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Pokazuje 91 do 120 z 168 rekordów


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Drobne prace i notatki Erazma Majewskiego z dziedziny archeologii przedhistorycznej i etnografii
Majewski E., 1897
732 2013-09-24
Dunajcem z niziny nadwiślańskiej w Tatry
Sawicki L., 1911
756 2013-09-24
Dr. Fritz Ernst Drevermann, Professor für Geologie und erfolgreicher Museumswissenschaftler : die Entwicklung vom Geologen zum Museumswissenschaftler ; museologisches Schaffen
Ruh S.T., 2002
598 2013-09-25
Das System der Erde - was bewegt die Welt? : Lebensraum und Zukunftsperspektiven
Reitner J., Weber K., Karg U., 2005
741 2013-09-30
Die Bedeutung der Knochenfrühdiagenese für die Erhaltungsfähigkeit in vivo erworbener Element- und Isotopenzusammensetzungen in fossilen Knochen
Tütken T., 2003
535 2014-04-08
Differentiationsprozesse alkalischer bis peralkalischer Magmen, untersucht am Ilímaussaq-Komplex der Gardar-Provinz in Süd-Grönland
Krumrei T.V., 2007
536 2014-05-07
Deep Crustal Structure of the Son-Narmada-Tapti Lineament, Central India
G. Dhanunjaya Naidu, 2012
652 2015-03-31
Deadly Season Analyzing the 2011 Tornado Outbreaks
Kevin M. Simmons, Daniel Sutter, 2012
617 2015-04-02
Digital Sonar Design in Underwater Acoustics Principles and Applications
Qihu Li, 2012
510 2015-04-02
Dictionary of Minor Planet Names
Schmadel L., 2012
531 2015-04-15
Design and impact of water treaties. Managing climate change
Zentner M., 2012
476 2015-04-17
Dynamic land use/cover change modelling. Geosimulation and multiagent-based modelling
Arsanjani J.J., 2012
534 2015-04-17
Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Using GIS
Vieux B.E., 2004
466 2015-04-27
Degradations and Instabilities in Geomaterials
Felix Darve, Ioannis Vardoulakis, 2004
598 2015-04-30
Dinosaurs of New Mexico

Spencer G. Lucas, Andrew B. Heckert, 2000

398 2015-10-09
Dinosores: An annotated bibliography of dinosaur paleopathology and related topics--1838-2001

Darren H. Tanke, Bruce M. Rothschild, 2002

397 2015-10-09
Drying of the Qaidam basin and its controlling factors deduced from core SG-1
Appel, E.; Fang, X.M.; Zhang, W.L.; Wang, J.Y.; Herb, C.; Koutsodendris, A.; Pross, J.; Yang, Y.B., 2013
315 2016-09-15
Direct evidence for fluid mixing processes during formation of post-Variscan, unconformity-related hydrothermal vein deposits
Fußwinkel, T., 2013
310 2016-09-15
Dynamic Planet. Mercury in the Context of Its Environment

Clark P.E., 2007

425 2016-09-28
Delineation of areas contributing groundwater to selected receiving surface water bodies for long-term average hydrologic conditions from 1968 to 1983 for Long Island, New York


411 2016-10-06
Drying, Roasting, and Calcining of Minerals

Thomas P. Battle, 2015

416 2016-10-07
Ductile Shear Zones: From Micro- to Macro-scales

Soumyajit Mukherjee, Kieran F. Mulchrone, 2016

467 2016-10-07
Data Analysis Methods in Physical Oceanography

Richard E. Thomson, William J. Emery, 2014

624 2016-10-11
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for Geoscientists

Guangren Shi, 2014

435 2016-10-11
Developments in Earth Surface Processes. Volume 18

Mary J. Thornbush, Casey D. Allen,Faith A. Fitzpatrick, 2014

283 2016-10-12
Dictionary of Energy (Second Edition)

Cutler J. Cleveland and Christopher G. Morris, 2015

399 2016-10-12
Developments in the Theory and Practice of Cybercartography Applications and Indigenous Mapping

D.R.Fraser Taylor, 2014

276 2016-10-14
Data Series USGS
1011 2016-10-20
Dying and Dead Seas Climatic Versus Anthropic Causes

Nihoul J.,2004

375 2016-10-28
Data Assimilation for the Earth System

Swinbank R., 2003

540 2016-10-31