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Pokazuje 3961 do 3990 z 4123 rekordów


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Water Resources in Mexico : Scarcity, Degradation, Stress, Conflicts, Management, and Policy

Spring Ú.O., 2011

785 2011-09-22
Water Resources in the Middle East : Israel-Palestinian Water Issues — From Conflict to Cooperation

Shuval H., Dweik H., 2007

942 2011-01-07
Water Resources of North America

Biswar A., 2003

520 2016-11-02
Water Resources Quality

Rubin H., 2002

478 2016-11-03
Water Scarcity in the Mediterranean : Perspectives Under Global Change

Sabater S., Barceló D., 2010

891 2011-09-23
Water Scarcity, Land Degradation and Desertification in the Mediterranean Region : Environmental and Security Aspects

Rubio J.L., Safriel U., Daussa R., Blum W., Pedrazzini F., 2009

964 2011-01-07
Water Science & Technology in China: A Roadmap to 2050
Changming Liu, Mingan Shao, Yi Wang, Xiyong Hou, 2012
497 2015-04-15
Water Security : The Water-Food-Energy-Climate Nexus


827 2011-09-23
Water Security in the Mediterranean Region : An International Evaluation of Management, Control, and Governance Approaches

Scozzari A., El Mansouri R., 2011

807 2011-09-22
Water Treatment Technologies for the Removal of High-Toxicity Pollutants

Václavíková M,, Vitale K., Gallios G.P., Ivaničová I., 2010

946 2011-01-07
Water trips : Itinerari acquatici ai tempi della crisi idrica

Monaco L., 2010

906 2011-01-07
Water-resisting Property and Key Technologies of Grouting Reconstruction of the Upper Ordovician Limestone in North China’s Coalfields
  • Hao Wang, 2020
107 2020-05-06
Water-Rock Interaction

Stober I., 2002

407 2016-11-03
Waters in Peril

Bendell-Young L., 2002

376 2016-11-04
Wavelets in the Geosciences

Klees R., Haagmans R., 2000

791 2011-10-03
Wavelets in the Geosciences

Kless R., 2000

397 2016-11-09
Waves and Tidal Flat Ecosystems

Baba E., 2003

429 2016-11-02
Waves, Tides and Shallow-Water Processes. Prepared by an Open University Course Team
1280 2013-03-21
Web-based technology for storage and processing of multi-component data in seismology: First steps towards a new design

Barsch Robert, 2009

352 2017-05-22
Wechselwirkung zwischen Föhn und planetarer Grenzschicht
Gubser S., 2006
1000 2013-03-21
Wechselwirkungen zwischen karbonatischer und vulkaniklastischer Sedimentation auf dem jurassischen Vulkanbogen in der chilenisch-peruanischen Küstenkordillere (Südamerika)
Wittmann S.,2001
781 2013-03-22
Well Completion Design
Bellarby J., 2009
922 2013-03-21
Well Logging for Earth Scientists

Ellis D.V., Singer J.M., 2007

1057 2011-01-07
Weryfikacja stanu wiedzy o złożach złota wraz z aktualną oceną perspektyw złożowych

Mikulski S.Z., Oszczepalski S., Wojciechowski A., 2011

1190 2013-05-09
Western Mineral and Environmental Resources Science Center--providing comprehensive earth science for complex societal issues

Frank D.G., Wallace A.R., Schneider J.L., 2010

1640 2010-12-02
Wetlands and Natural Resource Management

Verhoeven J.T.A., Beltman B., Bobbink R., Whigham D.F., 2006

972 2011-01-07
Wetlands in Central Europe. Soil Organisms, Soil Ecological Processes and Trace Gas Emissions

Broll G., 2002

423 2016-11-04
Wetlands, water and the law : using law to advance wetland conservation and wise use

Shine C., Klemm C. de, 1999

2142 2013-03-22
White Sea : Its Marine Environment and Ecosystem Dynamics Influenced by Global Change

Filatov N., Johannessen O.M., Pozdnyakov D., Bobylev L.P., Pettersson L., 2005

882 2011-01-07
Who Cares About Wildlife? Social Science Concepts for Exploring Human-Wildlife Relationships and Conservation Issues

Manfredo M.J., 2008

1082 2011-01-07