Lower Triassic redbeds of the Central Western Carpathians: new constraints on the paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian region. Journal of the Geological Society 2020, Vol. 177, Iss. 3, s. 509-522, il.

  48. SZREK PIOTR - Comments on distribution and taphonomy of Devonian placoderms in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Bulletin of Geosciences. 2020, Vol. 95, No 1, s.23-39, il.

  49. SZREK PIOTR, SALWA SYLWESTER - High-energy events in the Frasnian–Famennian boundary interval of the Płucki section in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Facies 2020, Vol. 66, Iss. 2, article 9, il.

  50. Trzeciak Maciej, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, JAROSIŃSKI MAREK - Stress distribution models in layered, viscoelastic sedimentary basins under tectonic and glacial loads. Geophysical Journal International 2020, Vol. 220, Iss. 2, s. 768–793, il.

  51. Van Dover C. L., Colaço A., Collins P. C., Croot P., Metaxas A., Murton B. J., Swaddling A., Boschen-Rose R. E., Carlsson J., Cuyvers, L., Fukushima T., Gartman A., Kennedy R., Kriete C., Mestre N. C., Molodtsova T., Myhrvold A., Pelleter E., Popoola S. O., Qian P.-Y., Sarrazin J., Sharma R., Suh Y. J., Sylvan J. B., Tao, C., TOMCZAK MICHAŁ, Vermilye J. - Research is needed to inform environmental management of hydrothermally inactive and extinct polymetallic sulfide (PMS) deposits. Marine Policy 2020, Vol. 121, article 104183, il.

  52. WILK OLGA, SZREK PIOTR, DEC MAREK, Glinka Bartosz, Ahlberg Per - Comments on the squamation of Polish Lower Devonian porolepiforms. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 2019, Vol.39, Iss. 6, Article: e1738448 Publikacja 2020 r.

  53. WISZNIEWSKA JANINA, Grabarczyk Anna, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Ahmad Talat - Contribution to the Mineral Chemistry of the Proterozoic Aravalli Mafic Meta-Volcanic Rocks from Rajasthan, NW India. Minerals 2020, Vol. 10, Iss. 7, article 638, il.

  54. WISZNIEWSKA JANINA, PETECKI ZDZISŁAW, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Grabarczyk Anna, Demaiffe Daniel - The Tajno ultramafic-alkaline-carbonatite massif, NE Poland: a review. Geophysics, petrology, geochronology and isotopic signature. Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (2), s. 402-421, il., tab.

  55. Yaremchuk Yaroslava, Hryniv Sofiya, PERYT TADEUSZ, Vovnyuk Serhiy, Meng Fanwei - Controls on Associations of Clay Minerals in Phanerozoic Evaporite Formations: An Overview. Minerals 2020, Vol. 10 (11), article 974, il.

  56. ZGLINICKI KAROL, Kosiński Paweł, Piestrzyński Adam, SZAMAŁEK KRZYSZTOF - Geological Prospection of Placer Chromium Deposits in the Waropen Regency—Indonesia (New Guinea) Using the Method of Indicator Minerals. Minerals 2020, Vol. 10, iss. 2, artticle 94, il.

  57. ZGLINICKI KAROL, SZAMAŁEK KRZYSZTOF - The Cyclops Mountains Massif (New Guinea, Indonesia) as the provenance area for metal-bearing shelf sediments from the Carolinian Sea. Geological Quarterly 2020, Vol. 64 (2), s. 480-491, il., tab.

  58. ZGLINICKI KAROL, SZAMAŁEK KRZYSZTOF, GÓRSKA IRENA - The Cyclops Ophiolite as a Source of High-Cr Spinels from Marine Sediments on the Jayapura Regency Coast (New Guinea, Indonesia). Minerals 2020, 10 (9): 735



  1. ADAMUSZEK MARTA, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - Sinking of a fragmented anhydrite layer in rock salt. Tectonophysics 2019, Vol. 766, s. 40-59.

  2. BAZARNIK JAKUB, Majka Jarosław Maria, McClelland William C., Strauss Justin V., Kośmińska Karolina Maria, Piepjohn Karsten, Elvevold Synnøve, CZUPYT ZBIGNIEW, Mikuš Tomáš - U-Pb zircon dating of metaigneous rocks from the Nordbreen Nappe of Svalbard’s Ny-Friesland suggests their affinity to Northeast Greenland. Terra Nova 2019, Vol. 31, s. 518–526

  3. Bónová Katarína, Bóna Ján, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA, Kováčik Martin, Mikuš Tomáš, Laurinc Dušan - Origin of deep-sea clastics of the Magura Basin (Eocene Makovica sandstones in the Outer Western Carpathians) with constraints of framework petrography, heavy mineral analysis and zircon geochronology. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2019, Vol. 514, s. 768-784

  4. Broska Igor, Bačík Peter, Kumar Santosh, Janák Marian, Kurylo Sergiy, BAZARNIK JAKUB, Mikuš Tomáš, Filip Jan - Myrmekitic intergrowth of tourmaline and quartz in eclogite-hosting gneisses of the Tso Morari ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terrane (Eastern Ladakh, India): a possible record of high-pressure conditions. Geological Society Special Publication 2019, Vol. 481, s. 175-194

  5. DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Grasemann Bernhard - Numerical modelling of boudinage under pure shear: Implications for estimating viscosity ratios and finite strain from natural examples. Journal of Structural Geology 2019, Vol. 126, s. 109-128

  6. Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Powolny Tomasz, SIKORSKA-JAWOROWSKA MAGDALENA, Heflik Wiesław, Morgun Vyacheslav, Xuan Ban To - Mineralogical and geochemical constraints on the origin and evolution of albitites from Dmytrivka at the Oktiabrski complex, Southeast Ukraine. Lithos 2019, Vol. 334-335, s. 231-244

  7. Elgh Erik, PIEŃKOWSKI GRZEGORZ, Niedźwiedzki Grzegorz - Pterosaur track assemblages from the Upper Jurassic (lower Kimmeridgian) intertidal deposits of Poland: Linking ichnites to potential trackmakers. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2019, Vol. 530, s. 32-48

  8. Gawęda Aleksandra, Szopa Krzysztof, Włodyka Roman, Burda Jolanta, SIKORSKA-JAWOROWSKA MAGDALENA, Crowley Quentin - Continuous magma mixing and cumulate separation in the High Tatra Mountains open system granitoid intrusion, Western Carpathians (Poland/Slovakia): a textural and geochemical study. Acta Geologica Polonica 2019, Vol. 69, no. 4, s. 549-570

  9. Grabarczyk Anna, WISZNIEWSKA JANINA - Comparative geochemical assessment of jotunite rocks from the Suwałki Massif and the Sejny Intrusion (NE Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica 2019, Vol. 69, nr 4, s. 513-529

  10. GRABOWSKI JACEK, Bakhmutov Vladimir, Kdýr Šimon, Krobicki Michał, Pruner Petr, Reháková Daniela, Schnabl Petr, Stoykova Kristalina, WIERZBOWSKI HUBERT - Integrated stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Upper Kimmeridgian to Lower Berriasian pelagic sequences of the Velykyi Kamianets section (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Ukraine). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2019, Vol. 532, art. no. 109216

  11. Grasemann Bernhard, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Schöpfer Martin P. J. - Sense and non-sense of shear reloaded. Journal of Structural Geology 2019, Vol. 125, s. 20-28

  12. JANKOWSKI LESZEK, Wysocka Anna - Occurrence of clastic injectites in the Oligocene strata of the Carpathians and their significance in unravelling the Paleogene and Neogene evolution of the Carpathian orogeny (Poland, Ukraine and Romania). Geological Quarterly 2019, Vol. 63, nr1, s. 106–125

  13. Kotowski Tomasz, CHUDZIK LINDA, Najman Joanna - Application of dissolved gases concentration measurements, hydrochemical and isotopic data to determine the circulation conditions and age of groundwater in the Central Sudetes Mts. Journal of Hydrology 2019, Vol. 569, s. 735-752

  14. Krobicki Michał, FELDMAN-OLSZEWSKA ANNA, IWAŃCZUK JOLANTA, Hnylko Oleh - Peperites and other volcano-sedimentary deposits (lowermost Cretaceous, Berriasian) of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Geologica Carpathica 2019, Vol. 70, Special Iss., s. 146-150 

  15. KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Broska Igor, Uher Pavel, Ondrejka Martin, Mikuš Tomáš, Vaculovič Tomáš - Titanite composition and SHRIMP U–Pb dating as indicators of post-magmatic tectono-thermal activity: Variscan I-type tonalites to granodiorites, the Western Carpathians. Geologica Carpathica 2019, Vol. 70, no. 6, s. 449–470

  16. KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, CZUPYT ZBIGNIEW, Kowal-Linka Monika - The youngest detrital zircons from the Upper Triassic Lipie Śląskie (Lisowice) continental deposits (Poland): Implications for the maximum depositional age of the Lisowice bone-bearing horizon. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2019, Vol. 514, s. 487-501

  17. KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Łukawska Aleksandra, Bagiński Bogusław - U-Pb zircon geochronology of high-grade charnockites – exploration of pre-Mesoproterozoic crust in the Mazury Complex are. Acta Geologica Polonica 2019, Vol. 69, no. 4, s. 489-511

  18. Krzywiec Piotr, KIERSNOWSKI HUBERT, PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK - Fault-controlled Permian sedimentation in the central Polish Basin (Bydgoszcz–Szubin area) – Insights from well and seismic data. Zeitschrift Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Geowissenschaften 2019, Vol. 170, no. 3–4, s. 255–272

  19. Marciszak Adrian, Kotowski Adam, PRZYBYLSKI BOGUSŁAW, BADURA JANUSZ, Wiśniewski Andrzej, Stefaniak Krzysztof - Large mammals from historical collections of open-air sites of Silesia (southern Poland) with special reference to carnivores and rhinoceros. Historical Biology 2019, Vol. 31, no. 6, s. 696-730

  20. Michalak Michał P., Bardziński Waldemar, Teper Leslaw, MAŁOLEPSZY ZBIGNIEW - Using Delaunay triangulation and cluster analysis to determine the orientation of a sub-horizontal and noise including contact in Kraków-Silesian Homocline, Poland. Computers & Geosciences 2019, Vol. 133, Article 104322

  21. Migaszewski Zdzisław, MADER ANNA - The Use of Museum Collection for Studying the Origin of “Rose-Like Calcite in the Holy Cross Mountains (South–Central Poland). Geoheritage 2019, Vol. 11, Iss. 4, s. 1307–1314

  22. MIKULSKI STANISŁAW, MARKOWIAK MAREK, Williams Ian Stuart - Carboniferous–Permian magmatism and Mo–Cu W mineralization in the contact zone between the Małopolska and Upper Silesia Blocks (south Poland): an echo of the Baltica–Gondwana collision. International Journal of Earth Sciences 2019, Vol. 108, nr 5, s. 1467–1492

  23. NARKIEWICZ MAREK - Comment on “Depth-to-basement for the East European Craton and Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone in Poland based on potential field data by Mikołajczak et al. International Journal of Earth Sciences 2019, Vol. 108, no. 5, s. 1763–1765

  24. OLKOWICZ MARCIN, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Pluymakers Anne - Focus stacking photogrammetry for micro‐scale roughness reconstruction: a methodological study. Photogrammetric Record 2019, Vol. 34, no. 165, s. 11-35

  25. OSZCZEPALSKI SŁAWOMIR, Speczik Stanisław, Zieliński Krzysztof, CHMIELEWSKI ANDRZEJ - The kupferschiefer deposits and prospects in SW Poland: Past, present and future. Minerals 2019, Vol. 9, Iss. 10, Article 592

  26. Oukassou Mostafa, Klein Hendrik, Lagnaoui Abdelouahed, Charrière André, GIERLIŃSKI GERARD D., Lallensack Jens N., Saber Hafid, Boumaalif Ayoub, Hminna Abdelkbir, Oussou Ahmed, Ouarhache Driss - Polyonyx-like tracks from Middle-?Upper Jurassic red beds of Morocco: Implications for sauropod communities on southern margins of Tethys. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2019, Vol. 536, Art. No. 109394

  27. Pagacz Joanna, Stach Paweł, Natkaniec-Nowak Lucyna, NAGLIK BEATA, DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW - Preliminary thermal characterization of natural resins from different botanical sources and geological environments. Journal of Thermal Analysis And Calorimetry 2019, Vol. 138, no. 6, s. 4279–4288

  28. PETECKI ZDZISŁAW - Ideal body analysis of the Pomerania Gravity Low (northern Poland). Geological Quarterly 2019, Vol.63, no. 3, s. 558-567

  29. Porębski Szczepan, PODHALAŃSKA TERESA - Ordovician–Silurian lithostratigraphy of the East European Craton in Poland. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2019, Vol. 89, no. 2, s. 95–104

