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Pokazuje 151 do 180 z 356 rekordów


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Stan geoekosystemów Polski w roku 2012 na podstawie badań Zintegrowanego Monitoringu Środowiska Przyrodniczego

Tylkowski J., 2013

505 2014-05-07
Stan geoekosystemów Polski w roku 2006

Major M., 2007

520 2014-05-07
Spatial and temporal dynamics of biogeochemical gradients in a tar oil-contaminated porous aquifer - biodegradation processes revealed by high-resolution measurements.
Anneser B., 2008
489 2014-05-07
Solventless Extraction and Enrichment Methods for Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis
Jochmann M.A., 2006
419 2014-04-08
Stone Age Studies in Southwest Nigeria with particular emphasis on the assessment of material from Atamora Rock Shelter
Akpobasa J.J., 2009
442 2014-04-08
Secondary pyrrhotite as a recorder of Earth Magnetic field variations
Wehland F., 2004
462 2014-04-08
Stratigraphie und Tektonik am Südostrand des Luswishi Dome (Lufilian Belt) in Sambia
Helbing H., 2004
463 2014-04-08
Struktury glacitektoniczne w Polsce

Ber A., Krysiak, 2009

649 2013-10-03
Strategie zur Lösung von Erosionsproblemen unter Verwendung von Luft- und Bodendaten
Tschiersch L., 2002
921 2013-10-03
Stan środowiska w województwie mazowieckim w 1999 roku
744 2013-10-01
Spurenelementverteilungen in orogenen Granat-Peridotiten und Granat-Olivin-Websteriten als Indikator ihrer geochemischen und metamorphen Entwicklung
Paquin J., 2001
458 2013-10-01
Spätkänozoische Reliefentwicklung der Schweizer Alpen
Bansemer K., 2004
562 2013-10-01
Sorption and transport of heterocyclic aromatic compounds in soils
Bi E., 2006
492 2013-10-01
Solid-Fluid Mixtures of Frictional Materials in Geophysical and Geotechnical Context : Based on a Concise Thermodynamic Analysis

Schneider L., Hutter K., 2009

606 2013-10-01
Soils of the Past. An introduction to paleopedology
Retallack G.J., 2001. Logowanie dla pracowników PIG-PIB hasłem do baz CBDG.
504 2013-10-01
Sedimentology and tectonic history of late Archaean sedimentary successions in Zimbabwe : a study in greenstone belt geology

Hofmann A., 2001

582 2013-10-01
Schematyzacja warunków hydrogeologicznych na potrzeby numerycznego modelowania przepływu w JCWPd


905 2013-10-01
Selektive Sedimentation von Feinstschwebstoffen in Wechselwirkung mit wandnahen turbulenten Strömungsbedingungen

Dreher T., 2005

752 2013-09-30
Stable isotope investigations on speleothems from different cave systems in Germany.
Nordhoff P.,2005
802 2013-09-30
Seventh Micropalaeontological Workshop, MIKRO-2009, Sw. Katarzyna, Poland September 28-30, 2009. Abstracts and Excursion Guide

Peryt D., Kaminski M.A., 2009

568 2013-09-30
Structural observations at the southern Dead Sea Transform from seismic reflection data and ASTER satellite images
Kesten D., 2005
593 2013-09-30
Seismic and sub-seismic deformation on different scales in the NW German basin
Lohr T.,2007
652 2013-09-30
Satellite to satellite tracking in the space-wise approach
Sharifi M. A., 2006
920 2013-09-30
Sauerstoffisotope zur Klärung der Herkunft nichtmetallischer Ausscheidungen (Clogging) beim Stranggiessen von Stahl
Toulouse C.E., 2007
638 2013-09-20
Second Landslide Forum World “PUTTING Science into Practice” – 3-7 October 2011, Rome. Abstract Book
10887 2013-09-19
SedNet Conference 2011 7th International SedNet conference on 6-9 April 2011, Venice, Italy


549 2013-09-19
Stability Analysis and Modelling of Underground Excavations in Fractured Rocks
Zhu W., Zhao J., Hudson J.A., 2004
409 2013-09-19
Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Second Edition)
Lyons W.C., Plisga G.J., 2004
576 2013-09-19
Storm and Cloud DynamicsThe Dynamics of Clouds and Precipitating Mesoscale Systems
Cotton W., Bryan G., Heever S. van den, 2011
445 2013-09-18
Satellite-borne L-band Interferometric Coherence for Forestry Applications in the Boreal Zone
Eriksson L.E.B., 2004
743 2013-06-12