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Pokazuje 31 do 60 z 280 rekordów


Tytuł Odsłon Dodano do listy
Abfluß- und Stofffrachtseparation im Buntsandstein des Nordschwarzwaldes
Seeger T., 1990
1000 2013-03-28
Absolutely Final Meeting of IGCP 503: Ordovician Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate. Copenhagen, August-September 2009
965 2013-03-21
Abstract and Geological Trip XVIth; Workshop of the European Society for Isotope Research, Graz, Austria.

Ana-Voica Bojar, Gottfried Tichy, Hans-Peter Bojar, Bernd Moser,
Artur Wojtowicz, Andrzej Pelc, Franz Neubauer, 2023.

42 2023-08-23
Abstract Book 10 th BALTIC SEA SCIENCE CONGRESS. 15-19 June, 2015 Riga, Latvia


544 2017-02-14
Abstract Volume 21th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 17-18 November 2023, Mendrisio
45 2023-11-15
Abstracts 8 th European Ostracodologists’ Meeting Tartu, Estonia, 22 - 30 July 20 15


367 2017-05-22
Abstracts of 31 st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology held in Krakow on 22 nd –25 th of June 2015


839 2017-05-22
Abyssal Channels in the Atlantic Ocean Water Structure and Flows

Morozov E.G., Demidov A.N., Tarakanov R.Y., Zenk W., 2010

1717 2010-12-10
Accounting for Climate Change Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas Inventories — Verification, Compliance, and Trading

Lieberman D., Jonas M., Nahorski Z., Nilsson S., 2007

1505 2010-12-10
Accreted Paleoproterozoic eolian beds and dolerite sills in the Miocene Siwalik belt, central Nepal, and their origin 
Sakai, H.; Takigami, Y.; Orihashi, Y.; Terada, K. , 2013
412 2016-09-15
Accretion of Extraterrestrial Matter Throughout Earth’s History

Peucker-Ehrenbrink B., 2001

479 2016-11-07
Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin

Ogawa Y., Anma R., Dilek Y., 2011

1102 2011-09-22
Acid in the Environment Lessons Learned and Future Prospects


1549 2010-03-11
Acid Rain - Deposition to Recovery


1563 2010-12-14
Acoustic Remote Sensing Applications

Singal S.P., 1997

1145 2011-10-03
Acoustic Sensing Techniques for the Shallow Water Environment. Inversion Methods and Experiments


1595 2010-03-11
Acritarchen aus dem Silur des Cellon Profils (Karnische Alpen, Österreich)

H. Priewalder, 1987

433 2017-05-19
Active Geophysical Monitoring
Kasahara J., Korneev V., Zhdanov M., 2010
995 2012-12-20
Active intraplate faulting in the forearc of North Central Chile (30° - 31° S) : implications from neotectonic field studies, GPS data and elastic dislocation modeling
Heinze B., 2003
1023 2013-03-28
Active Tectonics of Kumaun and Garhwal Himalaya
R. Jayangondaperumal, V. C. Thakur, V. Joevivek, Priyanka Singh Rao, Anil Kumar Gupta, 2018
236 2018-11-18
Active tectonics of the Hellenic subduction zone
Shaw B., 2012
614 2015-04-17
Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments, Volume 1. The Impacts of Global Change on Biodiversity
Guido di Prisco, Cinzia Verde, 2012
566 2015-04-21
Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies for Climate Change

Sumi A., Fukushi K., Hiramatsu A., 2010

1299 2010-12-10
Adaptation to Climate Change: A Spatial Challenge

Roggema R., 2009

1344 2010-12-14
Adaptive and Integrated Water Management


1565 2010-03-11
Adaptive Capacity and Environmental Governance

Armitage D., Plummer R., 2010

1297 2010-12-14
Adaptive Governance of Disaster. Drought and Flood in Rural Areas

Margot A. Hurlbert, 2018

276 2018-11-18
Adaptive wavelet methods for geoelectric modelling and inversion
Plattner A.M., 2011
1153 2013-03-22
ADER-DG - Analysis, further Development and Applications

Hermann Verena, 2011

377 2017-05-24
Advanced Air and Noise Pollution Control


1627 2010-03-11