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Pokazuje 181 do 210 z 263 rekordów


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Mineral, fluid and thermal evolution in veins from late orogenic coal basins of the Cantabrian Zone (Variscan, NW Spain)
Ayllón F., 2003
453 2013-09-27
Mineralogical and geochemical studies of carbonaceous shale deposits from Egypt
Temraz M., 2005
516 2013-09-27
Mineralogie. Eine Einführung in die spezielle Mineralogie, Petrologie und Lagerstättenkunde

Matthes S., 2001

389 2016-11-07
Mineralogy and Optical Mineralogy Lab Manual

Brittani D. McNamee, Mickey E. Gunter, 2014

384 2017-02-14
Mineralogy and Some of its Applications

C. S. Hurlbut

297 2017-02-15
Minerals as Advanced Materials I


705 2010-07-06
Minerals as Advanced Materials II
Krivovichev S.V., 2012
451 2015-04-16
Minerals: Structure, Properties, Methods of Investigation. 9th Geoscience Conference for Young Scientists, Ekaterinburg, Russia, February 5–8, 2018
  • Sergei Votyakov, 
  • Daria Kiseleva, 
  • Viktor Grokhovsky, 
  • Yulia Shchapova, 2020
112 2020-05-07
972 2013-09-19
Mining the Earth's Heat: Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy
Donald W. Brown, David V. Duchane, Grant Heiken, Vivi Thomas Hriscu, 2012
456 2015-03-31
Mining, Society, and a Sustainable World


920 2010-05-11
Miscellaneous Field Studies Map. USGS
701 2016-10-20
Missouri Basin Study. USGS
337 2016-10-20
Mitigation and Financing of Seismic Risks: Turkish and International Perspectives

Kleindorfer P. 2001

376 2016-11-07
Mitigation of Natural Hazards and Disasters: International Perspectives


746 2010-07-06
Model-based Geostatistics

Diggle P.J., Ribeiro P.J., 2007

619 2010-07-06
Modeling Cape- and Ridge-Associated Marine Sand Deposits; A Focus on the U.S. Atlantic Continental Shelf
James D. Bliss, S. Jeffress Williams, Karen S. Bolm, 2009
2743 2016-10-19
Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport

Bear J., Cheng A.H.D., 2010

845 2010-05-11
Modeling the surface charge behavior and dynamic processes of colloidal particles: Application to components found in natural waters
Seijo M., 2009
486 2011-06-14
Modellierung des Kohlenstoffhaushaltes in Ackerböden auf der Grundlage bodenstrukturabhängiger Umsatzprozesse
Kuka K., 2005
511 2012-12-31
Modelling and Monitoring of Coastal Marine Processes

Murthy C.R., Sinha P.C., Rao Y.R., 2008

629 2010-07-06
Modelling Community Structure in Freshwater Ecosystems

Lek S., Scardi M., Verdonschot P., Descy J.P., Park Y.S., 2005

575 2010-12-17
Modelling Environmental Dynamics Advances in Geomatic Solutions


655 2010-07-06
Modelling Geographical Systems. Statistical and Computational Applications

Boots B., 2002

389 2016-11-02
Modelling hydrological impacts of climate and irrigation changes in a mediterranean catchment 
von Gunten, D., 2016
317 2016-09-14
Modelling in Natural Sciences. Design, Validation and Case Studies

Müller T., 2003

395 2016-11-02
Modelling Land-Use Change : Progress and Applications


679 2010-07-06
Modelling Ocean Climate Variability

Sarkisyan A.S., Sündermann J.E., 2009

657 2010-07-06
Modelling of biofilm growth and its influence on CO 2 and water (two-phase) flow in porous media
Ebigbo A., 2009
527 2013-03-22
Modelling of Hydrological Processes in the Narew Catchment

Świątek D., Okruszko T., 2011

533 2011-09-22