  30. Powolny Tomasz, SIKORSKA-JAWOROWSKA MAGDALENA, Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Wójcik-Bania Monika - Agate mineralization in spilitized Permian volcanics from “Borówno quarry (Lower Silesia, Poland) – microtextural, mineralogical and geochemical constraints. Ore Geology Reviews 2019, Vol. 114, Article 103130

  31. Souche Alban, Galland Olivier, Haug Øystein Thordén, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - Impact of host rock heterogeneity on failure around pressurized conduits: Implications for finger-shaped magmatic intrusions. Tectonophysics 2019, Vol. 765, s. 52-63

  32. Stach Paweł, Martinkutė Gintarė, Natkaniec-Nowak Lucyna, DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW, NAGLIK BEATA, Bogdasarov Maxim - An attempt to correlate the physical properties of fossil and subfossil resins with their age and geographic location. Journal of Polymer Engineering 2019, Vol. 39, iss. 8, s. 716-728

  33. Vassileva Emilia, WYSOCKA IRENA AGNIESZKA, Orani Anna Maria, Quétel Christophe - Off-line preconcentration and inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry simultaneous determination of Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn mass fractions in seawater: Procedure validation. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy 2019, Vol. 153, s. 19-27

  34. Widera Marek, Stawikowski Wojciech, UŚCINOWICZ GRZEGORZ - Paleogene–Neogene tectonic evolution of the lignite-rich Szamotuły Graben. Acta Geologica Polonica 2019, Vol. 69, no. 3, s. 387–401

  35. Wiśniewski Andrzej, Chłoń Marcin, Pyżewicz Katarzyna, Weiss Marcel, BADURA JANUSZ, Kalicki Tomasz, Lauer Tobias, Zarzecka-Szubińska Katarzyna - Looking for provisioning places of shaped tools of the late Neanderthals: A study of a Micoquian open-air site, Pietraszyn 49a (southwestern Poland) = À la recherche des lieux d’approvisionnement en outils des derniers néandertaliens : étude d’un site micoquien de plein air, Pietraszyn 49a (Sud-Ouest de la Pologne). Comptes Rendus Palevol 2019, Vol. 18, no. 3, s. 367-389

  36. Wojtowicz Michał, JAROSIŃSKI MAREK - Reconstructing the mechanical parameters of a transversely-isotropic rock based on log and incomplete core data integration. International Journal of Rock Mechanics And Mining Sciences 2019, Vol. 115, s. 111-120

  37. Xing Lida, Lockley Martin G., Klein Hendrik, GIERLIŃSKI GERARD D., Ye Yong, Zhang Jianping, Persons IV W. Scott, Wang Tao - First Thyreophoran Type Tracks from the Middle Jurassic Chuanjie Formation of Yunnan Province, China. Ichnos 2019, Vol. 26, Iss. 1, s. 8-15

  38. Zhong Xin, Andersen Niels H., DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Jamtveit Bjørn - Zircon and quartz inclusions in garnet used for complementary Raman thermobarometry: application to the Holsnøy eclogite, Bergen Arcs, Western Norway. Contributions To Mineralogy and Petrology 2019, Vol. 174, Iss. 6, Article 50

  39. Zhong Xin, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Jamtveit Bjørn - Analytical solution for the stress field in elastic half-space with a spherical pressurized cavity or inclusion containing eigenstrain. Geophysical Journal International 2019, Vol. 216, iss. 2, s. 1100-1115.



  1. Bukowski Krzysztof, Sant Karin, Pilarz Monika, Kuiper Klaudia, GARECKA MAŁGORZATA - Radioisotopic age and biostratigraphic position of a lower Badenian tuffite from the western Polish Carpathian Foredeep Basin (Cieszyn area). Geological Quarterly 2018, Vol. 62 (2), s. 303-318, il., tab. . Burrow Carole J., SZREK PIOTR - Acanthodians from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) "Placoderm Sandstone" Holy Cross Mountains Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica 2018, Vol. 68, no. 3, s. 307-320, il.

  2. Cornet Jan S., DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - Nonlinear Viscoelastic Closure of Salt Cavities. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2018, Vol. 51, Iss. 10, s. 3091-3109, il., tab.

  3. Cornet Jan S., DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Schmid Daniel W. - Long term creep closure of salt cavities. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2018, Vol. 103, s. 96-106, il.

  4. Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena,Powolny Tomasz, SIKORSKA-JAWOROWSKA MAGDALENA, Gaweł Adam, Kogut Lucyna, Poloński Krzysztof - Characteristics and origin of agates from Płóczki Górne (Lower Silesia Poland): A combined microscopic micro-Raman and cathodoluminescence study. Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2018, Vol. 192, s. 6-15, il.

  5. Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena,Wesełucha‐Birczyńska Aleksandra, Heflik Wiesław, Maksymiuk Weronika,SIKORSKA-JAWOROWSKA MAGDALENA - Organic inclusions evidence, composition, and cathodoluminescence behaviour for the formation conditions of fluorapatite from Anemzi (Morocco). Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 2018, Vol. 49, iss. 12s. 2008-2020, il.

  6. DZIKOWSKI MICHAŁ, JASIŃSKI ŁUKASZ, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - Depth-averaged Lattice Boltzmann and Finite Element methods for single-phase flows in fractures with obstacles. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2018, Vol. 75, iss. 10, s. 3453-3470, il.

  7. HARA URSZULA, Mors Thomas, Hagstrom Jonas, Requero Marcelo A. - Eocene bryozoan assemblages from the La Meseta Formation of Seymour Island Antarctica. Geological Quarterly 2018, Vol. 62 (3), s. 705-728, il.

  8. JASIŃSKI ŁUKASZ, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - The Effective Transmissivity of a Plane-Walled Fracture With Circular Cylindrical Obstacles. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2018, Vol. 123, iss. 1, s. 359-379, il.

  9. Jastrzębski Mirosław, Machowiak Katarzyna, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Farmer G. Lang, Larionov Alexander N., Murtezi Mentor, Majka Jarosław, Sergeev Sergey, Ripley Edward M., Whitehouse Martin - Geochronology petrogenesis and geodynamic significance of the Visean igneous rocks in the Central Sudetes northeastern Bohemian Massif. Lithos 2018, Vol. 316-317, s. 385-405, il.

  10. Jokubauskas Petras, Bagiński Bogusław, MacDonald Ray, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA - Multiphase magmatic activity in the Variscan Kłodzko-Złoty Stok intrusion Polish Sudetes: evidence from SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages. International Journal of Earth Sciences 2018, Vol. 107, iss. 5, s. 1623-1639, il.

  11. Klein Hendrik, Lagnaoui Abdelouahed, GIERLIŃSKI GERARD D., Saber Hafid, Lallensack Jens N., Oukassou Mostafa, Charriere Andre - Crocodylomorph turtle and mammal tracks in dinosaur-dominated Middle-?Upper Jurassic and mid-Cretaceous ichnoassemblages of Morocco. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2018, Vol. 498, s. 39-52, il.

  12. KOZDRÓJ WIESŁAW, Kennedy Allen K., Johnson Peter R., ZIÓŁKOWSKA-KOZDRÓJ MAŁGORZATA, Kadi Khalid - Geochronology in the southern Midyan terrane: a review of constraints on the timing of magmatic pulses and tectonic evolution in a northwestern part of the Arabian Shield. International Geology Review 2018, Vol. 60, iss. 10, s. 1290-1319, il.

  13. Krzyszkowski Dariusz, KOSZKA-MAROŃ DOROTA - Stratigraphic position and sedimentary environment of Late Pleistocene deposits along the cliffed coast of the middle part of the Polish Baltic coast. Geological Quarterly 2018, Vol. 62 (1), s. 48-68, il., tab.

  14. Mazur Stanisław, Porębski Szczepan J., Kędzior Artur, Paszkowski Mariusz, PODHALAŃSKA TERESA, Poprawa Paweł - Refined timing and kinematics for Baltica - Avalonia convergence based on the sedimentary record of a foreland basin. Terra Nova 2018, Vol. 30, iss. 1, s. 8-16, il.

  15. Naglik Beata, Kosmowska-Ceranowicz Barbara, Natkaniec-Nowak Lucyna, DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW, Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Matusik Jakub, Wagner Marian, Milovska Ratislav, Stach Paweł, Szyszka Arkadiusz - Fossilization History of Fossil Resin from Jambi Province (Sumatra Indonesia) Based on Physico-Chemical Studies. Minerals 2018, Vol. 8, iss 3, article number: 95, il.

  16. NARKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, Konigshof Peter - New Middle Devonian conodont data from the Dong Van area NE Vietnam (South China Terrane). Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 2018, Vol. 92, Iss. 4, s. 633-650, il., tab.

  17. NAWROCKI JERZY, Bogucki Andrij B., Łanczont Maria, Werner Tomasz, Standzikowski Karol, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA - ‘Is the Hilina Pali “palaeomagnetic excursion” becoming another example of the reinforcement syndrome? A comment inspired by Nawrocki et al. (2018)’: Reply to comments. Boreas 2018, Vol. 47, iss. 3, s. 969-970, il.

  18. NAWROCKI JERZY, Bogucki Andrij B., Łanczont Maria, Werner Tomasz, Standzikowski Karol, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA - The Hilina Pali palaeomagnetic excursion and possible self-reversal in the loess from western Ukraine. Boreas 2018, Vol. 47, iss. 3, s. 954-966, il.

  19. PLOCH IZABELA - A discussion about Valanginian Neocomitinae from Central Poland their ontogeny and possible origin. Cretaceous Research 2018, Vol. 88, s. 123-148, il. 

  20. Powolny Tomasz, Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, SIKORSKA-JAWOROWSKA MAGDALENA - The petrogenesis of albitized Early-Permian trachyandesites from Świerki quarry (Lower Silesia Poland) - constraints on spilitization supported by mineralogical and geochemical data. Lithos 2018, Vol. 320-321, s. 118-133, il.

  21. Qun Wang, Jinghui Fan, Wei Zhou, Liqiang Tong, Zhaocheng Guo, Guang Liu, Weilin Yuan, Joaquim João Sousa, PERSKI ZBIGNIEW - 3D Surface velocity retrieval of mountain glacier using an offset tracking technique applied to ascending and descending SAR constellation data: a case study of the Yiga Glacier. International Journal of Digital Earth 2018, Vol. 11, s. 1-11, il. . Qvarnstrom Martin, SZREK PIOTR, Ahlberg Per E., Niedźwiedzki Grzegorz - Non-marine palaeoenvironment associated to the earliest tetrapod tracks. Scientific Reports 2018, Vol. 8, article number: 1074, il.

  22. Reboulet Stephane, Barragan Ricardo, Szives Ottilia, Aguirre-Urreta Beatriz, Company Miguel, Frau Camille, Kakabadze Mikheil V., Klein Jaap, Moreno-Bedmar Josep A., Lukeneder Alexander, Pictet Antoine, PLOCH IZABELA, Raisossadat Seyed Naser, Vasicek Zdenek, Baraboshkin Evgenij J., Mitta Vasily V. - Report on the 6th International Meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group the Kilian Group (Vienna Austria 20th August 2017). Cretaceous Research 2018, Vol. 91, s. 100-110, il.

  23. RETKA JACEK - Lithologically-related rare earth element variations the Mio-Pliocene Poznań Formation (Poland). Geological Quarterly 2018, Vol. 62 (1), s. 146-154, il., tab. . Salamon Mariusz A., FELDMAN-OLSZEWSKA ANNA - Crinoids (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) from the Middle Jurassic (Callovian) of eastern Poland: a case study from the Żebrak IG 1 borehole. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2018, Vol. 88, iss. 3, s. 273–283, il.

  24. Salamon Mariusz A., Gerrienne Philippe, Steemans Philippe, Gorzelak Przemysław, Filipiak Paweł, Le Herisse Alain, Paris Florentin, Cascales-Minana Borja, Brachaniec Tomasz, Misz-Kennan Magdalena, Niedźwiedzki Robert, TRELA WIESŁAW - Putative Late Ordovician land plants. New Phytologist 2018, Vol. 218, iss. 4, s. 1305-1309, il.

  25. Schito Andrea, Andreucci Benedetta, Aldega Luca, Corrado Sveva, Di Paolo Lea, Zattin Massimiliano, Szaniawski Rafał, JANKOWSKI LESZEK, Mazzoli Stefano - Burial and exhumation of the western border of the Ukrainian Shield (Podolia): a multi-disciplinary approach. Basin Research 2018, Vol. 30, iss. S1, s. 532-549, il.

  26. SMOLEŃ JOLANTA, IWAŃCZUK JOLANTA - Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Middle and Upper Jurassic of the Polish Lowlands: the state of the art. Geological Quarterly 2018, Vol. 62 (2), s. 257-286, il., tab.

  27. SZREK PIOTR, Wilk Olga - A large Late Devonian arthrodire (Vertebrata Placodermi) from Poland. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 2018, Vol. 67, iss. 1, s. 33-42, il.

