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Pokazuje 91 do 116 z 116 rekordów


Tytuł Odsłon Dodano do listy
Links Between Geological Processes, Microbial Activities & Evolution of Life : Microbes and Geology


762 2010-06-17
Lithic Materials and Paleolithic Societies

Brian Adams, Brooke S. Blades, 2009

827 2013-09-23
Litho- und Leitflächenstratigraphie, Chronostratigraphie, Zyklo- und Sequenzstratigraphie des Keupers im östlichen Zentraleuropäischen Becken (Deutschland, Polen) und Dänischen Becken (Dänemark, Schweden)
Franz M., 2008
550 2012-12-31
Lithologic and physicochemical properties and hydraulics of flow in and near the freshwater/saline-water transition zone, San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer, south-central Texas, based on water-level and borehole geophysical log data, 1999-20
Lambert R.B., Hunt A.G., Stanton G.P., Nyman M.B., 2010
718 2010-12-10
Lithospheric deformations in Central Asia, derived from gravity data
Jiang X.,2004
691 2013-06-12
Living and Fossil Macrocyprididae
Maddocks R.F., 1990
683 2010-12-10
Local Governments and Climate Change : Sustainable Energy Planning and Implementation in Small and Medium Sized Communities


886 2010-06-17
Localization in Wireless Networks Foundations and Applications
Jessica Feng Sanford, Miodrag Potkonjak, Sasha Slijepcevic, 2012
448 2015-04-02
Location Based Services and TeleCartography


827 2010-06-17
Location Based Services and TeleCartography II : From Sensor Fusion to Context Models


728 2010-06-17
Lochnagar : The Natural History of a Mountain Lake


767 2010-06-17
Long and Short Term Variability of Climate

Wanner H., Siegenthaler U., 1988

509 2011-10-03
Long Continental Records from Lake Baikal

Kashiwaya K., 2003

371 2016-10-28
Long Term Hillslope and Fluvial System Modelling : Concepts and Case Studies from the Rhine River Catchment

Lang A., Dikau R., Hennrich K., 2003

540 2011-09-27
Long Term Hillslope and Fluvial System Modelling. Concepts and Case Studies from the Rhine River Catchment
439 2016-10-31
Long-Term Ecological Research : Between Theory and Application


845 2010-07-06
Long-term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes

John P. Smol, Reinhard Pienitz, Marianne S. V. Douglas, 2004

459 2015-05-04
Long-term Perspective in Coastal Zone Development Multifunctional Coastal Protection Zones

Ahlhorn F., 2009

851 2010-05-11
Lösung der Grenzflächenproblematik bei der gemeinsamen Inversion geoelektrischer und seismischer Daten von oberflächennahen, porösen Schichten
Tillmann A., 2001
553 2013-03-22
Low-temperature thermochronology : methodological studies and application in collisional orogens$nElektronische Ressource
Stübner K., 2008
707 2013-05-10
Low-temperature thermochronology from tunnel and surface samples in the Central and Western Alps
Glotzbach C., 2008
412 2014-05-07
Lower and middle Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystems

Spencer G. Lucas, James I. Kirkland, and John W. Estep, 1998

395 2015-10-09
Lower Cretaceous Calcareous Nannoplankton Biostratigraphy

H.R. Thierstein, 1973

372 2017-05-22
Lower Ocean Crust beneath Slow-Spreading Ridges: a Combined Oxygen Isotopic and Elemental in-situ Study on Hole 735B Gabbros
Gao Y., 2004
611 2013-06-12
Lower Ordovician Trilobites of the Kirtonryggen Formation, Spitsbergen

Richard A. Fortey, David L. Bruton, 2014

619 2014-04-08
Lower palaeozoic acritarchs as proxies for the reconstruction of palaeoenvironments
Stricanne L., 2004
476 2014-04-08