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Pokazuje 301 do 330 z 356 rekordów


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Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences 5th International Symposium

Yamada Y., 2012

496 2015-04-17
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. 1st International Symposium


362 2016-10-28
Submarine Massflow Sedimentation : Computer Modelling and Basin-Fill Stratigraphy

Løseth T.M., 1999

540 2011-09-27
Subsurface Solute Transport Models and Case Histories With Applications to Radionuclide Migration

Rumynin V.G., 2011

567 2012-12-31
Success Stories in Asian Aquaculture

De Silva S.S., Davy F.D., 2010

670 2011-01-05
Sudety: przewodnik geoturystyczny
Cwojdziński S., Kozdrój W., 2007
770 2011-06-27
Suhanko seismic reflection profile and integrated geological-geophysical model of the Portimo area

Iljina M., Salmirinne H., 2011

683 2012-12-31
Superabsorbent polymer composite (SAPC) materials and their industrial and high tech applications
Gao D., 2003
1203 2013-03-28
Superplumes : Beyond Plate Tectonics

Yuen D.A., Maruyama S., Karato S.I., Windley B.F., 2007

792 2011-01-05
Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Processes

Corinne Le Quéré, Eric S. Saltzman, 2009

988 2011-10-03
Surface parameter estimation using bistatic polarimetric x-band measurements
Khadhra K., 2008
893 2013-05-10
Surface-Based Remote Sensing of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Emeis S., 2011

661 2011-01-05
Surface-Confined Molecular Self-Assembly

Gutzler Rico, 2010

402 2017-05-24
Surfactant transport and coupled transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and surfactants in natural aquifer material - laboratory experiments
Danzer J., 1999
540 2013-06-12
Suriname Revisited: Economic Potential of its Mineral Resources
  • Marco Keersemaker, 2020
122 2020-05-06
Survival and Sustainability Environmental concerns in the 21st Century

Gökçekus H., Türker U., LaMoreaux J.W., 2011

714 2011-03-28
Surviving 1,000 Centuries : Can we do it?

Bonnet R.M., Woltjer L., 2008

848 2011-01-05
Sustainability Accounting and Reporting

Schaltegger S., Bennett M., Burritt R., 2006

684 2011-01-05
Sustainability Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes

Helming K., Pérez-Soba M., Tabbush P., 2008

696 2011-01-07
Sustainability in America’s Cities : Creating the Green Metropolis

Slavin M.I., 2011

583 2011-09-26
Sustainability Issues in Environmental Geotechnics Proceedings of the 2nd GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2018 – The Official International Congress of the Soil-Structure Interaction Group i


176 2019-04-05
Sustainability Performance Evaluation System in Government : A Balanced Scorecard Approach Towards Sustainable Development

Chai N., 2009

684 2011-01-07
Sustainability Policy: Hastening the Transition to a Cleaner Economy

Steven Cohen, William Eimicke, Alison Miller, 2015

560 2016-10-10
Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management (SARMA) International Conference Abstract and short paper book

Žibret G., Šolar S.V.,2011

715 2012-12-31
Sustainable Communities

Clark W.W., 2009

694 2011-01-07
Sustainable Design and Construction for Geomaterials and Geostructures


166 2019-04-05
Sustainable Development and Environmental Management : Experiences and Case Studies


873 2010-07-06
Sustainable Development and the Limitation of Growth : Future Prospects for World Civilization

Danilov-Danil’yan V.I., Losev K.S., Reyf I.E., 2009

714 2011-01-07
Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions : Southeastern Europe

Zhelezov G., 2011

700 2011-01-10
Sustainable Development of Multifunctional Landscapes

Helming K., 2003

399 2016-10-31