  28. TRELA WIESŁAW, BĄK EWELINA, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA - Upper Ordovician and Silurian ash beds in the Holy Cross Mountains Poland: preservation in mudrock facies and relation to atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere. Journal of the Geological Society 2018, Vol. 175, iss 3, s. 352-360, il.

  29. Trzeciak Maciej, Sone Hiroki, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - Long-term creep tests and viscoelastic constitutive modeling of lower Paleozoic shales from the Baltic Basin N Poland. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2018, Vol. 112, s. 139-157, il., tab.

  30. UŚCINOWICZ GRZEGORZ, SZARAFIN TOMASZ - Short-term prognosis of development of barrier-type coasts (Southern Baltic Sea). Ocean & Coastal Management 2018, Vol. 165, s. 258-267, il. . Vacek Frantisek, Slavik Ladislav, SOBIEŃ KATARZYNA, Cap Pavel - Refining the late Silurian sea-level history of the Prague Syncline - a case study based on the Pridoli GSSP (Czech Republic). Facies 2018, Vol. 64, Iss. 4, art. nr 30, il., tab.

  31. Wierchowiec Jan, MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z., Gąsiński Arkadiusz - Nanoforms of gold from abandoned placer deposits of Wądroże Wielkie Lower Silesia Poland - The evidence of authigenic gold mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews 2018, Vol. 101, s. 211-220, il.

  32. WIERZBOWSKI HUBERT, Bajnai David, Wacker Ulrike, Rogov Mikhail A., Fiebig Jens, Tesakova Ekaterina M. - Clumped isotope record of salinity variations in the Subboreal Province at the Middle-Late Jurassic transition. Global and Planetary Change 2018, Vol. 167, s. 172-189 il.

  33. Woronko Barbara, RYCHEL JOANNA, Karasiewicz Tomasz Mirosław, Kupryjanowicz Mirosława, Adamczyk Aleksander, Fiłoc Magdalena, MARKS LESZEK, KRZYWICKI TOMASZ, POCHOCKA-SZWARC KATARZYNA - Post-Saalian transformation of dry valleys in eastern Europe: An example from NE Poland. [W: Vegetation and climate of the Eemian Interglacial and Early Weichselian (Vistulian) in Poland - from the local to regional scale]. Quaternary International 2018, Vol. 467, Part A, s. 161-177, il.

  34. WYSOCKA IRENA A., Vassileva Emilia - Determination of ultra-trace level of 232Th in seawater by ICP-SFMS after matrix separation and preconcentration. Analytica Chimica Acta 2018 ,Vol. 1000, s. 144-154, il.

  35. ŻARSKI MARCIN, WINTER HANNA, KUCHARSKA MAGDALENA - Palaeoenvironmental and climate changes recorded in the lacustrine sediments of the Eemian Interglacial (MIS 5e) in the Radom Plain (Central Poland). [W: Vegetation and climate of the Eemian Interglacial and Early Weichselian (Vistulian) in Poland - from the local to regional scale]. Quaternary International 2018, Vol. 467, Part A, s. 147-160, il.

  36. ŻUK TOMASZ, MAŁOLEPSZY ZBIGNIEW, SZYNKARUK EWA - Analogue GPR study of the Permian fanglomerates from Zygmuntówka Quarry near Chęciny, Holy Cross Mountains, southern Poland, for construction of a training image for multiple point simulations. Geological Quarterly 2018, Vol. 62 (4,) s. 755-766, il.


  1. ADAMUSZEK MARTA, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - Sheath folds as a strain gauge in simple shear. Journal of Structural Geology 2017, Vol. 102, s. 21-36, il., tab.

  2. ADAMUSZEK MARTA, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - Sheath fold development in monoclinic shear zones. Terra Nova 2017, Vol. 29, iss. 6, s. 356–362, il.

  3. Cornet Jan, DĄBROWSKi MARCIN, Schmid D.W - Long term cavity closure in non-linear rocks. Geophysical Journal International 2017, Vol. 210, iss. 2, s. 1231-1243, il., Bibliogr.

  4. Corradini Carlo, Spalletta Claudia, Mossoni Angelo, MATYJA HANNA, Over Jeffrey D. - Conodonts across the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary: a review and implication for the redefinition of the boundary and a proposal for an updated conodont zonation. Geological Magazine 2017, Vol. 154(4), s. 888-902, il., tab.

  5. DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW, Natkaniec-Nowak Lucyna, Czapla Dominika - Corrigendum to “Analytical approaches for studies of fossil resins” [Trends Anal. Chem. 85PC (2016) 75–84]. TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2017, Vol. 88, s. 198.

  6. Dubicka Zofia, Jurkowska Agata, Thibault Nicolas, Razmjooei Mohammad Javad, WÓJCIK KRYSTIAN, Gorzelak Przemysław, Felisiak Ireneusz - An integrated stratigraphic study across the Santonian/Campanian boundary at Bocieniec southern Poland: A new boundary stratotype candidate. Cretaceous Research 2017, Vol. 80, s. 61-85, il., tab.

  7. Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Toboła Tomasz, JARMOŁOWICZ-SZULC KATARZYNA, Naglik Beata, Dyląg Joanna, Szczerba Jacek - Inclusion study of hourglass amethyst from Boudi (Morocco) by Raman microspectroscopy and microthermometric measurements. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2017, Vol. 187, s. 156-162, il.

  8. Dumitriu  Simina Dumitriţa, Loghin  Sergiu, Dubicka Zofia, Melinte-Dobrinescu Mihaela Carmen, PARUCH-KULCZYCKA JOLANTA, Ionesi Viorel - Foraminiferal ostracod and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the latest Badenian – Sarmatian interval (Middle Miocene Paratethys) from Poland Romania and the Republic of Moldova. Geologica Carpathica 2017, Vol. 68 (5), s. 419-444, il., tab.

  9. Fekete Kamil, Soták Ján, Boorová Daniela, Lintnerová Otília, Michalík Jozef, GRABOWSKI JACEK - An Albian demise of the carbonate platform in the Manín Unit (Western Carpathians Slovakia). Geologica Carpathica 2017, Vol. 68 (5), s. 385-402, il., tab.

  10. GIERLIŃSKI GERARD D., Lagnaoui Abdelouahed, Klein Henrik, Saber Hafid, Oukassou Mostafa, Charrière André - Bird-like tracks from the imilchil formation (Middle jurassic bajocian-bathonian) of the central high atlas Morocco in comparison with similar mesozoic tridactylous ichnotaxa = Impronte bird-like dalla formazione imilchil (Giurassico medio baiociano-bathoniano) dell’Alto atlante centrale Marocco. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 2017, Vol. 56 (2), s. 207–215, il.

  11. GIERLIŃSKI GERARD D., Niedźwiedzki Grzegorz, Lockley Martin G., Athanassiou Athanassios, Fassoulas Charalampos, Dubicka Zofia, Boczarowski Andrzej, Bennett Matthew R., Ahlberg Per Erik - Possible hominin footprints from the late Miocene (c. 5.7 Ma) of Crete? Proceedings of the Geologists Association 2017, Vol. 128, iss. 5-6, s. 697–710, il.

  12. Golonka Jan, KROBICKI MICHAŁ, Waśkowska Anna, Cieszkowski Marek, Ślączka Andrzej - Discussion of "Olistostromes of the Pieniny Klippen Belt Northern Carpathians". Geological Magazine 2017, Vol. 154(1), s. 193-200.

  13. Königshof Peter, NARKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, Phuong Ta Hoa, Carmichael Sarah, Waters Johnny - Devonian events: examples from the eastern Palaeotethys (Si Phai section NE Vietnam). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 2017, Vol. 97 (3), s. 481–496, il., tab.

  14. KROBICKI, MICHAŁ, Fraaije R.H.B. - A new spiny lobster from the Upper Jurassic Štramberk type limestones of Inwałd, Andrychów Klippen, southern Poland. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France 2017, Vol. 188, nr 3, s. 16-22, il. Bibliogr.

  15. LESZCZYŃSKI KRZYSZTOF - The significance of Upper Cretaceous hardgrounds and correlative discontinuity surfaces for basin-wide correlations based on drillcore data from boreholes in northern Poland. Geological Quarterly 2017, Vol. 61 (4), s. 825-844, il., tab.

  16. Lockley Martin, GIERLIŃSKI GERARD D., Matthews Neffra A., Xing Lida, Foster John, Cart Ken - New dinosaur track occurrences from the Upper Jurassic Salt Wash Member (Morrison Formation) of southeastern Utah: Implications for thyreophoran trackmaker distribution and diversity. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2017, Vol. 470, s. 116–121, il., tab.

  17. NARKIEWICZ MAREK - Comment on a paper by Schito et al. (2017) “Thermal evolution of Paleozoic successions of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)”. Marine and Petroleum Geology 2017, Vol. 88, s. 1109-1113, il.

  18. NARKIEWICZ MAREK, NARKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Kruchek Semen A. - Oxygen isotopic composition of conodont apatite in the equatorial epeiric belarussian basin (eifelian)– relationship to fluctuating seawater salinity and temperature. Palaios 2017, Vol. 32, no. 7, s. 439-447, il.

  19. NARKIEWICZ MAREK, PETECKI ZDZISŁAW - Basement structure of the Paleozoic Platform in Poland. Geological Quarterly 2017, Vol. 61 (2), s. 502-520, il., tab.

  20. Niedźwiedzki Grzegorz, Soussi Mohamed, Boukhalfa Kamel, GIERLIŃSKI GERARD D. - Middle-Upper Triassic and Middle Jurassic tetrapod track assemblages of southern Tunisia Sahara Platform. Journal of African Earth Sciences 2017, Vol. 129, s. 31–44, il., tab.

  21. OLSZEWSKA BARBARA, SZYDŁO ANDRZEJ - Environmental stress in the northern Tethys during the Paleogene: a review of foraminiferal and geochemical records from the Polish Outer Carpathians. (17 th Czech-Slovak-Polish Palaeontological Conference October 20–21 2016 Kraków Poland). Geological Quarterly 2017, Vol. 61 (3), s. 682-696, il.

  22. Oszczypko Nestor, Ślączka Andrzej, Bubniak Ihor, OLSZEWSKA BARBARA, GARECKA MAŁGORZATA - The position and age of flysch deposits in the Crimean Mountains (Southern Ukraine). Geological Quarterly 2017, Vol. 61 (4), s. 697-722, il., tab.

  23. Pacyna Grzegorz, Barbacka Maria, Zdebska Danuta, Ziaja Jadwiga, FIJAŁKOWSKA-MADER ANNA, Bóka Károly, Sulej Tomasz - A new conifer from the Upper Triassic of southern Poland linking the advanced voltzialean type of ovuliferous scale with Brachyphyllum-Pagiophyllum-like leaves. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 2017, Vol. 245, s. 28-54, il.

  24. PETECKI ZDZISŁAW, ROSOWIECKA OLGA - A new magnetic anomaly map of Poland and its contribution to the recognition of crystalline basement rocks. Geological Quarterly 2017, Vol. 61 (4), s. 934-945, il., tab.Smolarek Justyna, Bond David P. G., Marynowski Leszek, TRELA WIESŁAW - Lower Wenlock black shales in the northern Holy Cross Mountains Poland: sedimentary and geochemical controls on the Ireviken Event in a deep marine setting. Geological Magazine 2017, Vol. 154(2) s. 247-264.

  25. Smolarek Justyna, Marynowski Leszek, TRELA WIESŁAW, Kujawski Piotr, Simoneit Bernd R. T. - Redox conditions and marine microbial community changes during the end-Ordovician mass extinction event. Global and Planetary Change 2017, Vol. 149, s. 105-122, il., tab.

  26. Starostenko Vitaly I., Janik T., Gintov O. B., Lysynchuk D. V., Środa Piotr, Czuba Wojciech, Kolomiyets E. V., ALEKSANDROWSKI PAWEŁ, Omelchenko Victor D., Komminaho K., Guterch Aleksander, Tiira Timo, Gryn Dmytro N., Legostaeva Olga V., Thybo G., Tolkunov Anatolly V. - Crustal and upper mantle velocity model along the DOBRE-4 profile from North Dobruja to the central region of the Ukrainian Shield: 2. geotectonic interpretation. Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth 2017, Vol. 53, iss. 2, p. 205–213.

  27. Starostenko Vitaly I., Janik T., Gintov O. B., Lysynchuk D. V., Środa Piotr, Czuba Wojciech, Kolomiyets E. V., ALEKSANDROWSKI PAWEŁ, Omelchenko Victor D., Komminaho K., Guterch Aleksander, Tiira Timo, Gryn Dmytro N., Legostaeva Olga V., Thybo G., Tolkunov Anatolly V. - Crustal and upper mantle velocity model along the DOBRE-4 profile from North Dobruja to the central region of the Ukrainian Shield: 1. seismic data. Izvestiya-Physics of the Solid Earth 2017, Vol. 53, iss. 2, p. 193–204.

