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Pokazuje 31 do 60 z 116 rekordów


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Naturnaher Wasserbau. Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Fließgewässern
Heinz Patt, Peter Jürging, Werner Kraus, 2004
507 2015-04-30
Naturschutz in Bergbaufolgelandschaften

Wiegleb G., 2000

453 2016-11-09
Naturwerksteine Thailands: Lagerstättenerkundung und Bewertung
Hoffmann A., 2006
581 2013-09-27
Nautilus : The Biology and Paleobiology of a Living Fossil, Reprint with additions

Saunders W.B., LandmanN.H., 2010

672 2010-12-17
Navier-Stokes-Fourier Equations A Rational Asymptotic Modelling Point of View
Zeytounian, R.K., 2012
508 2015-04-02
Navigation. Principles of Positioning and Guidance

Hofmann-Wellenhof B., 2003

435 2016-10-31
NECLIME Online Conference 2021, April 19-22
50 2022-01-04
Neogene Mammals

Spencer G. Lucas, Gary S. Morgan, Justin A. Spielmann, Donald R. Prothero, 2008

348 2016-10-24
Neogene seismotectonics of the south-central Chile margin : subduction-related processes over various temporal and spatial scales
Melnick D., 2007
598 2013-05-10
Neon, Helium and Argon isotope systematics of the Hawaiian hotspot
Mailer T., 2009
577 2013-03-22
Neoproterozoic Geobiology and Paleobiology

Xiao S., Kaufman A.J., 2006

645 2010-12-17
Neoproterozoic to Holocene tectonothermal evolution of the southern Cantabrian Mountains NW Iberia, revealed by apatite fission track thermochronology
Carrière K.L., 2006
657 2013-09-27
Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Tectonics, Global Change And Evolution: A Focus On South Western Gondwana
Gaucher C., Sial A.N., Frimmel H.E., Halverson G.P., 2009
520 2013-03-21
Neotectonics and surface processes: the Pannonian Basin and Alpine/Carpathian System
Cloetingh S.A.P.L., Horváth F., Bada G., Lankreijer C. A., 2002
625 2011-03-21
Neritic Carbonate Sediments in a Temperate Realm Southern Australia

James N.P., Bone Y., 2011

708 2011-01-10
Network Models
Ball M.O., Magnanti T.L., Monma C.L., Nemhauser G.L., 1995
557 2012-12-18
Network Routing
Ball M.O., Magnanti T.L., Monma C.L., Nemhauser G.L., 1995
818 2012-12-18
Neue Beiträge zum Leben des Alexander Bittner-Ein Nachtrag zu seinem 100. Todestag


403 2017-02-13
Neue Untersuchungen zur Geologie der Leinetalgrabenstruktur : Bausteine zur Erkundung des geothermischen Potentials der Region Göttingen
Leiss B., 2011
487 2013-03-22
Neutrino Geophysics : Proceedings of Neutrino Sciences 2005

Dye S., 2007

732 2010-12-17
New Aspects of Mesozoic Biodiversity

Bandyopadhyay S., 2010

752 2010-07-06
New developments in full waveform inversion of GPR data
Meles G.A., 2011
779 2013-03-21
New Developments in Materials for Infrastructure Sustainability and the Contemporary Issues in Geo-environmental Engineering


173 2019-04-05
New Developments in Soil Characterization and Soil Stability Proceedings of the 5th GeoChina International Conference 2018 – Civil Infrastructures Confronting Severe Weathers and Climate Changes: From Failure to Sustainability, held on July 23 to 25


165 2019-04-05
New Eyes on the Sun. A Guide to Satellite Images and Amateur Observation
Wilkinson J., 2012
431 2015-04-10
New Frontiers in Integrated Solid Earth Sciences

Cloetingh S., Negendank J., 2010

688 2010-12-17
New Horizons in Occultation Research : Studies in Atmosphere and Climate

Steiner A., Pirscher B, Foelsche U., KirchengastG., 2009

628 2010-12-21
New Insights into the Origin and Phylogeny of Cryptodiran Turtles Based on Key Fossil Taxa from the Mesozoic of Asia 
Rabi M., 2014
402 2016-09-15
New Mexico's fossil record I

Lucas S.G.,  Estep J.W.,  Williamson T.E., Morgan G.S., 1997

457 2015-10-09
New Mexico's fossil record II

Spencer G. Lucas, 1999

421 2015-10-09