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Pokazuje 1 do 30 z 217 rekordów


Tytuł Odsłon Dodano do listy
I International Conference on Applied Mineralogy & Advanced Materials – AMAM 2015


299 2018-04-20
I International Conference on Atmospheric Dust – DUST 2014


305 2018-04-20
I Konferencja Naukowa Polskich Badaczy Morza 2017 Stan i trendy zmian w morzach i oceanach. Książka abstraktów Sopot, 19-20 października 2017 r.


408 2018-02-15
I Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Metod Badawczych


664 2015-10-08
IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018 - Volume 1 Slope Stability: Case Histories, Landslide Mapping, Emerging Technologies


183 2019-04-05
IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018—Volume 6 Advances in Engineering Geology: Education, Soil and Rock Properties, Modeling


173 2019-04-05
IAMG2023. Trondheim, Norway, August 05 - 11, 2023. The 22th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences.
32 2023-09-15
Ice Ages and Interglacials : Measurements, Interpretation and Models

Rapp D., 2009

938 2010-06-16
Ice Ages and Interglacials Measurements, Interpretation, and Models
Rapp D., 2012
592 2015-04-02
Iceland Geodynamics : Crustal Deformation and Divergent Plate Tectonics

Sigmundsson F., 2006

930 2010-06-16
Ichnofossilien im Campanium des südöstlichen Münsterlandes

Kappel J., 2003

773 2012-12-31
Ichnology of the Mississippian Mauch Chunk Formation, eastern Pennsylvania

David L. Fillmore, Spencer G. Lucas, Edward L. Simpson, 2012

371 2016-10-24
Ichnology of the Upper Triassic (Apachean) Redonda Formation, east-central New Mexico

Spencer G. Lucas, Justin A. Spielmann, Hendrik Klein, Allan J Lerner, 2010

385 2016-10-24
ICS 2000 - 6th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings_New Zealand
1094 2012-12-31
ICS 2002 - 7th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings_Ireland
1235 2012-12-31
ICS 2004 - 8th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings_Brazil
1352 2012-12-31
ICS 2007 - 9th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings_Australia
1108 2012-12-31
ICS 2009 - 10th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings_Portugal
1261 2012-12-31
ICS 2011 - 11th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings_Poland


895 2012-12-31
ICS INQUA SEQS 2004 meeting – Florence, August 2004 – Pleistocene chronostratigraphic subdivisions and stratigraphic boundaries in the mammal record


574 2014-02-11
Identification Guide of Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Spain

Oscoz J., Galicia D., Miranda R., 2011

743 2011-09-22
Identification of tsunami deposits in the geologic record; developing criteria using recent tsunami deposits
Peters R., Jaffe B., 2010
3826 2010-12-02
Identifizierung hochgradig metamorpher Krustenprovinzen im Indischen Eastern Ghats Belt mittels der Datierung von Monazit mit der Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde
Simmat R., 2003
653 2013-09-26
IGCP 421: North Gondwana: Mid Palaeouoic Terranes, Stratigraphy and Biota


477 2017-02-15
IGCP 580 - 596 Geophysical and Geochemical Techniques: A Window on the Palaeozoic World Programme with Abstracts


613 2014-02-11
IGCP 580 Magnetic Susceptibility and Gamma-Ray Spectrometry through time Graz, 24th-30th June 2012


404 2017-02-14
IGCP 596 & IGCP 580 Joint Meeting and Field-Workshop International Symposium in Mongolia Ulanbaatar, Mongolia, 5 - 18th August 2014


401 2017-02-14
IGCP 596 On-Extended-Term Closing Meeting Udine, 10-12th October 2016


478 2017-02-14
IGCP 596 Opening Meeting Graz, 19-24thSeptember 2011


348 2017-02-14
IGCP Projekt 199 "Rare Events in Geology", Abstracts of Lecture, Excursion Guide


446 2017-02-13