  28. Szaniawski Rafał, Mazzoli Stefano, JANKOWSKI LESZEK - Controls of structural inheritance on orogenic curvature and foreland basin sedimentation: Insights from the Przemyśl area Western Carpathians. Journal of Structural Geology 2017, Vol. 103, s. 137-150, il., tab.

  29. SZCZEPANIK ZBIGNIEW, Servais Thomas, ŻYLIŃSKA ANNA - Very large acritarchs from the Furongian (upper Cambrian) rocks of the Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland.. Palynology 2017, Vol. 41, Iss. supp. 1, s. 10–22, il.

  30. SZREK PIOTR, Dupret Vincent - Placoderms from the Lower Devonian “placoderm sandstone” of the Holy Cross Mountains Poland with biostratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical implications.. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 2017, Vol. 62, no. 4, s. 789-800, il.

  31. SZYDŁO ANDRZEJ, PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK - Preface 17th Czech-Slovak-Polish Palaeontological Conference October 20-21 2016 Kraków Poland. (17 th Czech-Slovak-Polish Palaeontological Conference October 20–21 2016 Kraków Poland). Geological Quarterly 2017, Vol. 61 (3), s. 611-612, il.

  32. Thøgersen Kjetil, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - Mixing of the fluid phase in slowly sheared particle suspensions of cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2017, Vol. 818, s. 807-837, il., tab.

  33. Tomaszczyk Maciej, JAROSIŃSKI MAREK - The Kock Fault Zone as an indicator of tectonic stress regime changes at the margin of the East European Craton (Poland).. Geological Quarterly 2017, Vol. 61 (4), s. 908-925, il., tab.

  34. UŚCINOWICZ GRZEGORZ STANISŁAW - Identification of a circular structure in eastern Pomerania (northern Poland) – a hypothesis of its origin. Geological Quarterly 2017, Vol. 61 (1), s. 205-213, il., tab.

  35. UŚCINOWICZ GRZEGORZ, JURYS LESZEK, SZARAFIN TOMASZ - The development of unconsolidated sedimentary coastal cliffs (Pobrzeże Kaszubskie Northern Poland). Geological Quarterly 2017, Vol. 61 (2) s. 491-501 il. tab.

  36. WIERZBOWSKI HUBERT, Anczkiewicz Robert, Pawlak Jacek, Rogov Mikhail A., Kuznetsov Anton B. - Revised Middle–Upper Jurassic strontium isotope stratigraphy. Chemical Geology 2017, Vol. 466, s. 239-255, il., tab.

  37. ŻARSKI MARCIN, WINTER HANNA, Nadachowski Adam, Urbanowski Mikołaj, Urbańczyk Kazimierz, Socha Paweł, KENIG KRYSTYNA, MARCINKOWSKI BOGUSŁAW, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, Stefaniak Krzysztof, Nowaczewska Wioletta, Marciszak Adrian - Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of Stajna Cave (southern Poland) with regard to habitation of the site by Neanderthals. Geological Quarterly 2017, Vol. 61 (2), s. 350-369, il., tab.



  1. Konon Andrzej, OSTROWSKI SZYMON, Rybak-Ostrowska Barbara, Ludwiniak Mirosław, Śmigielski Michał, Wyglądała Michał, Uroda Joanna, Kowalczyk Sebastian, Mieszkowski Radosław, Kłopotowska Agnieszka - Mnin restraining stepover – evidence of significant Cretaceous–Cenozoic dextral strike-slip faulting along the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone?. Acta Geologica Polonica 2016, Vol. 66, no. 3, s. 429–449, il., tab.

  2. SZCZEPANIK ZBIGNIEW, Żylińska Anna - The oldest rocks of the Holy Cross Mountains Poland – biostratigraphy of the Cambrian Czarna Shale Formation in the vicinity of Kotuszów. Acta Geologica Polonica 2016, Vol. 66, no. 3, s. 267–281, il., tab.

  3. Araszkiewicz Andrzej, Figurski Mariusz, JAROSIŃSKI MAREK - Erroneous GNSS Strain Rate Patterns and their Application to Investigate the Tectonic Credibility of GNSS Velocities. Acta Geophysica 2016, Vol. 65, no. 5, s. 1412-1429, il., tab.

  4. Nęcki Jarosław M., Gałkowski Michał, Chmura Łukasz, Gerbig Christoph, Zimnoch Mirosław, Zięba Damian, Bartyzel Jakub, WOŁKOWICZ WOJCIECH, Różański Kazimierz - Regional Representativeness of CH4 and N2O Mixing Ratio Measurements at High-Altitude Mountain Station Kasprowy Wierch Southern Poland. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2016, Vol. 16, No. 3, s. 568–580, il.

  5. PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK, Raczyński Paweł, Peryt Danuta, Chłódek K., Mikołajewski Z. - Sedimentary history and biota of the Zechstein Limestone (Permian, Wuchiapingian) of the Jabłonna Reef in Western Poland. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2016, Vol. 86 (4), s. 379–413, il., tab.MALEC JAN, KULETA MARIA, Migaszewski Zdzisław M. - Lithologic-petrographic characterization of Silurian rocks in the Niestachów profile (Holy Cross Mountains). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2016, Vol. 86, no. 1, s. 85–110, il., tab.

  6. Dworczak Patrycja G., SZREK PIOTR - The Late Devonian placoderm Aspidichthys Newberry 1873 from the Holy Cross Mountains Poland. Fossil Record 2016, Vol. 20, s. 9-19, il., tab.

  7. Gawęda Aleksandra, Szopa Krzysztof, Chew Dawid, Klötzli Urs, Müller Axel, SIKORSKA MAGDALENA, Pyka Paulina - Age and origin of fluorapatite-rich dyke from Baranec Mt. (Tatra Mts. Western Carpathians): a key to understanding of the post-orogenic processes and element mobility. Geologica Carpathica 2016, Vol. 67, no. 5, s. 417–432, il., tab.

  8. Michalík Jozef, Reháková Daniela, GRABOWSKI JACEK, Lintnerová Otília, Svobodová Andrea, Schlögl Ján, SOBIEŃ KATARZYNA, Schnabl Petr - Stratigraphy plankton communities and magnetic proxies at the Jurassic /Cretaceous boundary in the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Western Carpathians Slovakia). Geologica Carpathica 2016, Vol. 67, no. 4, s. 303 - 328, il., tab.

  9. MIZERSKI WŁODZIMIERZ, STUPKA OREST, OLCZAK-DUSSELDORP IZABELA - Correlation of tectonic blocks in the foreland of the East European Craton in Poland with those in Ukraine. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (1) s. 124-132 il.

  10. Bujak Łukasz, Woronko Barbara, WINTER HANNA, MARCINKOWSKI BOGUSŁAW, Werner Tomasz, Stachowicz-Rybka Renata, ŻARSKI MARCIN, WOŹNIAK PIOTR PAWEŁ, ROSOWIECKA OLGA - A new stratigraphic position of some Early Pleistocene deposits in central Poland. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (1), s. 238-251, il., tab.

  11. Wysocka Anna, PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK - Sedimentary geology in Poland – a tribute to Piotr Roniewicz. Part 1. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (2) s. 257-258 il.

  12. Studencka Barbara, Popov Sergey V., Bieńkowska-Wasiluk Małgorzata, WASILUK RADOSŁAW - Oligocene bivalve faunas from the Silesian Nappe Polish Outer Carpathians: evidence for the early history of the Paratethys. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (2), s. 317-340, il., tab.

  13. Csiki-Sava Zoltán, Kędzior Artur, PIEŃKOWSKI GRZEGORZ, Popa Mihai E. - Hettangian tetrapod burrows from the continental Steierdorf Formation at Anina western Romania. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (2), s. 395-406, il.

  14. BRAŃSKI PAWEŁ, MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z. - Rare earth elements distribution in fine-grained deposits from the uppermost Triassic and Lower Jurassic of the Polish Basin: provenance and weathering of source area. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (2), s. 441-450, il., tab.
  15. KWECKO PAWEŁ - Rare earth elements (REE) and thorium in the youngest Pleistocene glacial tills in Poland. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (2), s. 451-460, il., tab.

  16. GŁUSZYŃSKI ANDRZEJ, ALEKSANDROWSKI PAWEŁ - A deep palaeovalley in the floor of Polish Carpathian Foredeep Basin near Pilzno and its control on Badenian (Middle Miocene) evaporite facies. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (2), s. 493-516, il.

  17. Gedl Przemysław, Peryt Danuta, PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK - Foraminiferal and palynological organic matter records of the Upper Badenian (Middle Miocene) deposits at Anadoly (marginal part of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep Basin). Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (2), s. 517-536, il.

  18. MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z., SPECZIK STANISŁAW - The auriferous ore mineralisation and its zonal distribution around the Variscan Kłodzko–Złoty Stok granitoid pluton in the Sudetes (SW Poland) – an overview. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (3), s. 650-674, il., tab.
  19. OSZCZEPALSKI SŁAWOMIR, CHMIELEWSKI ANDRZEJ, MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z. - Controls on the distribution of rare earth elements in the Kupferschiefer series of SW Poland. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (4) s. 811-826 il. tab.

  20. Niedźwiedzki Grzegorz, PIEŃKOWSKI GRZEGORZ - A dinosaur track assemblage from the Upper Hettangian (Lower Jurassic) marginal-marine deposits of Zapniów Holy Cross Mountains Poland. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (4) s. 840-856 il. tab.

  21. KIERSNOWSKI HUBERT, Buniak Arkadiusz - Geomorphic significance of the Eastern Erg margin sand sheets and their interaction with aeolian alluvial and playa beds Upper Rotliegend Poznań Basin Poland. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (4), s. 771-800, il.

  22. Peryt Danuta, PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK, Hałas Stanisław, Raczyński Paweł - Microfacies foraminifers and carbon and oxygen isotopes in a basinal section of the Zechstein Limestone (Wuchiapingian): Bonikowo 2 borehole western Poland. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (4), s. 827-839, il., tab.

  23. Barbacka Maria, Pacyna Grzegorz, PIEŃKOWSKI GRZEGORZ, Ziaja Jadwiga - New data about Matonia braunii (Göppert) Harris from the Early Jurassic of Poland and its ecology. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (4), s. 857-868, il.

  24. JARMOŁOWICZ-SZULC KATARZYNA, KOZŁOWSKA ALEKSANDRA - Temperature and isotopic relations in carbonate minerals in the Middle Jurassic sideritic rocks of central and southern Poland. Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (4), s. 881-892, il., tab.

  25. Pszczółkowski Andrzej, GRABOWSKI JACEK, WILAMOWSKI ANDRZEJ - Integrated biostratigraphy and carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic shallow water carbonates of the High-Tatric Unit (Mały Giewont area Western Tatra Mountains Poland). Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (4), s. 893-918, il.

  26. NAWROCKI JERZY, MALATA TOMASZ, ROSOWIECKA OLGA - Magnetostratigraphy of the Oligocene Lower Krosno Beds from the Hulskie section (Outer Carpathians in Poland). Geological Quarterly 2016, Vol. 60 (4), s. 935-942, il.

  27. Patranabis-Deb Sarbani, SŁOWAKIEWICZ MIROSŁAW, Tucker Maurice E., Pancost Richard D., Bhattacharya Purbasha - Carbonate rocks and related facies with vestiges of biomarkers: Clues to redox conditions in the Mesoproterozoic ocean. Gondwana Research 2016, Vol. 35, s. 411–424, il. ,tab.

  28. MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z., KRAMARSKA REGINA, ZIELIŃSKI GRZEGORZ - Rare earth elements pilot studies of the baltic marine sands enriched in heavy minerals . Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi-Mineral Resources Management 2016, T. 32, z. 4, s. 5-28, il., tab.

  29. OSZCZEPALSKI SŁAWOMIR, SPECZIK STANISŁAW, MAŁECKA KINGA, CHMIELEWSKI ANDRZEJ - Prospective copper resources in Poland . Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi-Mineral Resources Management 2016, T. 32, z. 2, s. 5-30, il., tab.

  30. TYMIŃSKI MARCIN, SZUFLICKI MARCIN, MALON AGNIESZKA, SZAMAŁEK KRZYSZTOf - Data on mineral raw materials trade turnover – evolution of methodology. Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi-Mineral Resources Management 2016, T. 32, z. 1, s. 41-54, il.

  31. Liu Guang, Hanssen Ramon F., Guo Huadong, Yue Huanyin, PERSKI ZBIGNIEW - Nonlinear Model for InSAR Baseline Error. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2016, Vol. 54, iss. 9, s. 5341 – 5351, il.

  32. Tomczyk J., WIERZBOWSKI HUBERT, Zalewska M. - Stable Isotope Record of Human and Sheep Enamel Carbonate from the Ancient Middle Euphrates Valley (Syria). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2016, Vol. 26, iss. 4, s. 599–609, il., tab.

