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Pokazuje 1 do 30 z 86 rekordów


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Ozone and Plant Cell

Roshchina V., 2003

450 2016-10-28
Oxidation and wet wear of silicon carbide
Presser V., 2009
540 2014-05-07
Overview of mine drainage geochemistry at historical mines, Humboldt River basin and adjacent mining areas, Nevada. Chapter E Geoenvironmental Investigations of the Humboldt River Basin, Northern Nevada

J. Thomas Nash, 2004

374 2016-10-20
Overexploitation and Contamination of Shared Groundwater Resources Management, (Bio)Technological, and Political Approaches to Avoid Conflicts

Darnault C.J.G., 2008

610 2010-12-21
Outokumpu Deep Drilling Project 2003–2010

Kukkonen I.T.(ed.), 2011

992 2012-12-31
Outcrop analogue studies - implications for groundwater flow and contaminant transport in heterogeneous glaciofluvial quaternary deposits
Klingbeil R., 1998
531 2013-03-28
Our global water towers : ensuring ecosystem services from mountains under climate change : policy brief


797 2016-10-20
Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft: 21. Jahrestagung in Bad Ischl, 25.-27. September 2015: Programm, Kurzfassungen und Exkursionsführer

Gebhardt H., 2015

95 2020-04-22
Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft: 15. Jahrestagung in Stetten 9. - 10. Oktober 2009: Vortragskurzfassungen und Exkursionen

Zuschin M., Hofmann T., 2009

410 2017-02-13
Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft: 14. Jahrestagung in Dornbirn, 15. - 18. Mai 2008: Vortragskurzfassungen und Exkursionen

Zuschin M., Hofmann T., 2008

401 2017-02-13
Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft 20. Jahrestagung in Wolfsberg 10.–12. Oktober 2014: Programm, Vortragskurzfassungen und Exkursionsführer

C. Dojen, H. Gebhardt, 2014

366 2017-02-09
Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft 18. Jahrestagung in Linz 12. - 13. Oktober 2012: Programm, Vortragskurzfassungen und Exkursionsführer


359 2017-02-13
Orogenic Processes in the Alpine Collision Zone


924 2010-05-11
Orogene Prozesse im Spiegel synorogener Sedimente : korngefügekundliche Liefergebietsanalyse unterkarbonischer Sedimente aus dem Frankenwald und den Westsudeten
Litjes B., 2002
545 2013-09-30
Origins : Genesis, Evolution and Diversity of Life

Seckbach J., 2005

645 2010-12-21
Origin, occurrence and visualisation of permeability barriers in a sandstone gas reservoir (Rotliegendes, Southern Permian Basin, Germany): Implications for diagenesis, fluid flow and production
Kayser A., 2006
568 2014-09-29
Origin of Igneous Rocks. The Isotopic Evidence

Faure G., 2001

399 2016-11-07

Karnkowski P.H., 1999

391 2014-09-29
Orientations and Rotations. Computations in Crystallographic Textures

Morawiec A., 2004

409 2016-10-28

Neilson A.H., 2002

586 2011-09-23
Organic Metal and Metalloid Species in the Environment. Analysis, Distribution, Processes and Toxicological Evaluation

Hirner A., 2004

412 2016-10-28
Organic Matter and Mineralisation: Thermal Alteration, Hydrocarbon Generation and Role in Metallogenesis

Glikson M., 2000

478 2016-11-09
Organic Indoor Air Pollutants: Occurrence, Measurement, Evaluation, Second Edition

Tunga Salthammer, Erik Uhde, 2009

903 2010-12-10
Organic Contaminants in Riverine and Groundwater Systems : Aspects of the Anthropogenic Contribution

Schwarzbauer J., 2006

616 2010-12-21
Organic Bromine and Iodine Compounds


634 2011-09-23
Ore-forming processes of hydrothermal vein-type deposits, SW Germany 
Burisch M., 2016
371 2016-09-14
Ore Textures : Recognition and Interpretation

Taylor R., 2009

987 2010-05-11
Ore microscopy and ore petrography - 2nd ed.

Craig J.R., Vaughan D.J., 1994

1360 2014-02-11
Ore Deposits and Mantle Plumes

Pirajno F., 2000

385 2016-11-09
Ordovician Trilobites of Argentina
Harrington H.J., Leanza A.F., 1957
669 2010-12-10