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3D Geo-Information Sciences


3228 2010-06-11
Sylhet-Kopili/Barail-Tipam Composite Total Petroleum System, Assam Geologic Province, India. Petroleum Systems and Related Geologic Studies in Region 8, South Asia

C.J. Wandrey, 2004

3271 2016-10-20
Hydrologia zlewni zurbanizowanych


3339 2011-04-19
Atlas zasobów geotermalnych formacji mezozoicznej na Niżu Polskim

Górecki W. (red.), 2006

3423 2010-03-26
Transylvanian Composite Total Petroleum System of the Transylvanian Basin Province, Romania, Eastern Europe

Mark Pawlewicz, 2005

3533 2016-10-19
Groundwater availability in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina
Campbell B.G., Coes A.L., 2010
3570 2010-12-10
3-D Structural Geology A Practical Guide to Quantitative Surface and Subsurface Map Interpretation

Groshong R.H., 2006

3795 2013-09-19
Identification of tsunami deposits in the geologic record; developing criteria using recent tsunami deposits
Peters R., Jaffe B., 2010
3826 2010-12-02
Approaches to highly parameterized inversion-A guide to using PEST for groundwater-model calibration
Doherty J.E., Hunt R.J., 2010
3908 2010-12-02
Veränderter Lebenraum gestern, heute und morgen: Tagung der Deutschen Quartärvereinigung e.V.31.August - 6.September 2008 Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
3941 2013-10-03
Geology and Total Petroleum Systems of the West-Central Coastal Province (7203), West Africa

Michael E. Brownfield, Ronald R. Charpentier, 2006

4974 2016-10-19
Assessment of metallic mineral resources in the Humboldt River Basin, Northern Nevada, with a section on Platinum-Group-Element (PGE) Potential of the Humboldt Mafic Complex
Alan R. Wallace, 2004
5629 2016-10-19
Second Landslide Forum World “PUTTING Science into Practice” – 3-7 October 2011, Rome. Abstract Book
10901 2013-09-19