  33. KROBICKI MICHAŁ, Zatoń Michał - A new homolodromioid crab (Brachyura : Dromiacea: Tanidromitidae) from the Bajocian of central Poland and a review of the stratigraphical distribution and paleoenvironments of the known Middle Jurassic homolodromioids. Journal of Crustacean Biology 2016, Vol. 36, iss. 5, s. 695 – 715, il.

  34. NARKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, Bultynck Pierre - Taxonomy and biostratigraphic significance of Icriodus orri Klapper and Barrick and related Middle Devonian conodont species. Journal of Paleontology 2016, Vol. 90, no. 6, s. 1181-1196, il. . SŁOWAKIEWICZ MIROSŁAW, Perri Edoardo, Tucker Maurice E. - Micro- and nanopores in tight Zechstein 2 Carbonate facies from the Southern Permian Basin NW Europe. Journal of Petroleum Geology 2016, Vol. 39, Issue 2, s. 149–168, il.

  35. Pelc Andrzej, Huber Stefan E., Matias Carolina, CZUPYT ZBIGNIEW, Denifl Stephan - Formation of Negative Ions upon Dissociative Electron Attachment to the Astrochemically Relevant Molecule Aminoacetonitrile. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2016, Vol. 120, No. 6, s. 903-910, il. . ADAMUSZEK MARTA, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Schmid Daniel W. - Folder: A numerical tool to simulate the development of structures in layered media. Journal of Structural Geology 2016, Vol. 84, s. 85–101, il., tab.

  36. Rakociński Michał, Pisarzowska Agnieszka, Janiszewska Katarzyna, SZREK PIOTR - Depositional conditions during the Lower Kellwasser Event (Late Frasnian) in the deep-shelf Łysogóry Basin of the Holy Cross Mountains Poland. Lethaia 2016, Vol. 49, iss. 4, s. 571–590, il.

  37. ŚWIŁO MARLENA, Majewski Wojciech, Minzoni Rebecca Totten, Anderson John B. - Diatom assemblages from coastal settings of West Antarctica. Marine Micropaleontology 2016, Vol. 125, s. 95-109, il., tab.

  38. Matyszkiewicz Jacek, Kochman Alicja, KONON AGNIESZKA, Górny Andrzej - On alleged Oxfordian neptunian dikes – Comments on “Oxfordian cryptic fauna from the neptunian dikes of Poland” by Trzęsiok et al. (2016); Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 281 (1): 95-100. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 2016, 282/3, s. 279–290.

  39. WIERZBOWSKI HUBERT, Dubicka Zofia, Rychliński Tomasz, Durska Ewa, Olempska Ewa, Błażejowski Błażej - Depositional environment of the Owadów-Brzezinki conservation Lagerstätte (uppermost Jurassic central poland): evidence from microfacies analysis microfossils and geochemical proxies. Neues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie Und Palaontologieabhandlungen 2016, B. 282, h. 1, s. 81-108, il.

  40. GRABOWSKI JACEK, Lakova Iskra, Petrova Silviya, Stoykova Krystalina, Ivanova Daria, Wójcik-Tabol Patrycja, SOBIEŃ KATARZYNA, Schnabl Petr - Paleomagnetism and integrated stratigraphy of the Upper Berriasian hemipelagic succession in the Barlya section Western Balkan Bulgaria: Implications for lithogenic input and paleoredox variations. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2016, Vol. 461, s. 156-177, il.

  41. SZREK PIOTR, SALWA SYLWESTER, Niedźwiedzki Grzegorz, Dec Marek, Ahlberg Per E., Uchman Alfred - A glimpse of a fish face — An exceptional fish feeding trace fossil from the Lower Devonian of the Holy Cross Mountains Poland. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2016, Vol. 454, s. 113-124, il.

  42. TRELA WIESŁAW - Agglutinated benthic foraminifera in Ordovician and Silurian black mudrock facies of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) and their significance in recognition of oxygen content. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2016, Vol. 457, s. 242–246, il.

  43. Thøgersen Kjetil, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, Malthe-Sørenssen Anders, - Transient cluster formation in sheared non-Brownian suspensions. Physical Review E - Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 2016, Vol. 93, No. 2 022611, il.

  44. Ojala Antti E. K., Arppe Laura, Luoto Tomi P., Wacker Lukas, Kurki Eija, Zajączkowski Marek, Pawłowska Joanna, DAMRAT MATEUSZ, Oksman Mimmi - Sedimentary environment lithostratigraphy and dating of sediment sequences from Arctic lakes Revvatnet and Svartvatnet in Hornsund Svalbard. Polish Polar Research 2016, Vol. 37, No. 1, s. 23–48, il., tab.

  45. NAWROCKI JERZY, Łanczont Maria, ROSOWIECKA OLGA, Bogucki Andriy B. - Magnetostratigraphy of the loess-palaeosol key Palaeolithic section at Korolevo (Transcarpathia W Ukraine). Quaternary International 2016, Vol. 399, s. 72–85, il., tab.

  46. Wacnik Agnieszka, Nalepka Dorota, GRANOSZEWSKI WOJCIECH, Walanus Adam, Madeyska Ewa, Cywa Katarzyna, Szczepanek Kazimierz, Cieślak Elżbieta - Development of modern forest zones in the Beskid Niski Mts. and adjacent area (Western Carpathians) in the late Holocene: A palaeobotanical perspective. Quaternary International 2016, Vol. 415, s. 303-324, il., tab.

  47. Liu Guang, Song Rui, Guo Huadong, PERSKI ZBIGNIEW, Yue Huanyin, Han Chunming, Fan Jinghui - Filtering SAR interferometric phase noise using a split-window model. Remote Sensing Letters 2016, Vol. 7, iss. 8, s. 800-809, il.

  48. Liu Guang, Yue Huanyin, PERSKI ZBIGNIEW, Yan Shiyong, Song Rui, Fan Jinghui, Ruan Zhixing - Modified four-pass differential SAR interferometry for estimating mountain glacier surface velocity fields. Remote Sensing Letters 2016, Vol. 7, iss. 1, s. 1–10, il.

  49. Lockley Martin G., McCrea Richard T., Buckley Lisa G., Lim Jong-Deock, Matthews Neffra A., Breithaupt Brent H., GIERLIŃSKI GERARD D., Surmik Dawid, Kim Kyung Soo, Xing Lida, Kong Dal Yong, Cart Ken, Martin Jason, Hadden Glade - Theropod courtship: large scale physical evidence of display arenas and avian-like scrape ceremony behaviour by Cretaceous dinosaurs. Scientific Reports 2016, Vol. 6, Article number: 18952 il.

  50. PIEŃKOWSKI GRZEGORZ, HODBOD MARTA, Ullmann Clemens V. - Fungal decomposition of terrestrial organic matter accelerated Early Jurassic climate warming. Scientific Reports 2016, Vol. 6, article number: 31930 il. . Dumańska-Słowik Magdalena, Pieczka Adam, Heflik Wiesław, SIKORSKA MAGDALENA - Cancrinite from nepheline syenite (mariupolite) of the Oktiabrski massif SE Ukraine and its growth history. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2016, Vol. 157, s. 211–219, il., tab.

  51. Majdański Mariusz, TRZECIAK MACIEJ, Gaczyński Edward, Maksym Andrzej - Seismic velocity estimation from post-critical wide-angle reflections in layered structures. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 2016, Vol. 60, iss. 3, s. 565–582, il.

  52. NARKIEWICZ MAREK, PETECKI ZDZISŁAW - Comment on “Is the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone an ancient plate boundary of Baltica?” by Mazur et al. Tectonics 2016, Vol. 35, iss. 6, s.1595–1599, il.

  53. DRZEWICZ PRZEMYSŁAW, Natkaniec-Nowak Lucyna, Czapla Dominika - Analytical approaches for studies of fossil resins. TRAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2016, Vol. 85, s. 75-84, il.

  54. SŁOWAKIEWICZ MIROSŁAW - Characteristic biomarkers in organic matter from three Zechstein (Late Permian) carbonate units / [ The Central European Basin: structure stratigraphy evolution hydrocarbons. Dedicated to Dr. Franz Kockel (1934-2015).]. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Geowissenschaften 2016, Vol. 167 (2-3) s. 269-279 il. tab.

  55. Raczyński Paweł, PERYT TADEUSZ MAREK, Peryt Danuta - Sedimentary history of two Zechstein Limestone carbonate buildups (Elżbieciny and Racot) in western Poland: the reefs that were / [ The Central European Basin: structure stratigraphy evolution hydrocarbons. Dedicated to Dr. Franz Kockel (1934-2015).]. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 2016, Vol. 167 (2-3), s. 191-210, il., tab.



  1. AWDANKIEWICZ M., AWDANKIEWICZ H., RAPPRICH V., STÁRKOVA M. - A Permian andesitic tuff ring at Rožmitál (the Intra-Sudetic Basin, Czech Republic) – evolution from explosive to effusive and high-level intrusive activity. Geological Quarterly, 2014, 58 (4): 759-778.

  2. BECKER A., NAWROCKI J. - Magnetostratigraphy of the Buntsandstein (Lower Triassic) in the Gorzów Wielkopolski IG 1 borehole, eastern German Basin in Poland: evidence of substantial diachronism of palynostratigraphic macrospore zones. Geological Quarterly, 2014, 58 (2): 369-377.

  3. BEZENJANI R. N., PEASE V., WHITEHOUSE M.J., SHALABY M.H., KADI K.A., KOZDRÓJ W. - Detrital zircon geochronology and provenance of the Neoproterozoic Hammamat Group (Igla Basin), Egypt and the Thalbah Group, NW Saudi Arabia: Implications for regional collision tectonics. Precambrian Research, 2014, 245: 225-243.

  4. CZURYŁOWICZ K., LEJZEROWICZ A., KOWALCZYK S., WYSOCKA A. - The origin and depositional architecture of Paleogene quartz-glauconite sands in the Lubartów area, eastern Poland. Geological Quarterly, 2014, 58 (1): 125-144.

  5. DĄBROWSKI M., GRASEMANN B. - Domino boudinage under layer-parallel simple shear. Journal of Structural Geology, 2014, 68 (Part A): 58-65.

  6. DYJACZYŃSKI K., PERYT T.M. - Controls on basal Zechstein (Wuchiapingian) evaporite deposition in SW Poland. Geological Quarterly, 2014, 58 (3): 485-502.

  7. JAMROZ O., BADURA J., MĄKOLSKI K. - Application of the precision levelling metod to evaluate the vertical movements within eastern part of the Elbe Tectonic System (SW Poland, Western Sudetes). Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, 2014, 11 no. 4 (176): 295-303.

  8. JASIONOWSKI M., PERYT T.M., DURAKIEWICZ T. - Polyphase dolomitisation of the Wuchiapingian Zechstein Limestone (Ca1) isolated reefs (Wolsztyn Palaeo-Ridge, Fore-Sudetic Monocline, SW Poland). Geological Quarterly, 2014, 58 (3): 503-519.

  9. KOTRYS B., TOMCZAKM., WITKOWSKI A., HARFF J., SEIDLER J. - Diatom-based estimation of sea surface salinity in the south Baltic Sea and Kattegat. Baltica, 2014, 27 (2): 131-140.

  10. KOZŁOWSKI W., DOMAŃSKA-SIUDA J., NAWROCKI J. - Geochemistry and petrology of the Upper Silurian greywackes from the Holy Cross Mountains (central Poland): implications for the Caledonian history of the southern part of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ). Geological Quarterly, 2014, 58 (2): 311-336.

  11. ŁANCZONT M., MADEYSKA T., BOGUCKI A., SYTNYK O., KUSIAK J., FRANKOWSKI Z., KOMAR M., NAWROCKI J., ŻOGAŁA B. - Stratigraphic position and natural environment of the oldest Middle Palaeolithic in central Podolia, Ukraine: New data from the Velykyi Glybochok site. Quaternary International, 2014, 326-327: 191-212.

  12. MALEC J. - The Devonian/Carboniferous boundary in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland). Geological Quarterly, 2014, 58 (2): 217-234.

  13. MATYJA H., SOBIEŃ K., MARYNOWSKI L., STEMPIEŃ-SAŁEK M., MAŁKOWSKI K. - The expression of the Hangenberg Event (latest Devonian) in a relatively shallow-marine succession (Pomeranian Basin, Poland): the results of a multi-proxy investigation. Geological Magazine, 2014: 1-29 (doi:10.1017/S001675681400034X).

  14. NARKIEWICZ M., MAKSYM A., MALINOWSKI M., GRAD M., GUTERCH A., PETECKI Z., PROBULSKI J., JANIK T., MAJDAŃSKI M., ŚRODA P., CZUBA W., GACZYŃSKI E., JANKOWSKI L. - Transcurrent nature of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone in Central Europe: results of the POLCRUST 01 deep reflection seismic profile. International Journal of Earth Science, 2014 (doi:10.1007/s00531-014-1116-4).

  15. NARKIEWICZ M., RETALLACK G.J. - Dolomitic paleosols in the lagoonal tetrapod track-bearing succession of the Holy Cross Mountains (Middle Devonian, Poland). Sedimentary Geology, 2014, 299: 74-87.

