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Pokazuje 61 do 90 z 116 rekordów


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Natural Gas Processing. Technology and Engineering Design

Alireza Bahadori, 2014

555 2016-10-14
Network Models
Ball M.O., Magnanti T.L., Monma C.L., Nemhauser G.L., 1995
557 2012-12-18
Numerische Untersuchung der spannungsangetriebenen Schmelzsegregation mit Anwendung auf einen Plume unter einem mittel-ozeanischen Rücken
Müller K., 2005
559 2013-09-27
National Conference with international participation "GEOSCIENCES 2013"
570 2014-02-11
Numerical modelling of distributed river
Ruf W., 2007
574 2013-03-21
Noble gases as tracers for transport of solutes and fluids in lake and ocean sediments
Tomonaga Y., 2010
575 2012-12-20
Neon, Helium and Argon isotope systematics of the Hawaiian hotspot
Mailer T., 2009
577 2013-03-22
Naturwerksteine Thailands: Lagerstättenerkundung und Bewertung
Hoffmann A., 2006
581 2013-09-27
Numerische Simulation der geologischen Entwicklungsgeschichte des permokarbonen Saar-Nahe-Beckens

Hertle M., 2004

583 2013-06-12
Natural Hazards, UnNatural Disasters. The Economics of Effective Prevention


584 2013-09-19
Natural Gas Hydrate. In Oceanic and Permafrost Environments

Max M., 2003

588 2016-11-02
Numerical simulation of magma ascent by dykes and crust formation at spreading centres
Kühn D.K., 2005
593 2013-09-27
Neogene seismotectonics of the south-central Chile margin : subduction-related processes over various temporal and spatial scales
Melnick D., 2007
599 2013-05-10
Nile River Basin : Hydrology, Climate and Water Use

Melesse A.M.M., 2011

600 2011-04-13
Numerical modeling of post-seismic displacement fields
Abolghasem A.M., 2001
608 2013-09-30
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis in the Geosciences : Applications in Climatology, Geodynamics and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Donner R.V., Barbosa S.M., 2008

610 2010-12-17
Numerical Modelling and Analysis of Fluid Flow and Deformation of Fractured Rock Masses
Zhang X., Sanderson D.J., 2002
612 2012-12-18
Nonlinear Physical Oceanography : A Dynamical Systems Approach to the Large Scale Ocean Circulation and El Niño

Dijkstra H.A., 2005

615 2010-12-17
Natural Processes and Human Impacts Interactions between Humanity and the Environment
Govorushko S.M., 2012
618 2015-04-02
Neotectonics and surface processes: the Pannonian Basin and Alpine/Carpathian System
Cloetingh S.A.P.L., Horváth F., Bada G., Lankreijer C. A., 2002
625 2011-03-21
Nonequilibrium sorption of nonionic organic chemicals in soils : experiments and modeling
Altfelder S., 2000
627 2013-09-30
New Horizons in Occultation Research : Studies in Atmosphere and Climate

Steiner A., Pirscher B, Foelsche U., KirchengastG., 2009

628 2010-12-21
New Paradigms in Subsurface Prediction : Characterization of the Shallow Subsurface Implications for Urban Infrastructure and Environmental Assessment

Rosenbaum M.S., Turner A.K., 2003

630 2011-09-27
New Trends in Soil Micromorphology

Kapur S., Mermut A., Stoops G.,

638 2010-12-17
Numerical Partial Differential Equations for Environmental Scientists and Engineers: A First Practical Course

Lynch D.R., 2005

644 2010-12-17
Neoproterozoic Geobiology and Paleobiology

Xiao S., Kaufman A.J., 2006

645 2010-12-17
Numerical modelling of snow using finite elements
Stoffel M., 2006
653 2013-03-21
Neoproterozoic to Holocene tectonothermal evolution of the southern Cantabrian Mountains NW Iberia, revealed by apatite fission track thermochronology
Carrière K.L., 2006
657 2013-09-27
Nautilus : The Biology and Paleobiology of a Living Fossil, Reprint with additions

Saunders W.B., LandmanN.H., 2010

672 2010-12-17
Nature and Significance of the Recent Carbonate Mound Record : The Mound Challenger Code

Henriet J.P., Foubert A., 2009

686 2010-12-17