  16. NIEDŹWIEDZKI G., NARKIEWICZ M., SZREK P. - Middle Devonian invertebrate trace fossils from the marginal marine carbonates of the Zachełmie tetrapod tracksite, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Bulletin of Geosciences, 2014, 89, 3: 593-606.

  17. PABIS K., HARA U., PRESLER P., SICIŃSKI J. - Structure of bryozoan communities in an Antarctic glacial fjord (Admiralty Bay, South Shetlands). Polar Biology, 2014, 37 (5): 737-751.

  18. GEDL P., PERYT D., PERYT T.M. - Foraminiferal and palynological records of the Late Badenian (Middle Miocene) transgression in Podolia (Shchyrets near Lviv, western Ukraine). Geological Quarterly, 2014, 58 (3): 465-483.

  19. SONG RUI, GUO HUADONG, LIU GUANG, PERSKI Z., FAN JINGHUI - Improved Goldstein SAR Interferogram Filter Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014, 11 (2): 399-403.

  20. SONG RUI, GUO HUADONG, LIU GUANG, PERSKI Z., HAN CHUNMING, FAN JINGHUI - SAR interferometric phase filtering technique based on bivariate empirical mode decomposition. Remote Sensing Letters, 2014, 5 (8): 743-752.

  21. SZREK P., NIEDŹWIEDZKI G., DEC M. - Storm origin of bone-bearing beds in the Lower Devonian placoderm sandstone from Podłazie Hill (Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland). Geological Quarterly, 2014, 58 (4): 795-806.

  22. ŚWIŁO M., NIEDŹWIEDZKI G., SULEJ T. - Mammal-like tooth from the Upper Triassic of Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2014, 59 (4): 815-820.

  23. TERPIŁOWSKI S., ZIELIŃSKI T., KUSIAK J., PIDEK I.A., CZUBALA P., HRYNOWIECKA A., GODLEWSKA A., ZIELIŃSKI P., MAŁEK M. - How to resolve Pleistocene stratigraphic problems by different methods? A case study from eastern Poland. Geological Quarterly, 2014, 58 (2): 235-250.

  24. UŚCINOWICZ G. - Impact craters and the extraterrestrial matter in their surroundings: case of Morasko (Poland) and Kaali (Estonia). Baltica, 2014, 27, (1): 25-32.

  25. WIŚNIEWSKI A., BADURA J., SALAMON T., LEWANDOWSKI J. - The alleged Early Palaeolithic artefacts in reality are geofacts: a revision of the site Kończyce Wielkie 4 in the Moravian Gate, South Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2014, 52: 189–203.

  26. WOŁKOWICZ S., WOŁKOWICZ K. - Geological cartography in Poland in the 19th century. Geological Quarterly, 2014, 58 (3): 623-658.

  27. XING L., PENG G., MARTY D., YE Y., KLEIN H., LI J., GIERLIŃSKI G., SHU C. - An unusual trackway of a possibly bipedal archosaur from the Late Triassic of the Sichuan Basin, China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2014, 59 (4): 863-871 .



  1. ADAMUSZEK MARTA, DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, SCHMID D. W. - Interplay between Metamorphic Strengthening and Structural Softening in Inclusion – Bearing Layered Rocks. Terra Nova 2013, 25 (5): 381-386.

  2. ADAMUSZEK MARTA, SCHMID D. W., DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - Theoretical analysis of large amplitude folding of a single viscous layer. Journal of Structural Geology 2013, 48: 137-152.

  3. ANDREUCCI B., CASTELLUCCIO A., JANKOWSKI LESZEK, MAZZOLL S., SZANIAWSKI R., ZATTIN M. - Burial and exhumation history of the Polish Outer Carpathians: discriminating the role of thrusting and post-thrusting extension. Tectonophysics 2013, 608: 866-883.

  4. BADURA JANUSZ., JARY Z., SMALLEY I.  - Sources of loess material for deposits in Poland and parts of Central Europe: the lost Big River. Quaternary International 2013, 296: 15-22.

  5. DEMAIFFE DANIEL, WISZNIEWSKA JANINA, KRZEMIŃSKA EWA, WILLIAMS IAN S., STEIN HOLLY J., BRASSINNES STEPHANE, OHNENSTETTER DANIEL, DELOULE ETIENNE - A Hidden Alkaline and Carbonatite Province of Early Carboniferous Age in Northeast Poland: Zircon U-Pb and Pyrrhotite Re-Os. Geochronology. Journal of Geology 2013, 121 (1): 91-104.

  6. GAWĘDA ALEKSANDRA, MULLER AXEL, STEIN HOLLY J., KĄDZIOŁKO-GAWEŁ MARIOLA, MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z. - Age and origin of the tourmaline-rich hydraulic breccias in the Tatra Granite, Western Carpathians. Journal of Geosciences 2013, 58 (2): 133-148.

  7. JARY ZDZISŁAW, CISZEK DARIUSZ - Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences in Poland and western Ukraine. Quaternary International 2013, 296: 37-50.

  8. JIRASEK JAKUB, HYLOVA LADA, SIVEK MARTIN, JURECZKA JANUSZ, MARTINEK KAREL, SYKOROVA IVANA, SCHMITZ MARK - The Main Ostrava Whetstone: composition, sedimentary processes, palaeogeography and geochronology of a major Mississippian volcaniclastic unit of the Upper Silesian Basin (Poland and Czech Republic). International Journal of Earth Sciences 2013, 102: 989-1006.

  9. JUREWICZ EDYTA, STĘPIEŃ URSZULA  - Tectonics of the Chęciny Anticline (Holy Cross Mts., central Poland) in the light of new cartographic data and calcite vein analysis (reply). Geological Quarterly 2013, 57 (1): 181-186.

  10. KASZOWSKA ZOFIA, MALEK KAMILA, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA, MIKOŁAJSKA ANNA - A joint application of ATR-FTIR and SEM imaging with high spatial resolution: identification and distribution of painting materials and their degradation products in paint cross sections. Vibrational Spectroscopy 2013, 65: 1-11.

  11. KROTKIEWSKI M., DĄBROWSKI MARCIN  - Efficient 3D stencil computations using CUDA. Parallel Computing 2013, 39 (10): 533-548.

  12. LESZCZYŃSKI KRZYSZTOF, WAKSMUNDZKA MARTA - The palynofacies pattern for the Lower Cretaceous of central Poland. Geological Quarterly 2013, 57 (1): 101-112.

  13. MALINOWSKI M., GUTERCH A., NARKIEWICZ MAREK, PROBULSKI J., MAKSYM A., MAJDAŃSKI M., ŚRODA P., CZUBA W., GACZYŃSKI E., GRAD M., JANIK T., JANKOWSKI LESZEK, ADAMCZYK A. - Deep seismic reflection profile in Central Europe reveals complex pattern of Paleozoic and Alpine accretion at the East European Craton margin. Geophysical Research Letters 2013, Vol. 40, nr 15: 3841–3846

  14. MARTON EMŐ, GRABOWSKI JACEK, PLAŠIENKA DUŠAN, TUNYI IGOR, KROBICKI MICHAŁ, HAAS JANOS, PETHE MIHALY - New paleomagnetic results from the Upper Cretaceous red marls of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Western Carpathians: evidence for general CCW rotation and implications for the origin of the structural arc formation. Tectonophysics 2013, 592: 1-13.

  15. MIKULSKI STANISŁAW Z., WILLIAMS IAN S., BAGIŃSKI BOGUSŁAW - Early Carboniferous (Visean) emplacement of the collisional Kłodzko-Złoty Stok granitoids (Sudetes, SW Poland): constraints from geochemical data and zircon U-Pb ages. International Journal of Earth Sciences 2013, 102 (4): 1007-1027.

  16. MORYCOWA ELŻBIETA, OLSZEWSKA BARBARA - Foraminiferal assemblage in the coral-bearing limestones of the Vršatec area (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Western Carpathians, Slovakia). Geologica Carpathica 2013, 64 (1): 63-69.

  17. NAWROCKI JERZY, SALWA SYLWESTER, PAŃCZYK MAGDALENA - New 40Ar-39Ar age constrains for magmatic and hydrothermal activity in the Holy Cross Mts. (southern Poland). Geological Quarterly 2013, 57 (3): 551-559.

  18. REBER J. E., DĄBROWSKI MARCIN, GALLAND O., SCHMID D. W. - Sheath fold morphology in simple shear. Journal of Structural Geology 2013, 53: 15-26.

  19. SOUCHE A., MEDVEDEV S., ANDERSEN T. B., DĄBROWSKI MARCIN - Shear heating in extensional detachments: implications for the thermal history of the Devonian basins of W Norway. Tectonophysics 2013, 608: 1073-1085.

  20. Starostenko V., Janik T., Lysynchuk D., Środa P., Czuba W., Kolomiyets K., ALEKSANDROWSKI PAWEŁ, GINTOV O., OMELCHENKO V., K. KOMMINAHO, GUTERCH A., TIIRA T., GRYN D., LEGOSTAEVA O., THYBO H., TOLKUNOV A. - Mesozoic (?) lithosphere - scale buckling of the East European Craton in southern Ukraine: DOBRE-4 deep seismic profile. Geophysical Journal International 2013, 195 (2): 740-766, (doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt292)

  21. ŚWIŁO MARLENA, NIEDŹWIEDZKI GRZEGORZ, SULEJ TOMASZ - Mammal-like tooth from the Upper Triassic of Poland Acta Paleontologica Polonica 2013

  22. SZANIAWSKI RAFAŁ, MAZZOLI STEFANO, JANKOWSKI LESZEK, ZATTIN MASSIMILIANO - No large-magnitude tectonic rotations of the Subsilesian Unit of the Outer Western Carpathians: evidence from primary magnetization recorded in hematite-bearing Węglowka Marls (Senonian to Eocene). Journal of Geodynamics 2013, 71: 14-24.

  23. SZOPA KRZYSZTOF, GAWĘDA ALEKSANDRA, MULLER AXEL, SIKORSKA MAGDALENA - The petrogenesis of granitoid rocks unusually rich in apatite in the Western Tatra Mts. (S-Poland, Western Carpathians). Mineralogy and Petrology 2013, 107 (4): 609-627.

  24. WIERZBOWSKI ANDRZEJ, ROGOV MIKHAIL A. - Biostratigraphy and ammonites of the Middle Oxfordian to lowermost Kimmerid-gian in northern Central Siberia. Russian Geology and Geophysics 2013, 54 (9): 1083-1102.

  25. WIMBLEDON WILLIAM A.P., REHAKOVA DANIELA, PSZCZOŁKOWSKI ANDRZEJ, CASELLATO CRISTINA E., HALASOVA EVA, FRAU CAMILLE, BULOT LUC G., GRABOWSKI JACEK, SOBIEŃ KATARZYNA, PRUNER PETR, SCHNABL PETR, CIZKOVA KRISTYNA - An account of the bio- and magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Tithonian-lower Berriasian interval at Le Chouet, Drome (SE France). Geologica Carpathica 2013, 64 (6): 437-460.

  26. XING L. D., LOCKLEY M. G., MARTY D., KLEIN H., BUCKLEY L. G., MCCREA R. T., ZHANG J. P., GIERLIŃSKI GERARD D., DIVAY J. D., WU Q. Z. - Diverse dinosaur ichnoassemblages from the Lower Cretaceous Dasheng Group in the Yishu fault zone, Shandong Province, China. Cretaceous Research 2013, 45: 114-134.

  27. XING L., LOCKLEY M.G., MCCREA R.T., GIERLIŃSKI G. D., BUCKLEY L. G., ZHANG J., QI L., JIA C. - First record of Deltapodus tracks from the Early Cretaceous of China Cretaceous Research 2013, 42: 55-65.

  28. ZATOŃ MICHAŁ, HARA URSZULA, TAYLOR PAUL D., KROBICKI MICHAŁ - Callovian (Middle Jurassic) cyclostome bryozoans from the Zalas Quarry, southern Poland. Bulletin of Geosciences 2013, 88 (4): 837-862.



  1. BARSKI M., MATYJA B.A., SEGIT T., WIERZBOWSKI A. - Early to Late Bajocian age of the "black flysch" (Szlachtowa Fm.) deposits: implications for the history and geological structure of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians. Geological Quarterly, 2012, 56 (3): 391-410.

  2. GEDL P., KAIM A., LEONOWICZ P., BOCZAROWSKI A., DUDEK T., KĘDZIERSKI M., REES J., SMOLEŃ J., SZCZEPANIK P., SZTAJNER P., WITKOWSKA M., ZIAJA J. - Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn, Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica, 2012, 62 (3): 463-484.

  3. GRZEMPOWSKI P., BADURA J., CACOŃ S., KAPŁON J., ROHM W., PRZYBYLSKI B. - Geodynamics of south-eastern part of the Central European Subsidence Zone. Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, 2012, 9 (3, 167): 359-369.

  4. HARA U., JASIONOWSKI M. - The Early Sarmatian bryozoan Celleporina medoborensis sp. nov. from the Medobory reefs of western Ukraine (Central Paratethys). Geological Quarterly, 2012, 56 (4): 895-906.

  5. JADWISZCZAK P., KRAJEWSKI K.P., PUSHINA Z., TATUR A., ZIELIŃSKI G. - The first record of fossil penguins from East Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 2012, November: 1-12.

  6. JAROSIŃSKI M. - Compressive deformations and stress propagation in intracontinental lithosphere: finite element modeling along the Dinarides – East European Craton profile. Tectonophysics, 2012, 526-529: 24-41.

  7. JASIONOWSKI M., PERYT D., PERYT T.M - Neptunian dykes in the Middle Miocene reefs of western Ukraine: preliminary results. Geological Quarterly, 2012, 56 (4): 881–894.

  8. JUREWICZ E., STĘPIEŃ U. - Tectonics of the Chęciny Anticline (Holy Cross Mts., Central Poland) in the light of new cartographic data and calcite vein analysis. Geological Quarterly, 2012, 56 (1): 95-106.

  9. KOWALEWSKA Z., RUSZCZYŃSKA A., JAROŃ I., BULSKA E. - Determination of Fe and Ca In Alumina-based Nikel-Molybdenum Hydrodesulphurization Catalysts Rusing Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spektrometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Dynamic Reaction Cell Mass Spectrometry. Atomic Spektroskopy, 2012, 33 (6): 196-204.

  10. LESZCZYŃSKI K. - The internal geometry and lithofacies pattern of the Upper Cretaceous-Danian sequence in the Polish Lowlands. Geological Quarterly, 2012, 56 (2): 363-386.

  11. NIEDŹWIEDZKI G., SINGER T., GIERLIŃSKI G., LOCKLEY M.G. - A protoceratopsid skeleton with an associated track from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia. Cretaceous Research, 2012, 33 (1): 7-10.

  12. OSZCZYPKO N., OLSZEWSKA B., MALATA E. - Cretaceous (Aptian/Albian-?Cenomanian) age of "black flysch" and adjacent deposits of the Grajcarek thrust-sheets in the Małe Pieniny Mts. (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Polish Outer Carpathians). Geological Quarterly, 2012, (3): 411-439.

  13. OSZCZYPKO N., SALATA D., KROBICKI M. - Early Cretaceous intra-plate volcanism in the Pieniny Klippen Belt – a case study of the Velykyi Kamenets' / Vilkhivchyk (Ukraine) and Biała Woda (Poland) sections. Geological Quarterly, 2012, 56 (4): 629-648.

  14. PERYT D., PERYT T.M., RACZYŃSKI P., CHŁÓDEK K. - Foraminiferal colonization related to the Zechstein (Lopingian) transgression in the western part of the Wolsztyn Palaeo-Ridge area, Western Poland. Geological Quarterly, 2012, 56 (3): 529-546.

  15. SZANIAWSKI R., LUDWINIAK M., RUBINKIEWICZ J. - Minor counterclockwise rotation of the Tatra Mountains (Central Western Carpathians) as derived from paleomagnetic results achieved in hematite-bearing Lower Triassic sandstones. Tectonophysics, 2012, 560-561: 223-241.

  16. ŚLIWIŃSKI M.G., BĄBEL M., NEJBERT K., OLSZEWSKA-NEJBERT D., GĄSIEWICZ A., SCHREIBER B.C., BENOWITZ J.A., LAYEr P. - Badenian-Sarmatian chronostratigraphy in the Polish Carpathian Foredeep. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2012, (326-328): 12-29.

  17. UŚCINOWICZ G. - Spherical, magnetic grains of extraterrestrial origin, separated from the Pacific sediments. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 2012, 41 (3): 48-53.

  18. WORONCOWA-MARCINOWSKA T. - Middle Devonian conodonts and structural implications for Świętomarz-Śniadka section (Holy Cross Mountains). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2012, 82 (4): 349-360.



  1. ARABAS A., SIDORCZUK M., BARSKI M., OLSZEWSKA B. - Wapiennik Breccia Member (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Poland) – revised stratigraphy and origin. Geological Quarterly, 2011, .55 (1): 49-62.

  2. BIRKENMAJER K., PÉCSKAY Z., GRABOWSKI J., LORENC M.W., ZAGOŻDŻON P.P. - Radiometric dating of the Tertiary volcanics in Lower Silesia, Poland. VI. K-Ar palaeomagnetic data from basaltic rocks of the West Sudety Mountains and their northern foreland. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2011, 81 (2): 115-131.

  3. BUDZYŃ B., DUNKLEY D.J., KUSIAK M.A., POPRAWA P., MALATA T., SKIBA M., PASZKOWSKI M. - SHRIMP U-Pb zircon chronology of the Polish Western Outer Carpathians source areas. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2011, 81 (2): 161-171.

  4. BUŁA Z., HABRYN R. - Precambrian and Palaeozoic basement of the Carpathian Foredeep and the adjacent Outer Carpathians (SE Poland and western Ukraine). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2011, 81 (3): 221-239.

  5. DUMAŃSKA-SŁOWIK M., SIKORSKA M., HEFLIK W. - Dissolved-recrystallized zircon from mariupolite in the Mariupol Massif, Priazovje (SE Ukraine). Acta Geologica Polonica 2011, 61, (3) 277-288.

  6. FIJAŁKOWSKA-MADER A. - Biostratigraphy of the Emsian to Eifelian in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland). Geological Quarterly, 2011, 55 (2): 109-137.

  7. GARECKA M., OLSZEWSKA B. - Correlation of the Middle Miocene deposits in SE Poland and western Ukraine based on foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2011, 81 (3) 309-330.

  8. GORZELAK P., RAKOWICZ Ł., SALAMON M.A., SZREK P. - Inferred placoderm bite marks on Devonian crinoids from Poland. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 2011, 259 (1): 105-112.

  9. JACHOWICZ-ZDANOWSKA M. - Organic microfossil assemblages from the late Ediacaran rocks of the Małopolska Block, southeastern Poland. Geological Quarterly, 2011, 55 (2): 85-94.

  10. JACHOWICZ-ZDANOWSKA M. - Cambrian organic microfossils at the border area of the East- and West-European platforms (SE Poland and western Ukraine). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2011, 81 ( 3): 241-267.

  11. JAROSIŃSKI M., BEEKMAN F., MATENCO L., CLOETINGH S. - Mechanics of basin inversion: finite element modelling of the Pannonian Basin System. Tectonophysics, 2011, 502 (1-2): 121-145.

  12. KRAJEWSKI M., KRÓL K., OLSZEWSKA B., FELISIAK I., SKWARCZEK M. - Facies of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sediments in the basement of the Carpathian Foredeep (western Ukraine). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2011, 81 (3): 291-307.

  13. KRAJEWSKI M., MATYSZKIEWICZ J., KRÓL K., OLSZEWSKA B. - Facies of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits from the southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep basement in the Kraków-Rzeszów area (southern Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2011, 81 (3):269-290.

  14. KUBERSKA M., KOZŁOWSKA A., LIS P. - Petrographic characteristic of the Middle Miocene sediments in the Ukrainian segment of the Carpathian Foredeep. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2011, 81 (3): 351-361.

  15. MÁRTON E.; TOKARSKI A.K.; KREJČÍ O.; RAUCH M.; OLSZEWSKA B., TOMANOVA-PETROVA P., WÓJCIK A. - 'Non-European' palaeomagnetic directions from the Carpathian Foredeep at the southern margin of the European plate. Terra Nova, 2011, 23 (2): 134-144.

  16. NARKIEWICZ M., GRAD M., GUTERCH A., JANIK T. - Crustal seismic velocity structure of southern Poland: preserved memory of a pre-Devonian terrane accretion at the East European Platform margin. Geological Magazine, 2011, 148 (2): 191-210.

  17. NAWROCKI J., PAŃCZYK M., WILLIAMS I.S. - Isotopic ages of selected magmatic rocks from King George Island (West Antarctica) controlled by magnetostratigraphy. Geological Quarterly, 2011, 55 (4): 301-322.

  18. PAŃCZYK M., NAWROCKI J. - Geochronology of selected andesitic lavas from the King George Bay area (SE King George Island). Geological Quarterly, 2011, 55 (4): 323-334.

  19. PAŃCZYK M., NAWROCKI J. - Pliocene age of the oldest basaltic rocks of Penguin Island (South Shetland Islands, northern Antarctic Peninsula). Geological Quarterly, 2011, 55 (4): 335-344.

  20. Studencka B., JASIONOWSKI M. - Bivalves from the Middle Miocene reefs of Poland and Ukraine: a new approach to Badenian/Sarmatian boundary in the Paratethys. Acta Geologica Polonica, 2011, 61 (1): 79-114.

  21. SZANIAWSKI R., KONON A., GRABOWSKI J., SCHNABL P. - Palaeomagnetic age constraints on folding and faulting events in Devonian carbonates of the Kielce Fold Zone (southern Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland). Geological Quarterly, 2011, 55 (3): 223-234.

  22. TURNAU E., NARKIEWICZ K. - Biostratigraphical correlation of spore and conodont zonations within Givetian and Frasnian of the Lublin area (SE Poland). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2011, 164 (1-2): 30-38.

  23. WESEŁUCHA-BIRCZYŃSKA A., SŁOWAKIEWICZ M., NATKANIEC-NOWAK L., PRONIEWICZ L. M. - Raman microspectroscopy of organic inclusions in spodumenes from Nilaw (Nuristan, Afghanistan). Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2011, 79 (4): 789-796.

  24. WIERZBOWSKI A., HRYNIEWICZ K., HAMMER O., NAKREM HANS A., LITTLE C. - Ammonites from hydrocarbon seep-carbonate bodies from the uppermost Jurassic-lowermost Cretaceous of Spitsbergen and their biostratigraphical importance. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 2011, 262 (3): 267-288.

  25. WORONCOWA-MARCINOWSKA T. - Late Famennian (Devonian) Balviinae (Ammonoidea) from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica, 2011, 61 (1): 35-45.

  26. ZATTIN M., ANDREUCCI B., JANKOWSKI L., MAZZOLL S., SZANIAWSKI R. - Neogene exhumation in the Outer Western Carpathians. Terra Nova, 2011, 23 (5): 283-291.



  1. AWDANKIEWICZ MAREK, AWDANKIEWICZ HONORATA, KRYZA RYSZARD, RODIONOV NICKOLAY - SHRIMP zircon study of a micromonzodiorite dyke in the Karkonosze Granite, Sudetes (SW Poland): age constraints for late Variscan magmatism in Central Europe. Geological Magazine, 147 (1): 77-85.

  2. K. BUKOWSKI, A. LEEUW, M. GONERA, K.F. KUIPER, P. KRZYWIEC, D. PERYT - Badenian tuffite levels within the Carpathian orogenic front (Gdów-Bochnia area, Southern Poland): radio-isotopic dating and stratigraphic position. Geological Quarterly, 2010, 54 (4): 449-464.

  3. J.C. DUCHESNE, H. MARTIN, B. BAGIŃSKI, J. WISZNIEWSKA, A.J. VANDER - The origin of ferroan-potassic A-type granitoids: the case of the hornblende-biotite granite suite of the Mesoproterozoic Mazury Complex, Northeastern Poland. Canadian Mineralogist, 48 (4): 947-968.

  4. E. FOLTYN, E.M. FOLTYN, L. JOCHEMCZYK, J. NAWROCKI, M. NITA, J.M. WAGA, A. WÓJCIK - The oldest human trace north of the Carpathians (Kończyce Wielkie 4, Poland). Journal of Archaeological Science, 37: 1886-1897.

  5. A. GĄSIEWICZ - Major and minor elemental trends of gypsum-ghost limestones of the Osiek-Baranów Sandomierski native sulphur deposit (northern Carpathian Foredeep, Poland): implication for environment of the limestone formation. Geological Quarterly, 2010, 54 (4): 519-532.

  6. P.L. GIBBARD, M.J. HEAD, M.J.C. WALKER and The Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy (MARKS LESZEK) - Formal ratification of the Quaternary System / Period and the Pleistocene Series/Epoch with a base at 2.58 Ma. Journal of Quaternary Science, 25 (2): 96-102.

  7. P. GORZELAK, Ł. RAKOWICZ, M.A. SALAMON, P. SZREK - Inferred placoderm bite marks on Devonian crinoids from Poland. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen, 259/1: 105-112.

  8. J. GRABOWSKI, J. HAAS, E. MÁRTON, A. PSZCZÓŁKOWSKI - Magneto- and biostratigraphy of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Lókút section (Transdanubian Range, Hungary). Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 54 (1): 1-26.

  9. J. GRABOWSKI, J. MICHALÍK, A. PSZCZÓŁKOWSKI, O. LINTNEROVÁ - Magneto-, and isotope stratigraphy around the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Vysoká Unit (Malé Karpaty Mountains, Slovakia): correlations and tectonic implications. Geologica Carpathica, 61 (4): 309-326.

  10. S.P. HRYNIV, M.T. PERYT - Strontium distribution and celestite occurrence in Zechstein (Upper Permian) anhydrites of West Poland. Chemie der Erde, 70 (2): 137-147.

  11. M. JAROSIŃSKI, P. POPRAWA, P.A. ZIEGLER - Cenozoic dynamic evolution of the Polish Platform (reply). Geological Quarterly, 2010, 54 (1): 99-102.

  12. M. JASIONOWSKI, T.M. PERYT - Isotopic composition of dolomite associated with Middle Miocene Badenian anhydrites in the Carpathian Foredeep basin of SE Poland. Geological Quarterly, 2010, 54 (4): 533-548.

  13. P. KRZYWIEC - Cenozoic dynamic evolution of the Polish Platform (discussion). Geological Quarterly, 2010, 54 (1): 95-98.

  14. S. MAZUR, P. ALEKSANDROWSKI, K. TURNIAK, L. KRZEMIŃSKI, K. MASTALERZ, A. GÓRECKA-NOWAK, L. KUROWSKI, P. KRZYWIEC, A. ŻELAŹNIEWICZ, M.C. FANNING - Uplift and late orogenic deformation of the Central European Variscan belt as revealed by sediment provenance and structural record in the Carboniferous foreland basin of western Poland. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 99 (1): 47-64.

  15. S. MAZZOLI, L. JANKOWSKI, R. SZANIAWSKI, M. ZATTIN - Low-T thermochronometric evidence for post-thrusting (< 11 Ma) exhumation in the Western Outer Carpathians, Poland. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342: 162-169.

  16. Z. MODLIŃSKI, T. PODHALAŃSKA - Outline of the lithology and depositional features of the lower Paleozoic strata in the Polish part of the Baltic region. Geological Quarterly, 2010, 54 (2): 109-121.

  17. K. NARKIEWICZ, P. BULTYNCK - The Upper Givetian (Middle Devonian) Subterminus Conodont Zone in North America, Europe and North Africa. Journal of Paleontology, 84 (4): 588-625.

  18. K. NARKIEWICZ, M. NARKIEWICZ - Mid Devonian carbonate platform development in the Holy Cross Mts. area (central Poland): new constraints from the conodont Bipennatus fauna. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen, 255/3: 287-300.

  19. M. NARKIEWICZK, M. RESAK, R. LITTKE, L. MARYNOWSKI - New constraints on the Middle Palaeozoic to Cenozoic burial and thermal history of the Holy Cross Mts. (Central Poland): results from numerical modelling. Geologica Acta, 8 (2): 189-205.

  20. J. NAWROCKI, L. KRZEMIŃSKI, M. PAŃCZYK - 40Ar-39Ar ages of selected rocks and minerals from the Kraków-Lubliniec Fault Zone, and their relation to the Paleozoic structural evolution of the Małopolska and Brunovistulian terranes (S Poland). Geological Quarterly, 2010, 54 (3): 289-300.

  21. J. NAWROCKI, M. PAŃCZYK, I.S. WILLIAMS - Isotopic ages and palaeomagnetism of selected magmatic rocks from King George Island (Antarctic Peninsula). Journal of the Geological Society, 167, Part 5: 1063-1079.

  22. G. NIEDŹWIEDZKI, P. SZREK, K. NARKIEWICZ, M. NARKIEWICZ, P.E. AHLBERG - Tetrapod trackways from the early Middle Devonian period of Poland. Nature, 463 (7277): 43-48.

  23. B. OLSZEWSKA, N. OSZCZYPKO - The geological position, sedimentary record and composition of the Tylicz Conglomerate (Late Eocene-Oligocene): stratigraphical and aleogeographical implications (Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians). Geologica Carpathica, 61 (1): 39-54.

  24. J. PACZEŚNA - Ichnological record of the activity of Anthozoa in the early Cambrian succession of the Upper Silesian Block (southern Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica, 60 (1): 93-103.

  25. M.T. PERYT, S. HAŁAS, S.P. HRYNIV - Sulphur and oxygen isotope signatures of late Permian Zechstein anhydrites, West Poland: seawater evolution and diagenetic constraints. Geological Quarterly, 2010, 54 (4): 387-400.

  26. M.T. PERYT, S.P. HRYNIV, R. ANCZKIEWICZ - Strontium isotope composition of Badenian (Middle Miocene) Ca-sulphate deposits in West Ukraine: a preliminary study. Geological Quarterly, 2010, 54 (4): 465-476.

  27. J. POKORSKI - Geological section through the lower Paleozoic strata of the Polish part of the Baltic region. Geological Quarterly, 2010, 54 (2): 123-130.

  28. M. RESAK, U.A. GLASMACHER, M. NARKIEWICZ, R. LITTKE - Maturity modelling integrated with apatite fission-track dating: implications for the thermal history of the Mid-Polish Trough (Poland). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 27 (3): 108-115.

  29. I. SIENIAWSKA, P. ALEKSANDROWSKI. M. RAUCH, H. KOYI - Control of synorogenic sedimentation on back and out-of-sequence thrusting: Insights from analog modeling of an orogenic front (Outer Carpathians, southern Poland). Tectonics, 29 (TC6012): 23 s., doi:10.1029/2009TC002623

  30. R.J. STERN, K.A. ALI, J.P. LIEGEOIS, P.R. JOHNSON, W. KOZDRÓJ, F. KATTAN - Distribution and significance of pre-Neoproterozoic zircons in juvenile Neoproterozoic rocks of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. American Journal of Science, 310: 791-811.

  31. P. SZREK, M. DEC, A. JASZCZUK, C. KRAWCZYŃSKI, D. NAST, G. NIEDŹWIEDZKI - Zawiłe ścieżki badań nad kręgowcami dewońskimi w Polsce. Przegląd Geologiczny, vol. 58, nr 6: 495–498, 2010.

  32. M.I. WAKSMUNDZKA - Sequence stratigraphy of Carboniferous paralic deposits in the Lublin Basin (SE Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica, 60 (4): 557-597.



  1. M. AWDANKIEWICZ, H. AWDANKIEWICZ, R. KRYZA, N. RODIONOV - SHRIMP zircon study of a micromonziodiorite dyke in the Karkonosze Granite, Sudetes (SW Poland): age constraints for late Variscan magmatism in Central Europe. Geological Magazine: 1-9.

  2. J. BORUCKI, L. GIRO, R. ORŁOWSKI, M. STĘPNIEWSKI - The Songyuan ordinary chondrite (China) – rich in alien rock fragments and its reclassification. Geological Quarterly, 53 (2): 187-198.

  3. R.E. DENISON, T.M. PERYT - Strontium isotopes in the Zechstein (Upper Permian) anhydrites of Poland: evidence of varied meteoric contributions to marine brines. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (2): 159-166.

  4. G.D. GIERLIŃSKI, M.G. LOCKLEY, G. NIEDŹWIEDZKI - A distinctive crouching theropod trace from the Lower Jurassic of Poland. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (4): 471–476.

  5. G.D. GIERLIŃSKI, P. MENDUCKI, K. JANISZEWSKA, I. WICIK, A. BOCZAROWSKI - A preliminary report on dinosaur track assemblages from the Middle Jurassic of the Imilchil area, Morocco. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (4): 477–482.

  6. G.D. GIERLIŃSKI, G. NIEDŹWIEDZKI, P. NOWACKI - Small theropod and ornithopod footprints in the Late Jurassic of Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica, 59 (2): 221-234.

  7. J. GRABOWSKI, J. MICHALIK, R. SZANIAWSKI, I. GROTEK - Synthrusting remagnetization of the Krížna nappe: high resolution palaeo- and rock magnetic study in the Strážovce section, Strážovské vrchy Mts, Central West Carpathians (Slovakia). Acta Geologica Polonica, 59 (2): 137-155.

  8. U. HARA, A. ERNST, Z. MIKOŁAJEWSKI - Permian trepostome bryozoans from the Zechstein Main Dolomite (Ca2) of Western Poland and NE Germany. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (2): 249–254.

  9. U. HARA, P.D. TAYLOR - Cyclostome bryozoans from the Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) of Poland. Geodiversitas, 31 (3): 555-575.

  10. K. JARMOŁOWICZ-SZULC, S. HAŁAS, A. WÓJTOWICZ - Radiometric age analyses of rocks from the northern envelope of the Karkonosze Massif, the Sudetes, Poland: a comparative geochronological study. Geochronometria, 34: 33-39.

  11. M. JAROSIŃSKI, P. POPRAWA, P.A. ZIEGLER - Cenozoic dynamic evolution of the Polish Platform. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (1): 3–26.

  12. E. KRZEMIŃSKA, J. WISZNIEWSKA, G. SKRIDLAITE, I.S. WILLIAMS - Late Svecofennian sedimentary basins in the crystalline basement of NE Poland and adjacent area of Lithuania: ages, major sources of detritus, and correlations. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (3): 255–272.

  13. P. KRZYWIEC - Devonian-Cretaceous repeated subsidence and uplift along the Teisseyre-Tornquist zone in SE Poland – Insight from seismic data interpretation. Tectonophysics, 475 (1): 142-159.

  14. P. KRZYWIEC, J. GUTOWSKI, I. WALASZCZYK, G. WRÓBEL, S. WYBRANIEC - Tectonostratigraphic model of the Late Cretaceous inversion along the Nowe Miasto-Zawichost Fault Zone, SE Mid-Polish Trough. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (1): 27-48

  15. M.G. LOCKLEY, G. GIERLIŃSKI - A Grallator-dominated tracksite from the Chinle Group (Late Triassic), Moab, Utah. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (4): 433-440.

  16. E. MALIŃSKI, A. GĄSIEWICZ, A. WITKOWSKI, J. SZAFRANEK, K. PIHLAJA, P. OKSMAN, K. WIINAMÄKI - Biomarker features of a sabkha‑associated microbialites from the Zechstein Platy Dolomite (Upper Permian) of northern Poland. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 273 (1-2): 92-101.

  17. H. MATYJA - Depositional history of the Devonian succession in the Pomeranian Basin, NW Poland. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (1): 63–92.

  18. W. MORAWSKI - Reconstruction of the Vistula ice stream during the Last Glacial Maximum in Poland. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (3): 305-316.

  19. M. OSZCZYPKO-CLOWES, N. OSZCZYPKO, A. WÓJCIK - New data on the Badenian-Sarmatian deposits of the Nowy Sącz Basin (Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians) and their palaeogeographical implications. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (3): 273-292.

  20. M. PAŃCZYK, J. NAWROCKI, I. WILLIAMS - Isotope age constraint for the Blue Dyke and Jardine Peak subvertical intrusions of King George Island, West Antarctica. Polish Polar Research, 30 (4): 379-391.

  21. T.M. PERYT, D. PERYT - Environmental changes in the declining Middle Miocene Badenian evaporite basin of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep (Kurdyntsi section). Geologica Carpathica, 60 (6): 505-517.

  22. G. PIEŃKOWSKI, M.E. POPA, A. KEDZIOR - Early Jurassic sauropod footprints of the Southern Carpathians, Romania: palaeobiological and palaeogeographical significance. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (4): 461–470.

  23. G. PIEŃKOWSKI, A. UCHMAN - Ptychoplasma conica isp. nov. - a new bivalve locomotion trace fossil from the Lower Jurassic (Hettangian) alluvial sediments of Sołtyków, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Geological Quarterly, 2009, 53 (4): 397–406.

  24. G. PIEŃKOWSKI, M. WAKSMUNDZKA - Palynofacies in Lower Jurassic epicontinental deposits of Poland: tool to interpret sedimentary environments. Episodes, 32 (1): 21-32.

  25. J. SZEWCZYK, D. GIENTKA - Terrestrial heat flow density in Poland - a new approach. Geological Quarterly, 53 (1): 125–140, 2009.
  26. I.S. WILLIAMS, E. KRZEMIŃSKA, J. WISZNIEWSKA - An extension of the Svecofennian orogenic province into NE Poland: evidence from geochemistry and detrital zircon from Paleoproterozoic paragneisses. Precambrian Research, 17: 234-254.

  27. M. ZATOŃ, G. NIEDŹWIEDZKI, G. PIEŃKOWSKI - Gastropod egg capsules preserved on bivalve shells from the Lower Jurassic (Hettangian) of Poland. Palaios, 24 (9-10): 568-577.

  28. A. ŻELAŹNIEWICZ, Z. BUŁA, M. FANNING, A. SEGHEDI, J. ŻABA - More evidence on Neoproterozoic terranes in Southern Poland and southeastern Romania. Geological Quarterly, 53 (1): 93-124.

  29. A. ŻYLIŃSKA, Z. SZCZEPANIK - Trilobite and acritarch assemblages from the Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary interval in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland). Acta Geologia Polonica, 59 (4): 413-458.